Sprint Burst rework idea


I while ago, I proposed in a discussion that the best way to fix Sprint Burst was to overhaul the chases.

I’ve given it some thought, and I still stand by that statement. However, a more easy and direct fix to Sprint Burst is not an impossibility. And I propose one that I feel will fix SB well without leaving it OPAF.

Here’s my proposed rework:

•Upon initiating a chase with the Killer, run at an increased speed for 5/6/7 seconds.
•Run at 150% of your running speed (6 m/s, current default SB speed) when you are within 6/7/8 meters from the Killer.
•When outside of this radius, run at 110% your normal running speed (4.4 m/s, default Huntress/Hag speed).
•The 150% speed can be initiated after Sprint Burst has been activated if it was activiated outside of the radius. However, once you have left this radius once, it cannot be reattained until a new Sprint Burst is initiated (this ensures Survs don’t just stay at the edge of the radius due to slowdown/speedup).
•Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

It still might be very powerful, but I think it’d be much better than what we have now. Most Killers can at least keep up with and/or catch up to 110% speed.