As a player since release, i am kinda disappointed to see what has this game become...


I remmember how awesome DbD anniversaries were....We used to get exclusive cosmetics for each survivor and killer by doing community challenges, and if we, as a community managed to do them all, we would get a Killer for free, which we did (Huntress), as well as map.

This year however has been nothing short of disappointment. Dedicated servers bringing more lag and bugs than ever, endless delay of every single piece of roadmap you announce, including the latest Halloween event.

I've been playing since game's release, and your passion as developers and infinite cool ideas you had were enough to show my endless support to this game, no matter how bad the game was (and at times, it was really bad). But now, it seems you guys lost your passion, and are just trying to squeeze more money and more paid content every single update. I remmember being damn hyped about DBD store, it was amazing start, however, as time passed, most of the outfits added there were exclusive to auric cells (which i have no problem buying and spending), but there is a point where you just have enough.

Give us ANYTHING to show that you still care. You see the community is really disappointed about your Halloween event being postponed until further notice 1 day before its released. You see people asking for "compensation" to let them get additional outfit as a "sorry guys, our bad, here have a CHANCE for additional outfit". Just give it to them (us) like you used to. It is nothing much to hurt your economy, but it means alot to the community as whole to show you care.

Thank you for reading. Cheers!


  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Dude... be happy with what we're getting. Ungrateful people, jesus christ.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I'll give you a borrowed post from @NMCKE

    If they released Dedicated Servers and etc., you will instead hear this from everyone, "Ugh, great year BHVR, you gave us terrible servers," "Thank you for the poor Halloween Event BHVR," "Poor summer event BHVR, as expected," and so on — the forums will be on fire if BHVR released an incomplete project. It seems like BHVR gets the blame regardless of what they do, so please, chillax, stay positive 😕

    BHVR is doing the best they can, and I wished y'all took a different point of view instead of pointing fingers at BHVR 24/7.

    I'm just going to leave this here, I will always stand beside @MandyTalk's quote:

    The Developers care greatly about their player base and are constantly striving to keep both "sides" happy. They also care greatly about the game that THEY created.

    They give regular updates, answer as many questions as possible about things they can discuss - obviously they cannot discuss up and coming stuff because all of that is kept secret. They share their time and as much information as they possibly can. You can also find them in a lot of streams talking to the Community, answering questions and helping people as much as possible.

    They are trying to please so many people at once from different sides of the game and for someone to say that they're just trying to infuriate people is frankly incredibly disappointing - I expected better from the Community than that.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I also play this game since 2016 but I don't care at all that the Halloween event is getting postponed. Yes, I was looking forward to it, but technical issues can always happen. I prefer a delayed event, which is working, over a bugged one. The only thing I hope is, that it will be a little longer to compensate the lost time.

    I think many people forget that BHVR is a company which needs to make money in order to exist. They can't give away everything for free. It takes time to design things and the employees need to be paid for it, even if it is "only" a cosmetic. It might not seem much fur us as customers but it is still work to create such things.

    I don't mind to pay a little to keep this game alive.

    If you don't want to, well, there is literally no need at all to buy things. You could just play the game without buying anything at all and without having any disadvantages. Even for perks there is the shrine...