What Survivor Has the Worst Cosmetics

Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
edited October 2019 in Polls

Pretty self explanatory by the title, but this is based off of every possible cosmetic a survivor can obtain (default, through the shop, prestige, events, and legacy).

I won’t have survivors on this list who have nothing besides their default outfits (like Bill and Quentin) just because they’re more of a “no duh” seeing as they don’t have much to begin with.

Reasons for your vote would be appreciated because I might be pleasantly surprised by the results of this poll.

Also I’m sorry that I lumped a lot of them into the “other” category but there’s only enough space for 10 poll spots :/

What Survivor Has the Worst Cosmetics 45 votes

Andreyu44 1 vote
Science_GuyLuigifan64PhantomMask20763Spartagone45anarchy753Mert_MKKralleBoosted_Dwightrd_dexMedicSpirit7dfrenchieeAhoyWolfRaven014jasonq500pichumudkipZackAndCody 16 votes
NoOneEscapesNancy 1 vote
Miss_BritanniaPandiferOMagic_ManOWalker_of_the_fog_96DreskiAluxNeonDicklaycia 7 votes
Feng Min
Adeloo 1 vote
StevoFibijeanJetTheWaffleCatCarlosyluCreepingcam1070 5 votes
Detective Tapp
Ark_the_BonsaiAwakeyDr_Loomisfly_172 4 votes
JackikinsGrootDudegaydavidkingIlliterateGenocide 4 votes
Other: (Jane, Steve, Nancy, Nea, Ash, Meg, David)
AcesthetiicNeonAlien[Deleted User]RaveanTheLegendDyl4n1Micheal_Myers 6 votes


  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124

    My personal opinion is Adam because he’s not given much to begin with and what he has is really bad looking (especially with any of his heads that aren’t default or P3). The only cosmetic of his that I’ve liked is his torso with the camera because I like photography and the jacket looks like one that I have irl.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't think there is a single Ace outfit that I like, aside from his default. His cosmetics make him look like either Hugh Hefner, a sleazeball, or a shady banker. I'm sure it's intentional, given the character. I still wouldn't buy any of them.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    Other: (Jane, Steve, Nancy, Nea, Ash, Meg, David)

    Laurie's Leaked Cosmetic.

    I like her torso, but her skirt is... just barf.

    Like... I know what look they were trying to go for but... Her hair and her skirt are unpleasing to look at.

    So the torso better be compatible with her brown pants lol.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Adam because he barely has any

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    The outfits for jake don't fit with the character

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    Other: (Jane, Steve, Nancy, Nea, Ash, Meg, David)


    I feel as one of the survivors that came after the OG 4, she is sometimes left behind in the cosmetic department, i would like the see a little more effort into adding more, considering that the OG 4 almost always get cosmetics between chapter releases, while Nea and some other that came right after the OG 4 sometimes aren't given as much love. Look at events for proof.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Jake had just F tier cosmetics, nothing that matches that isn't cheap, either that or Adam, lacking clothing, no good hair.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Easily goes to adam. I don't like his stupid haircuts, and the only cosmetic piece I'd even consider getting is his ugly sweater or his P1 cosmetic.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    What, you don't like that sweater? It's awesome!

    (His WW2 one isn't bad either.)

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    Because he doesn't have any.

  • Miss_Britannia
    Miss_Britannia Member Posts: 165

    Jake don’t look in my mind how he should look like.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Adam's are just awful.

    Would it really hurt to have just a neat, shaven haircut? Nah we have the options of flat top, expensive flat top, yellow mushroom cap, or tumbleweed sitting on his head.

    His clothes are pretty much all crappy and nerdy.

    Close second place goes to Ace. Outside of his stuff that's in the cosmetic DLC packs his clothes are horrendous.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Either Ace or Adam. I would also say Nea though, or Claudette. They are all hideous. Out if all these characters, the only cosmetic I like is Adam's tourist top.

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    Jeff's beard in his Metal Jeff skin just freaks me the heck out. Why does he look like one of the tree people from Lord of the Rings?

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    In honesty I also think it looks bad... but I'm on Xbox, so I don't know if that changes things much or not.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2019
    Detective Tapp

    Tapp's outfits look ridiculous.

    The only real Saw one is his secondary outfit, the black jacket and white shirt.

    The made-up attires are awful.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330

    Its between Adam or Ace but Ace is worse because I hate them all.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    Other: (Jane, Steve, Nancy, Nea, Ash, Meg, David)

    Meg. Except the latest one, her outfits and hairstyles are god awful.

    And I can't believe Ace has so many votes? His cosmetics are among the best.