matchmaking woes

Something going on with the servers?  Can’t seem to get any matches tonight on PS4.  Like, only got one lobby thus far after 20 mins and we got immediately dodged 


  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    What rank are you?

    because I’m rank 6 and it doesn’t take long but also I just had a killer message me and he said 9/10 games I’m in them. 

    Oh and in that match he is a rank 3 killer and I was rank 6, we had 2 rank 2s and a rank 20 (matchmaking am I right lol)
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    You said "we", how many? I play solo and have been getting into games almost instantly. Played a few killer matches too and got several full SWF games. That might be the problem, if everyone is running SWF groups your queue will be longer. Play more solo.
    PS4 also btw.