Entitled survivor mains

DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
I played as Leatherface Grim Pantry earlier since he has BBQ 2 and my others only have tier 1

Well I hooked a Meg in the basement at the start and what's the first thing I see? Another Meg and a David running around the shack. I down Meg and pick her up. David runs down and gets the save, I smack down the other Meg and hook them both. Claudette comes for a save, I down her.

David goes for the save again. Saves a Meg, the other suicides on hook. Claudette suicides on hook. I chainsaw both Meg and David down at the same time and kill them in the basement.

The David then sends me a voice message saying I'm a "stupid ass facecamper" and he recorded the match and is gonna send it to the devs and make camping illegal xD. 

After I told him not to gangbang Bubba's basement hooks, he proceeds to write in all caps


Stop complaining and git gud. I'm not gonna run to the other side of the map so you can get your free rescues when scratchmarks and BBQ tells me you're still around.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    That was a beautiful example of how stupid survivors can be, while they only see the fault in the killer, who didn´t even get a chance to leave the basement.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Tsulan said:

    That was a beautiful example of how stupid survivors can be, while they only see the fault in the killer, who didn´t even get a chance to leave the basement.

    The only time I was able to spend out of the basement was when I loaded in. They didn't even attempt to bait me away.