Licensed Chapter Idea - The Blackest Night (would love some feedback on this)

On the list of things that'll never happen, a Licensed Chapter featuring DC Comics characters.
Name: William Hand
Alias: The Black Hand
Lore: William Hand was the black sheep of the family. His father ran a funeral home, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that William became obsessed with death. William began to kill animals and stuff them. When he killed the family dog, they sent him to a psychiatrist. He said what they wanted to hear and they thought him cured. Then one day an alien named Atrocitus came to kill him to prevent the Blackest Night. William was saved by the Green Lantern, and William wanted to repay him, by extinguishing his light. For years William fought Green Lantern as Black Hand, until the Lantern died. William was relieved. Until the Green Lantern came back. Then Death spoke to William, telling him to bring the Blackest Night. The Blackest Night fell from the sky, the light died as the darkness grew and the dead rose. Everything was how it should be, everyone was dead. Then something whispered in William’s skull, something dark.
Weapon: Nekron's Scythe
Power: Black Out
The Black Hand can channel the power of the Black to extinguish the Light.
The Black Hand carries a Black Lantern, its body resembles a skull and possibly is one.
Holding the Power Button causes the Black Lantern to remove all light in the Trial Grounds, this takes 10 seconds to charge. Releasing the Power Button returns the light to the Trial Grounds. Releasing a fully charged Black Lantern takes 3 seconds.
While Black Out is active:
- The Black Lantern will glow with a black light that is visible from a distance. It’ll glow brighter as more light is absorbed into it.
- The Black Hand moves at 3.6 m/s and cannot attack.
- The Black Hand can still perceive objects in the Trial Grounds and auras of Survivors within his Terror Radius are revealed to him
- Survivors are unable to see further than three meters around them. This does not stop aura reading abilities.
- Survivors can use flashlights to provide extra light.
- If a Generator is completed while Black Out is active, its light is not absorbed until Black Out is reapplied.
Ultra Rare - Hal’s Corrupted Battery: The Power Battery from the so called Greatest Green Lantern.
The Black Lantern no longer glows when charged.
Tremendously reduces the time to charge Black Out
Ultra Rare - Maltusian Skull: The skull from a being who thought itself immortal.
Unlocks the awesome potential in ones Aura-reading ability. While Black Out is active, the repair progress of Generators can be determined by the intensity of their aura
The Dead Will Rise: Death empowers you. For every Survivor you sacrifice or kill by hand, your movement speed is increased by 2/3/4% and pallet stun is reduced by 10/20/30%
Power Levels 0.01%- Black Lantern Rings
You Should Be Dead: Those who escape Death’s grasp should be punished. When a Survivor rescues another from a Hook at least 32 meters away from you, You Should Be Dead triggers and reveals the rescuer’s aura to you for 5/7/10 seconds.
Flesh. Flesh. Flesh.-Black Lantern Rings
Death to You All: Everyone is equal in Death. Unhooked Survivors receive the Broken Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds. Borrowed Time trumps this perk on the first hit.
Emotional Tether Registered- Black Lantern Rings
Name: Scott Free
Role: Escape Artist.
Lore: Scott was born in paradise. Too bad he wasn’t raised there. To reach a truce between New Genesis and Apokolips, their respected rulers exchanged sons. Scott grew up in Hell, trying to escape everyday. When he did, he fled to Earth with his wife and he became a performer, escaping the most impossible traps. Scott eventually became a superhero on Earth, aiding other heroes in escaping dire situations. But then the Blackest Night came. No one could escape, not the Green Lantern Corps. Not Superman. Not Batman. Not even Scott’s wife, Barda. Scott was alone. He couldn’t stay in a dead universe anymore. He fled using his Mother Box, but something happened. It took him someplace that reeked of death, but no one really died. All Scott knows is that he needs to escape.
No Tricks up My Sleeves: If you are Hooked, you can unhook yourself if you’re not in the Killer’s Terror Radius. No Tricks up My Sleeve has a cooldown of 80 seconds.
He didn’t become the world’s greatest escape artist for the applause. He did it to survive.- Batman
Standing: Receive a token whenever you escape a Chase, gain a maximum of 1/2/3 Tokens. Whenever the Killer would put you in a Dying State, receive the Deep Wound status effect instead.
Wiggle Worm: You’ve escaped from tighter bonds. Your wiggle progress is increased by 10/15/20%
Map: Valhalla Cemetery
Lore: A final resting place for superheroes. It's graves now empty as the dead have risen.