What percentage of your games are ruined by DCer's?


I would say 25% of my games are ruined by DCer's and it is escalating. Don't like the killer? Get downed first? I disconnected from an Apex Legends ranked game and got a 5 minute timeout. Didn't do it again. BHVR's lack of response to this worsening issue is quite bothersome.



  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    As survivor under 5% rage quitters ruining the match and 90% getting matchmaked with potatoes doing bullshit and ruining the match.

    As killer around 1% when the second last DCs to give his buddy hatch. But well it's not really ruined, the rage quitter ruined his own points by getting 0.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I mean if they've played 2k+ hours chances are they don't give a ######### about bloodpoints anymore.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Probably like 3%, people don't usually DC during my games.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Probably about 4%.

    And that is surprisingly about 2% killer 2% survivor DC at the moment. There've been a lot of killers DC'ing for whatever reason lately.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    Id say anywhere between 20 and 40%

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited October 2019

    climbing from rank 20 to rank 10 about 3/4 matches are ruined by dcers. out of this 75% , 10% of those are actual legit disconnects while the rest are just rage quits. About half that number also are toxic post game for those that are left. It's bad. I alrady quit one mmo over toxicity, and I played that for 15 years. to be blunt, i'm refer to the type of toxicity that effects your over all enjoyment of the game to an extreme extent, not just people who are ticked off and making trollish comments.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Ehh, 7.2%?

    They DC more than that, but not often do i feel the match is ruined.

    That would be when they DC right before my Devour Hope kill for example.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    I'd say, at least from my experience, you get a DC'er 15% of the time and a first hook suicide 15% of the time. When you combine that with being rank 4 and getting paired with rank 12+ people another 15% of the time....

    The result is a thrown game for one reason or another. It's almost guaranteed the killer will get all of the remaining survivors. Most of this occurs before the first gen or two pop so you know that your little 2-3 man team is not going to get the rest. Then it just becomes "can I safety pip" and you start looking for BP opportunities...

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Almost none. If a player is going to disconnect then they were likely not playing well or having a good game anyway. They would also just suicide if they couldn't DC. I almost never care if someone DCs because it doesn't affect my game almost at all. They were likely to die before accomplishing much anyway.

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    15% maybe.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    There's literally nothing behavior can do to make this "problem" any better. If they stop people from disconnecting those people are just going to suicide. If they keep people from suiciding they will just do stupid ######### until they die. That, or they will just disconnect anyway and stop playing. Dead by daylight is an incredibly frustrating game to play for at least one person in almost every game. If you force people to stay in games they want don't want to play, they won't magically become better teammates. They will troll/play badly/not do anything. Then, there's a decently good chance they don't queue up for another game. If enough people do this, queue times will increase and it will be even harder to find games at high ranks and bad times of the night. It will not improve the game at all implementing punishments for disconnects. Your teammates will not be better when it comes out.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Very little

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    I take back my 15%. 5 games in a row have not started because of someone DCing before the match starts. 5 in a row!

    This has to be at least 25% of the time now. It happens too frequently to not be a problem!

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    6 dcs in a row now. I'm done with this game for the night...

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    25% sounds about right, if not more.

    Some see a killer they hate and DC.

    Some DC on their first down.

    Some DC when they see a Mori offering.

    Some get an error and the game itself forces them to DC.

    Solo survivor is a miserable experience right now, let me tell you!

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    25% sounds right

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Some people dc when they see Miss Piggy's party hat removal machines on the map. What can I do?

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    As killer, 0%. When they dc I’m happy.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,431


  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 602

    I am red ranks survivor and killer on PS4. For killers I verse it would be around 1% - for suvivors I verse/play with, it would be around 5%.

  • JohnNorwich19623
    JohnNorwich19623 Member Posts: 83

    90% of players in PS4 DC because they got down first and also they just kill themself in the first hook, I Don't know why people doing that, it just ruins the entire team and the game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,808
    edited October 2019

    When I tried playing Legion about a week or so ago, it ruined 90% of my matches. Almost every match had a DC.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 328

    That one game where the Nancy dc'd after i flashlight saved her. Maaan that was heartbreaking

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I posted this in the wrong thread and meant to post it here.

    The biggest reasons why I see people DC as survivor is if they are going against Nurse (Many feel its impossible to escape her, even if you evade her really good nurses at red rank will literally stick on you like glue), Spirit, Iridescent Head Huntress, Billy (insta down, incredible speed / map pressure), camping and tunneling.

    I play killer mostly but when I do see killers DC its usually due to an SWF bringing Haddonfield offering, or ruin getting taken out instantly.

    Oh also as killer I have seen teammates sandbag each other such as trying to pass off the killer on someone else when the other player has no idea, the sandbagged player will DC sometimes.

    I agree that DC'ing has become more prevalent but honestly the root cause is the issues above. You can say tunneling and camping are legitimate strategies, but in reality no one wants to play against that, in any game ever.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133


    D/C are way too common right now

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756
    edited October 2019

    You mentioned this briefly in another post you made, what killer are you usually playing when the DC's happen?

    I ask because I main killer and mostly play everything except the top 3 red rank killers (Nurse, Spirit, Billy), and I don't see many DC's unless I'm playing Hag and people cant stand that they got basement hooked and see it as a GG.

  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133

    If you really did check my post you'll get the answer.

    All killers, even legion and wraith, I posted it,

    if you really did CHECKED.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    See I find it very difficult to believe that 70% of your games have a DC in them then. Unless you are literally playing like a scumbag. Slugging right off the bat, tunneling, camping etc.

    I'm not defending disconnects but lets be real, a majority of the player base dislike certain play styles whether or not they are (strategies) and will disconnect often when they see these.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Meh the games are not ruined for me since mostly i play survivor in 4man swf with the same people. So the people that dc are killers, maybe like 10% or something.

    As killer it is totally random you can even make potatoes dc against clown, i guess about 30% but i would have to take notes about it.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Well that's true. Though I only care about points and I've played consistently for 2 years

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Spine Chill is really nice indeed. I use it sometimes.

  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133


    immediately assume killers brah brah brah and try to assume the reason they dc.

    No one cares about your survivor rule book and salty survivor will d/c on whatever reason they can think of.

    D/C is intolerable, and no one cares about your crybaby reason, be it getting found first, getting outplay in 10sec, about to die on third hook whatever. No. One. Cares.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756
    edited October 2019

    If you paid attention to what I already said I main killer. The same can be said about your attitude. You don't care about the "Survivor Rulebook" those same survivors don't care for your tactics.

    I'm not defending disconnects or survivors, but I also won't defend crappy play styles that no one likes. No one likes camping, no one likes tunneling, no one likes slugging. There is a time and place for all of those of course, but even when I play survivor I have seen killers who slug right off the bat. No one will find that fun except for maybe the killer, who lets be real, is doing that just to grief the survivors.

    You are right though about being found first, getting outplayed, DC on third hook, those are just silly and salty reasons.

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    as a survivor i have only given dc when i have toxic Teammates (of those who throw pallets to cut your path when the killer is chasing you or those who don't help at all when you are on the hook or on the floor and just want to make teabag to killer) or killers campers and tunnelers. As killer i have only given dc once and it was because my keyboard died and i could not do anything else ... I lost an event cake for that and a pink offering.

    As suv or killer i don't care if they give DC,i play just to hang out with my partner not to get angry at everything that happens in the game.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899
  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133

    You are assuming I have crappy play-style with no evidence what-so-ever and personally attacking based on non-sense.

    No reason can defend a D/C, period, it doesn't matter what kind of mastermind reasons you bringing up.

    Go on and find some streamer with the best play style, tru3, otz whoever,

    count how many of their games involve a D/C if survivor aren't swf winning.

    If you're lazy how about I find it for you?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,127

    Can't say for sure......

    But I think about 10% as Survivor and about 1% as Killer.

    I'm not counting the matches with one or two early DCs where the killer farmed, but the ones where he isn't.

    As killer I don't care much about DCs. I play relaxed and fair when there is one DC at the beginning (unless they piss me off), to give them some points. When there is 2 or 3 DCs I farm. The one percent where is actually pisses me off, is when I play a "special build" like Gen Grabber Spirit, Impossible Skillchecks Doc, Vault Master Myers, Adept Achievement or something like that (especially if it needs a certain map and I only have that ONE offering). Else, I laugh about it. If they think, they can't stand me because of XYZ... Fine. No problem.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I'm not saying you do it, I'm just saying that could be a possibility. I don't know how you play, but if what you say is true that you have a 70% disconnection rate I would honestly start to think it was you and not the survivors as much.

    As for you're top rank killer streamers I don't see that many DC's, because they usually play well, fair and efficiently. Not saying that they don't get DC's, but its nowhere near what you are saying you get.

  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133

    Even tru3 would have around 40~50% dc in his game despite doing all the stupid Build Request and not having an optimal build for most of the time.

    As I mentioned before,

    I don't care about what kind of reasons you bringing up that would cause survivor D/C,

    D/C is intolerable, and from my experience I see 70% D/C in my games,

    simple as that.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I understand that disconnecting is intolerable to you. I am not saying people should DC, I merely stated various reasons that the community has said over and over and over again are the reasons that they disconnect against killers.

  • Nekoo
    Nekoo Member Posts: 133

    And? What about them?

    You know that is Victim-Blaming for using whatever reason to justify D/C and put that on killers right?

    Survivors can write 100000 reasons to D/C, sure, go on, come up with more reason.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    If Im not found first then most of my games are ruined by DC.

    Why? This month Im still at yellow ranks as I dont have much time to play so if I dont get chased first the random urban evader that dies 10 seconds into chase will dc as soon as they are caught.

    Im so close of becoming OoO gamer to keep my team mates of not dc'ing.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    Im level 14 Survivor so naturally I get a lot of DC's. I say around 15-20%.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    None because I'm not 12 years old and I just move on and play the next game, I'd say less than 5% of my matches have a dc in them but even then I don't let it ruin my game because as I said, I'm not 12 and I don't let dumb things ruin my fun.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Like I said, a 5 minute timeout would work wonders. It wouldn't be overly burdensome for those with unintentional disconnects. Overwhelmingly though, DC's are intentional.

    Literally just played a game against a Leatherface who immediately downed a guy. The guy DCed. Someone else DCed. The game was completely ruined.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    You could literally apply this "logic" to anything.

    Let's say BHVR charged real money per game. You could say, "I'm not 12 years old, I have an income."

  • Bhazgrim
    Bhazgrim Member Posts: 40

    2% possibly lower.

  • Herman_CMH
    Herman_CMH Member Posts: 181

    I got around 20% DC when i played as Hag.

    I would suggest the BE should consider placing penalty, say NOT ALLOWING the DCers to re-enter any new game for 10-15 minutes? It may help.