slowed movement speed as killer

I played the Halloween update for the first time today and for whatever reason whenever I get anywhere near a survivor I get slowed down to the point where the survivors even faster than me. the only way I can win a chase with this is if I manage to mind game them which makes the game almost impossible if they know how to pallet loop. This has never happened to me before and I think it has something to do with the Halloween update since that's when it first showed up. If any of you have experienced this or know how to fix it, please tell me because it's really annoying.
and just in case this is important detail, I was playing ghost face every game.
broken joystick? Mine has stick drift and tends to always move me to the right
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no I move at normal speed up until I see a survivor
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Idk, I had a Freddy earlier today I could have sworn he was on meth or something. He caught up quicker than I think he normally does.
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I played against a clown earlier and as I was watching him while he was reloading his bottle, it looked like he was going in slow motion even after he was finished reloading like he was stuttering. It looked really strange.
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Ok that's interesting. it might have something to do with either my crouch of stalk glitching then, maybe I retain the speed from either of those because I do recall stuttering during my game play.
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I also had the same experience with a Freddy yesterday, it looked like he had bloodlust 3 for the entire game.