Will Ghostface get his own Tome?

I know that cosmetics wouldn't likely work for him if he had rift but considering he technically is an original killer just his mask is the only licensed part about him. Would it be possible if he had cinematics and journal entries going further into his lore?

I don't think we'll get a tome or him but I want to hear what everyone else thinks.


  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Id honestly love to see a ghostface tome as he is my favorite killer :P

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I don't believe so. I think only killers which are available for shards will get their tome.

  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2019

    I would consider it likely that he'll be one of the killers receiving lore within the Archives. While funworld owns the mask and therefore the appearance shown in-game, I do believe the character of Danny Johnson and his story belongs to BHVR and therefore can be expanded on by them.

    I could be wrong though.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Probably in about 3 years once they get through all the others.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    i REALLY would like a Ghost Face Tome.... and a Legion Tome!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    I hope to see every unlicensed killer get some attention in the archives (although BIlly doesn't make sense, but still). I can't wait to see a cutscene of huntress taking on a platoon of german WW1 troops.

    Or Ace on the run from the Mob.

    Or maybe being able to hear some of Julie's songs. : P