Should Michael Myers get his Evil Within 1 Bloodlust back?

As many of you should know by now the PTB has given Michael Myers the undetectable buff for Evil Within 1. This means that he has no terror radius, no red stain and is immune to all aura reading perks, however he is now no longer immune to both Spine Chill and Premonition.
Although this is a buff for Michael Myers since he doesn't need to use Monitor & Abuse for a 0 Terror radius in tier 1 for Scratched Mirror builds, (freeing up a perk slot for something else.) as well as giving him a very minor nerf (albeit not everyone uses Spine Chill and Premonition but the problem is still there).
BHVR has also said they want to make stealth killers more streamlined across the board hence the undetectable buff/nerf. But if they want to truly streamline stealth killers, i think Michael Myers should be given his bloodlust back. It wasn't even much of a problem to begin with and smart killers don't bloodlust anyway since most of the time it's better to break the pallet anyway.
But what do you think?
Should Michael Myers get his Evil Within 1 Bloodlust back? 45 votes
Mixed feelings.
I want his old build back.
The PTB change was unneeded and unnecessary.
So even though Bloodlust in EW1 is good... I just want old Mikey back....
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Consistency is important. This is an even more important instant.
Also if this was added it would probably shut up the people saying he's being nerfed by this.
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Only because they felt the need to "buff" him with undetectable.
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Reinstate that tier 1 bloodlust.
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Mixed feelings.
Not to sure how to feel. The lack of bloodlust gave players a reason to get out of tier one
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Tier 1 Micheal was already a joke even when could get BL, dunno why the hell they took it away from him.
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I like how you made option 3 sound like a whiny survivor main using caps and an exaggerated statement just so nobody disagrees with you. 😂
Your opinion: "(...) i think Michael Myers should be given his bloodlust back. It wasn't even much of a problem to begin with (...)"
Option 1 totally agrees with your opinion.
Option 2 sort of agrees with your opinion by adding "(...)it would be nice(...)"
Option 4 doesn't fully agree/disagree with your opinion.
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Mixed feelings.
Dunno. I mean many players use chill cuz of spirit tho.
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Why not?
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Scratched Mirror is already powerful. It's rare not to 4k with it (assuming you have enough braincells to pair it with Lery's, Gideon's, or Hawkins).
Though I'd be okay with giving Bloodlust back to tier 1, under the condition that Scratched Mirror be fixed to have the addon remove Bloodlust.
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I think Michael should be the same as every other killer, and have his Bloodlust re-instated
Even if you do surprise them, small loops or even around around a rocket lasts far too long against a tier 1 Myers. The only saving grace is that he doesn't have a red stain, but his slow move speed negates the advantage you would get by taking a surprise turn in the first place. It's pointless.
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I think Michael should be left alone. The Bloodlust would be nice but he doesn't need it.
He doesn't need the bloodlust. As long as you want him still just played in the indoor maps. And even with bloodlust I'm not sure if he could deal with outdoor maps. Just can talk for myself but running against him and playing with him is always a killer sided game if you have the right perks with you to control the gen progression.
The thing with scratched mirror is, that you don't chase people, you hit them and let them go, then cutting off ways or let them heal super slow with sloppy or thana. So far you needed to break the chase so M&A gets you back to 0TR (in chase it was 14m or 16m). Now this isn't even necessary anymore as you are always on 0m TR, also meaning that other survivors nearby are not alerted when you chase someone else. Then you additionally get a free perk slot for more control. I think scratched mirror Myers is strong enough, with bloodlust it would give you even less chances to escape. There is no mindgaming against the wallhack, your only chance is your speed.
And Spinechill and Premonition are not the perfect counters to it. Sure it helps, especially to make sure that you are safe and don't need to panic. But it does not help you that much to escape. Premonition triggers also when he just passed by, letting you know that he is near, then you are on cooldown. Not knowing is he approaches you, if he is chasing someone, on the game not even if he is above or below you. And spinechill can be outplayed. Scratched mirror Myerses will need to adapt it, but if you notice that this one survivor always starts running when you get close, it is pretty obvious that he has spinechill. Then just read the aura for half a second, look away and approach. when you get close enough, take another look, just short, to adjust your route and look away, until you get close enough. Then spine chill doesn't give you much mre information than Premonition.
When I was active on the twitch challenges, I liked to play Tier 1 Myers, because I had the best chances to get many emblem points. In about 20 matches I think I had once 10 points, once 12 and the rest 14+. I can't even remember if there were hatch escapes, because you could just know where the survivor is, stay near, surround him and simply close the hatch on him. Or stand on it and wait for him to come to your 0TR. I think all 20 matches were actually 4k. I even tried to reach killer rank 1 at least once. Did it already but did not reach it with the emblem system. Almost gave up on the last day, but then I thought " just waste some BP on Myers to see if you get map offerings. 3 games then pushed me from rank 2 with 1 pip to rank 1.
So I really think he is strong enough and does not need blood lust. Also without scratched mirror, I would say, you want the grabs, no chases while in tier 1, so it wouldn't make any difference.