My issues with: TheNightmare

VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Okay so.... I don't own this dlc, but everyone says that its a good one. I don't get why.

Freddy's perks seem.... Decent.... But his playstyle doesn't make sense. He can grab people out of lockers outside the Dream Realm, but can't pull people off hatch in this way.

Everytime I fight them, they don't use him how he was designed to be used, they never use Gen Teleport, they always camp hooked survs, and literally place millions of traps to where Survs can't even walk through a room....

Also, how does he pull people into the Dream Realm, but the whole time they're still in the Realm of the Entity? I know that at this point I'm nitpicking but still.

Less than an hour ago I had to let myself get killed by an obnoxious Freddy who did all these things, and made all the other survs leave. I found a event item, that eould have been put to good use with my add-ons sitting in Claudette's Locker.

My Question:

Why am I continuously getting told to purchase this DLC, when I could waster money on any other killer on the board?

Post edited by VoodooMan7995 on


  • Hey_Its_James
    Hey_Its_James Member Posts: 70

    Nurse, Wraith and Spirit are also using their own little realms to do stuff, Freddy is the same thing if you ask me.

    His perks are a bit too weak, but the map pressure is amazing. Blood Warden is the only perk that's actually useful on him and other killers.

    May I ask what rank are you? Freddy is a high-tier killer, so it's surprising that you say that they're so bad.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Sharp hand Joe is pretty good, if you know how to use him.

    Though I wouldn't say hes the funniest out of all the other DLC killers. Also his perks are meh.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    'Everytime I fight them, they don't use him how he was designed to be used, they never use Gen Teleport, they always camp hooked survs, and literally place millions of traps to where Survs can't even walk through a room....'

    I'll be honest, I really dislike when somebody comes out and says 'you're not playing the way I want you to play.' It gets under my skin.

    The camping part, sure, I can see that. But it comes down to the type of camping. I personally will proxy camp if I know there's a survivor around, but with Freddy, it's not needed due to his teleport.

    But not using teleport is on the players part. Maybe they don't want to, or need to, or experienced enough too. And why shouldn't he use 'a million traps?' How does using traps equal 'they don't use him how he was designed to be used.' That sounds exactly as he was designed to be used.

  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    Currentlu level 28, rank 18

  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    Okay I admit, I was mid-rant when I posted this... I don't see why he camps hooks and uses traps when hes there.

    I'm sorry for saying he has to be played a specific way, but thats how I see it. Play-styles. Specific characters are made to suit specific needs, speeds, and powers. If you want to know if they're right there and your 2 feet away, just use doctor... Honeslty hes really good...