Just found a killer main that only facecamps.

I got into a game, went and started to do a gen, proceeded to get chased by a freddy. He downed me, put me on a hook and repeatedly hit the hook until I died. I looked on his profile to find that he has 100 hours, and he has 24 pages of negative comments saying that he only facecamps. Fun time imo.
This is some very heavy name shaming you need to blur them names out! (rules and all that)Also why do you care what they do? If ye get camped just move onto the next game you don't have to go to their steam profile
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So theres bad and nasty people out there in the world.
But ohmygawd they dare come onto the internet and into video games too?!?! The horror...
Its not bannable. Just another bad douchy person amongs the many out there. I didnt even click the files since it seems you lack the decency to blur peoples names in hopes to shame or get a witch hunt going??
You can vent dude. But people are going to voice their opinions about it when you make your own opinion public.
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Mmm, dunno. Do the devs really not ban, even when we have a player doing it endlessly to grief?
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If he aint holding a game hostage then basically no. Tunnel and Camping has been said by devs themselves is a legit in game strategy. (While it is douchy) So if your not hacking, holding game hostage, being repeatedly toxic in post game chat ("#########" type stuff ((although I personally dont know if thats ban worthy or what))) then no you can continue playing the game with no worries
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It's obvious he does it for attention and the salt. If people ignored him, he'd probably be gone from the game by now
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Just ignore it, it's just another player being douchey to people in game, since he had 100 hours I'm pretty sure he knows the basics of how to play but he prefers camping anyway. Also I'd blur out the names, that's against the rules here, naming and shaming isnt cool no matter the person
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The Killer was a jerk and one of those that give Killer mains a bad name. But, that being said, you having done the witch hunt thing doesn't speak well for you...
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And half her name is Jen
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Nice picture :O
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id like to get you this for when you camp my man bubba.
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It even has a spot to read a book while you wait for your hook friends to finish bleeding
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There are even ppl that i heavily dislike because they camp and tunnel and they are fog whisperer :D just deal with it, it will happen aloooooot more, but most killers dont do it
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Report for face camping!!!! He should be banned and tarred and feathered and publicly humiliated!!!!
How dare he play his role!?!?
Ugh...almost as bad as survivors tunneling generators!
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camping is not against the game rules...pitchforking can have not so nice results...
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Honestly you can make fun out of facecamping.
1) Pick bubba, stream for friends.
2) Ask who is it going to be facecamped. -> pick via dislike for a certain survivor, their name or stuff they wear or even comments on their profile, it is especially funny when you pick somebody who has facecamping comments on the profile
3)Play, find your real obsession and begin. (when you find other survivors either slap them or down them with chainsaw but dont hook them).
4) be amazed by bad survivor plays
It can be fun just don't do this too much
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If he's doin it for 100 hours straight it's a meme. Keep it goin tho.
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Something similar happened to me. Bubba, facecamps with chainsaw up. 4.5k hours played, his whole comment section around 50 pages filled "facecamper"
Oldest comment from 2017 already contained "facecamper" comments. I was shocked because I think his 4.5k hours is just facecamping. How is that even remotely fun to do?
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PS4? I believe I've run in to this loser myself
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Isn't this grieving which is also bannable?
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I dont understand how they even find it fun to play like this like they just stand still
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I don't think facecampers do it for fun but rather to annoy people. Remember there are tons of 10 year olds playing this game. A typical child reaction to getting stomped by specific people is to annoy OTHER people to get rid of the built up frustration.
Someone on this forum (I won't name them because some mods probably wait for a reason to ban me anyways) literally posted they're facecamping as Bubba EVERYTIME THEY HAVE A BAD GAME AS SURVIVOR AND/OR GET CAMPED/TUNNELED BY A KILLER. That should tell you enough about the motivation of certain facecampers.
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Lol. I think you were referring to me as that Bubba. I find facecamping and tunneling an addictive and fun way to enjoy my day.
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WHAT? He continuosly hit you and your teammates didn't manage to unhook you in their post hits animation?! Are you a solo in grey-yellow ranks?
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Ditto. I can't think of a more boring way to play killer.
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Clearly you gotta just laugh at those type of players and just move on.
Unfortunately at the moment the game cannot define “griefing facecamping” vs “strategy facecamping”... so they probably will not do anything about it if you report it.
The best thing you can hope for is that your teammates work on gens and are smart enough to know when they should attempt to unhook, and hopefully one of them will have BT.
This is one of the biggest reasons solo surviving sucks. You can’t communicate to your teammates that you’re dealing with someone who is just a griefer.
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Like 80% of turkish players play spirit and they camp/tunnel like crazy.
So you find ruining other players enjoyment addicting and fun?
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Tbh someone with 100 hours of gameplay is still relatively new to the game, probably doesn't know any better. I had a friend who was new to the game ask me "how do you keep survivors on the hook without camping".
Although I know a rank 1 killer who I've played against numerous times, he still camps and tunnels often with Iridescent Head Huntress. Normally he can't catch me, the ones he does catch are normally randoms so it doesn't bother me too much.
Although I hate the cosmetic "Close Cut" on Nea, otherwise known as "Elvis Hair Nea", if I see someone in my lobby with Elvis Hair on Nea I will facecamp them when I'm the killer or be an extremely bad team mate to them as a survivor.
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Cool, that means an easy and fast win for the other 3 survivors.
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I guess he was rank 1 right since survivors love to run into facecamping killers thus encouraging them to camp more. Or even better suicide instantly since it's not fun to give your teammates a chance to win.
And then they whine why killers camp when it's them who made it work so well.
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Insidious Myers standing behind a rock camping is the best!
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I believe this counts as "Killer that gives other Killers a bad name."
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No, camping is not against the rules, it's a strategy. It's not relevant how close to the hook the killer is camping and whether they are hitting the hooked surv or not.
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I know it isn't but wouldn't it be considered as grieving?
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No. What about this do you consider griefing?
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I find someone with like 50 pages in his profil full of -rep facecamp so I suppose he was doing that a lot lol