frank west and chuck greene survivors

MICHELIN Member Posts: 9

i am a big fan of dead rising franchise and its gonna be super cool they having coming for dbd

frank perks

perks1i covered wars you know:the survivors feel inspired by your words while you are alive the other survivors gain 15/20/30% healing, sabotage, and when you die the survivors gain 10% generator speeds

perk2:you need medicine:when healing someone had made noise somewhere on the map 30/40/45mt

perk3:perk:frank to the rescue,when someone is hooked all survivors gain% 5/6/7 running speed

chuck perks


 nice and slow:add-ons on one item will be improved by 5%lv 1 lv2 6% lv3 7%

perk2 my daughter is out there:

When you give a survivor protection, he will heal and receive a 150% sprint. 

perk3l et's fight together:if you are doing cooperative action and the killer is 20 yards away from your terror radius your speed and your partner will increase by 7%lv 1 lv 2 8% lv 3 9%

i picked this of my post on steam forum

im brazilian sorry for bad english