Some Killers Buff Ideas

First of all, I must say that I know that some killers still don't need a buff, these are just my ideas.
Trapper - He suffered from the setup time in the early game before he can use power properly so here are my ideas :
- All traps start armed
- Change the pickup trap button from Space Bar to Ctrl to avoid doing other actions like vaulting window, breaking pallet and picking up survivor
- While carrying a trap and not carrying any survivor, press R to drop 1 trap unarmed
- While standing on top of the unarmed trap, press and hold right-click to arm the trap even if you already have a trap in your hand and without needing to pick it up first
This will solve the problem when survivor disarm the traps you set at the key locations and you have to set it again, it becomes even more problematic when you already have a trap in your hand that you will have to set it somewhere else first before come back and pick up then reset it again since you can not set a trap on top of the unarmed trap. Another problem that is his traps are too weak, they do almost nothing but injuring them due to how easy the survivors can get out of the traps. Here are more ideas :
- Survivors that escaped the trap by themself will result in dying state, but if other survivors come to rescue them, they will be in the injured state as usual
- "Honing Stone" will now make the survivors freed from the trap end up in dying state, no matter if they escaped by themself or their teammates rescued them
- Disarming trap will now have skill-check. If you fail, you'll get injured
- "Bloody Coil" will now trap the survivor who failed the skill-check instead of injuring them
- Trapper will have a speed boost when someone's trapped, the speed boost will be gone when they are not in the trap anymore (both when they escaped and when they're picked up by Trapper himself)
This will make the traps more dangerous for survivors and more rewarding for the Trapper so survivors will have to be more careful not to get caught his traps.
Doctor - His base power isn't strong enough without add-ons. Here are my ideas :
- Increase the Shock Therapy range by 25%
- Shock Therapy will now prevent survivors from performing any interactions for 3 seconds instead of 2.5
- Illusionary pallets can now be seen by survivors with a madness that persist until approached
- "Order" and "Iridescent King" add-ons will now make the illusionary pallets interactable (like Freddy's Dream Pallets) instead of disappearing once survivors approached
This will make his base power more powerful and able to stop the loop more effectively. Survivors will have to avoid getting shocked as same as getting hit by default attack.
Pig - Her RBTs are way too easy to remove. Here are my ideas :
- Survivors can only see the Jigsaw boxes' highlight when their trap is activated
- "Rules Set No.2" will now make survivors can't see the Jigsaw boxes' highlight at all time
- Survivors must be healthy to use the Jigsaw boxes
- Jigsaw boxes' skill-check will no longer have great skill-check, only good skill-check
- Failing skill-check during the RBT removal will regress the bar back to zero and will injure survivor upon leaving the box (both from stoping the search and completed the search)
This will make her RBTs more deadly and more time-consuming at the same time. Making survivors have to extra careful when playing against her. Getting down and receiving an RBT is now more dangerous than ever.
Clown - His power is just a weaker version of Freddy's, slowing down survivors but have to take time to reload. Here are my ideas :
- Clown starts with 5 bottles instead of 4
- Survivor can't see the Clown's red stain while in the gas cloud
- Direct bottle hit will expand the gas cloud area by 50% and give survivor an extra slow down (from -15% to -20%)
- Reload speed will depend on how many bottles left. The more the bottles left, the faster the reload speed is
This will make his power slightly different from Freddy's and require the Clown to be more precise with the bottles to catch up survivors faster.
About the Trapper
I think the "not being able to free yourself" part is a little bit too much, I would suggest to make the trap take 12 seconds to free yourself with 3 good skillchecks instead (Like the Doctor's snap out of it). Honing Stone and Bloody Coil are maybe too op, i think they are fine in their current state. And the speed boost isn't necessary imo. And make him start with 2 extra traps base.
About the Doctor
Make his Shock Therapy 12 meters base. Not sure about the addons tho, they are not fun to face in their current state and this will make them even more annoying.
About the Pig
I think this is a good idea to make Rule Set No.2 base, but new Rule Set No.2 will be too op imo, combine it with Tampered Timer or Jigsaw's Sketch and this will be almost insta death to Survivors. I don't think the healthy requirement is necessary. The "only good skillcheck" idea is good, start the timer at zero again is a good idea but injuring the Survivors isn't.
Traps are ment to slow the game down, not to kill Survivors, that is just a bonus if it happens.
About the Clown
Anything that makes Clown less Boring and a better Killer is good in my book.