Self Care VS Pharmacy
So I've been running Self Care for a while now, and I wonder what Pharmacy is like in comparison.
While I would really love the heal speed Pharmacy boxes give, I usually dont go out of my way to search boxes.
Which do you prefer?
I wish I had gone for Pharmacy instead of Self Care. Heals are sped up with Pharmacy. Self care however... Just isn't.
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The upcoming medkit changes made run a combination of pharmacy and ace in the hole, its faster then selfcare so I prefer that. Also im super curious about chests and add-ons :)
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Use Inner strength, lol
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Neither . Honestly if you want strong heal run Botany + Medkit .
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pharmacy+bottany,i hate this upcoming emergency medkit change as its going to make you able for only 1 full,and irather have 24 charges because 16 is too low even with bottany
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So... Pharmacy so I'n able to get that medkit consistently?
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If you want to farm them yes , if you want good consistent heal no
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Plunder instinct (+ that Ace's perk), way better and funnier to use.
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Inner Strength ;)
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I would say, despite the upcoming changes to medkits being a(n) (unnecessary) nerf to the perk, Pharmacy is still better than SC.
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Only Instaheals were nerfed, Medkits themselves were actually buffed to heal 25% faster
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Heal yourself on demand at any time
Waste time searching for a chest hoping your teammates don't claim them first, and then heal yourself.
The "Self-care bad" meme has gone for way too long.
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They increased healing speed (which is honestly extremely minor), but reduced the charges. It will only allow a single heal. Current Emergency Medkits allow potentially two heals. So, we went from 2 medium speed heals to 1 fast heal. Thats a flat nerf.
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That's what I personally think, since I even said that I dont really search boxes. Plus, it onky gaurentees ONE medkit.
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Just run "Inner Strength" instead if you own Nancy. Totems are extremely easy to find and you should be cleansing them anyway to prevent NOED giving the killer a runaway game for not doing so. "Inner Strength" is the only viable heal yourself perk and the only one that can justify a perk slot at high ranks imo. Terrible teammates can skew this a bit but still you shouldn't rely on healing yourself as it hurts your teams emblems, points, time to escape, and potentially perks if they have "We'll Make It", "Botany Knowledge", "Autodidact" (thought this should never be used either), etc.
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Forgot to say, Pharmacy is better especially with the speed buffs it is receiving if you also run botany knowledge and/or ace in the hole. You shouldn't have to heal yourself more than once or twice anyway even with perks like the ones mentioned in this topic.
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Self Care
Self care cause you get infinite charges so its good for solo survivors witch i am.
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Between these two, Pharmacy for sure.
But the real answer is Bond, and Inner Strength would be second.
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Self Care
I like both, but i like being able to be healed without needing an Item or other Survs.