At this point what is considered balanced in this game?

Obviously if BHVR considered the nurse to get nerfed it's not just about public outcry in reddit and in the forums but due to in game statistics they have a hold of so I wonder; what is balanced? Is it the amount of survivors that escape during the match? The postgame bloodpoints that survivors get against the Nurse in relation to other killers? How long the game is? How long chases are? That being said, if the Doctor is next in being reworked does that mean he has the lowest success rate? I've gone against really good Doctors (playing in red ranks) and I would genuinely like to know what you guys think.


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I don't know about the devs, but players have stated a 2k game is a "tie" between killer vs survivors, I'm gonna guess survivors think a "balanced" match has all the variables for the killer to get no more than 2k and it was a game where everyone did their best (no dumb teammates).

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Indeed! Like how you could help Legion at some point! (I'm sorry, I will always mention it. XD I'm the Legion Fanatic!)

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I am curious how Doc is going to be changed. He is the killers I look forward to versing the least, even if he is relatively simpler to beat compared to some other killers.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Me: Waiting in the lobby for a match (10m later)

    Me: Alright the game is starting! Ok its Doc lets see what they changed! What is this desk and who is that lady?

    Fog Attendant: If you're here to see the Doctor please take a number and have a seat.

    Me: Wait! Another lobby! DAMN YOU BHVR!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    2 killed 2 escape model doesn't work that well. If you all play perfectly and you get two kills, the Killer will likely de-pip or black pip.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    This made me laugh far more than it should have, considering I just got out of the ER after 6 hours.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    A depip would be unfortunate, but would likely be more indicative of an oversight in the emblem system (things like one shot downs only counting for chaser once). A safety pip would be expected, though. You did draw, after all. You didn't win or lose, so you probably shouldn't be pipping from that. You'd need to perform better than expected to pip.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Assuming two people escape, gens went by fairly quickly. Gatekeeper will be Gold at best.

    Chaser simply depends on the Killer, someone like Legion will get Iri Chaser very easily but someone like Billy will not, as you mentioned. So it really depends on the Killer.

    As for Devout, you will likely get Gold. Two sacrifices will get you 6 points and assuming you have hooked the other two Survivors twice, which is a best case scenario, you will get 8 points.

    Malicousness, well, again it depends on the Killer, however, it is fairly likely you will get Gold. It isn't terribly hard to get.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237
    edited October 2019

    2 kill 2 escapes sounds good but doesnt work. The killer depips, while all 4 survivors can pip that game.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    The issue with the emblem system for killers is that over the past year or so several point mechanics have made it easier to score on the survivor side but for killer it has not been tweeked (chase gives bonus if others complete tasks, cleansing etc) For Killer if we suggest that the Balance is 2 kills and a win is 3 or 4. The emblem system for pipping needs to reflect this. Right now one of the worst things is having to slug the 4th to ensure you get the points to pip and not neutral. This becomes more of a point at Red and even Purple ranks. Add to this not all killers are treated the same because of how their skills work. (Plague may never Pip at red rank). The mechanic needs to be adjusted and reviewed for the killer. Not to add more blood points but to help balance. I would love to let someone go (maybe after i downed them as the struggle at the exit gate and show mercy. However for now. I am forced to be sweaty and hang them up.

  • NotSimoun
    NotSimoun Member Posts: 27

    On a similar tangent, shouldn't the idea of balance be used for perks as well? This isn't much of an issue but I would love a game where survivors would use varying perks that isn't meta but can work effectively. Steve and Nancy's lackluster perks have been a consistent topic in the discussion boards and for good reason, I never see anyone using it 2 weeks after they came out. I understand there are steps being done for every other perk but there are perks that get buffed or nerfed so surprisingly such as Left Behind or Detective's Hunch. And then there are perks that are only effective when combined with 1 or 2 more perks to really shine. I just think even in a marketing standpoint I wouldn't think twice about buying survivors whose perks aren't up to par with the rest. Like who uses Ace or Quentin perks be real here. If i played competitively I would buy Laurie for DS and call it a day, money saved.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Peanits, I have to be very honest with you, the Emblem system only works for the survivor role — not the killer role. 😕

    If you, the developers say 50% killrate is balanced, then you should have a ranking system that reflects your word. Currently, killers can get 3Ks and rarely 4Ks and still safety pip when you obviously outplayed the survivors. Your ranking system demands killers to go way beyond what y'all want for balance in order to pip — this shouldn't be the case.

    In simple terms: Make the killer's ranking system based off sacrifices and kills. 🙃

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    We need to make a game mode where no perks can be used. Maybe even no add ons

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Hello! The Fanatical Legion Main here! Yeah I'm fine now! They nicked an artery when they pulled my teeth out (4 teeth, one nick) And it wouldn't stop bleeding for anything! They used so much to get it to stop enough to be able to see to stitch it and it's fine now! Now my mouth feels like Susie's mask! Have fun in the Fog and thank you for being concerned! <3

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yikes, makes nervous about getting my wisdom teeth pulled, but I am very relieved to hear that you're okay.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    While I still disagree with it, I don't think people get what a 50% Killrate actually means.

    2k every game is 50/50 sure. But if the game has a 50% Kill rate then the best Killer should still be 4king. After all 4 2k's is just as much a 50/50 Kill rate as 2 0k's and 2 4k's. Both sets meet that basic requirement, so a 2k average being balanced doesn't mean every game being a 2k is ideal.

    In fact, but if the game is balanced around a 2k average then we should expect no games to actually be a 2k. This is because balance is about winrates, not Kill rates. The Kill rates still matter due to the individual nature of Survivors and so it still means something to say "balance around a 2k average", since you use the ideal Kill rate to calculate the average ideal winrate (which is 50% for a 2k average), but since a 2k is not a win for the Killer but is a win for exactly 50% of Survivors that means every game being a 2k is not actually balanced regardless of the devs statement about ideal Kill rates.

    Long story short for a 2k average to be balanced every game must be either a 0k or a 4k with equal frequency. Since this end result is not ideal I must disagree with the devs 2k average ideal.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    On no the wisdom teeth they took are are fine. It was a molar that did it to me. Also thank you, like I said it's nice that you were worried about someone you only know as The Fanatical Legion Main