I think dead by daylight is going to die soon
The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five.
Here is my list of things that need to happen:
•change the way players match up
•Fix totem spots
•allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
•Fix hitboxes
•Reduce Loops
•Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
•Fix flashlight saves
- change the range required to get the save
- make the possibility to counter the save
• Show actual percentages
-Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
-Flashlight add-ons
-Medkit add-on
-Trapper trap add-ons
-Wraith add-ons
-Hag add-ons
-more that I can’t think of
•Rework “Surveillance”
-don’t make it only 16 seconds
•Buff Freddy
-Change the sleep transition to five seconds
-Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
-Increase power range
-Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
-Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds)
-Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
-Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.
the only things i agree on is show percentages and exact time, fix hitboxes (love being hit when im all ready over a window and falling from a building), and fix totem spots. freddy buff is needed but being able to grab a survivor as they jump in the hatch is like saying he should be able to grab a survivor from a exit gate door when awake or a generator. its already much harder for flash saves, loops are the only way to survive in DBD what do you expect us to do? sit there and allow ourselves to be killed. if anything the killer shouldnt see the survivors until 4 survivors in total are loaded into the lobby to stop killers from disconnecting due to not wanting to go against SWF groups, i agree on the way players match up is a little unbalanced expecially on deranking killers that have over 10000000000000000 hours, and on the freddy i agree on everything else except the generator like explosion when a survivor wakes up due to the only way they get a notification in the first place is from missing a self care skill check or a generator skill check and the only way to wake up quietley is from other survivors. and also i disagree on the seeing each others rank due to the ranking system being stupid anyways it needs a total rework and bloodpoint and irredescent shard rewards for your ranks. i always die to the killer but still pip or safety pip at rank 1-5.