What are some Killer-Survivor parallels?

No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

Killers and Survs have more in common than they like to think. Name some parallels or analogies that connects these two sides on some sort of level. Here are some I’ve noticed.

Borrowed Time and NOED: Sound extremely OP on paper, but the truth is the people using these Perks are probably more boned than the people the Perks affect.
The Hillbilly is the Survivor of Killers: Even if you get to rank 1 with him, you won’t get any respect because of the ez factor.
Running No Mither is the Surv equivalent of playing Freddy: 99% of the people who do it are clinically depressed masochists asking to be bullied and the other 1% is people trying to argue that it’s viable.
Both sides have exactly two Aura Perks each that really, really suck: Survs have OoS and Deja Vu. Killers have Territorial Imperative and Surveillance.
Calm Spirit and Beast of Prey: Just... why do these Perks exist? And why are they SIGNATURES?
Huntress Hatchets are like Great Skill Checks: Sometimes, you land them DEAD ON and they still won’t connect. Other times, you get a hit that’s so full of garbage that you wished you’d messed up.