Bubba (Leatherface) Rework concept

Images above to help simplify the changes, should be pretty straightforward. All feedback is appreciated.
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Ive always liked the idea of letting Bubba chainsaw swing through pallets and keep going. It wont make him one of the best killers but it will help a lot.
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I kind of like him where he is. He is still completely unique to Dead by Daylighy since he's the only killer who can multidown. I've never felt him being weak. I don't think any of the killers are weak anymore personally.
Freddy imo was the last TRULY weak killer and now he's golden in my opinion.
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I can agree with him being unique; no other killer can insta-down. However, Bubba is extremely weak. Against competent survivors you'll never get to use you're chainsaw unles they are in the open or make a big mistake.
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No, sick of bloody cool down powers!