Why do ppl think the clown has one of the worst powers in the game?

Actually Clown has a really good and strong power, probably one of the best anti loop powers. I hear and read alot of ppl complaining that Clown is so bad because his power needs a rework. I personally think that is not true at all. I would consider myself as a really good Killer main and good clown player. And I NEVER have issues catching survivors. In a decent balanced map "Badham" I catch a survivor in 1min at max time. Depends on if the survivor is at the school pallets or not because they are pretty damn save.
His bottles are fine I would say just the reload speed is to slow, the brown addon should be baseline. What Clown truly needs is a secondary power OR the gentimes overall needs to be adjusted. In this case giving Clown a secondary power that somehow slows down the gens or gives him more map pressure. You can consider Clown as a Freddy without Teleport, he has a great anti loop ability but has NO map pressure.
What do you guys think?
That's literally what clown is a worse Freddy however clown does have one of the best perks being pop but ability it's not much comparative it's even just Freddy's side ability in chase he has teleports plus dream world clown doesn't offer much and what he does Freddy outdoes him by having more
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He's my favourite killer.
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Yeah that is obvious, I never mentioned that Clown is as good as Freddy xD I just took the snaires as a comparison.
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I like Clown and I wish he had more map pressure then I would play him ALOT aswell
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Don't get me wrong I would enjoy using clown if he had a good power another thing is Freddy can apply his debuff multiple times in a chase if they hit blood pools clown is one big arena
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I personally think the bottles are fine as they are, compared to freddy you dont spam them, you have to think how to through them to cover as much area as possible, a example, most clowns throw a bottle to the ground on a corner of a jungle gym, but you can actually throw those bottles on top of the gym so the gas will spread around the entire gym.
But besides that, what are you suggestion to improve clown? I would think that besides the Reload, the extra slow addons should be baseline aswell because compared to Freddy clown has to reload so the extra slow would definatly make sense.
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Well his blinding effect could be better on the bottle it's not really effective and on some skins it is useless because you can clearly see him maybe give more of a slow as well so it's not like one of Freddy's abilities
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Honestly I think he would be better if there was simply a multiplier effect in place if hit consecutively.
Post edited by Ohnoes on2 -
His power is fine when you know how to effectively use it in chases.
The problem is he doesn’t have much going for him outside of good chase potential. He isn’t great at applying map pressure or juggling multiple survivors.
Having quick chases isn’t enough to win the game. You need ways to keep the other survivors occupied even if your chases only last 15 seconds.
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Yep exactly thats what I meant, he needs something to travel the map faster or somewhat what doctor or legion has, a ability that forced survivors to do something else, even if its just a few seconds.
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Survivors that are hit with a bottle should have to do something
Like sober up or something
Bassicly so it's possible for you to throw a bottle at a survivor and then leave them knowing they have to waste their time with something
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The issue with Clown is that he has a zoning tool that mildly helps him in a chase, nothing else.
His anti-loop power is okay but not the best and too add-on reliant. Killers such as Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress, etc can do a better job by ignoring the loop or forcing Survivors to use the pallet early.
I do agree his reload speed should be altered, it should be based on how many bottles he has left.
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I think everyone has mentioned this by now so hopefully Clown gets something new next. Just something to keep the other survivors a little busier.
His chase power is fine but I wouldn’t mind reload being a little shorter or him having 5 bottles instead of 4. I think with Clown they played it safe as they were worried about him being OP in chases but then Freddy comes out with snares that slow the survivor longer and be can spam them over and over in chases. That said I dont think it will be an excuse to buff Clown because I personally think Freddy will be nerfed as he seems to be “overperforming” at the moment.
I know they mentioned they want to change the chainsaw killers soon but Clown was my main for a longtime. Still is deep down and I own all of his cosmetics aside from the recolours so I’m really hoping be’s the next killer they revisit.
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My Idea was that the clown gets a second ability, a other toxic bottle and if he hits a survivors with that he has to throw up that takes 4 sec to channel and it can be interrupted. The bottle is bigger so its easier to hit you with that, you can throw them with a short cooldown "5 sec maybe?". Dont need to reload for them. While you are "sick" and you have to throw up, you cant do gens and cough loudly but it doesnt damage your health.
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Agree! I hope so too. They mentioned myers and pig will get a look into too. Hope same goes to legion but they didnt confirm anything ;C
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Everybody Loves The Clown by Nirvana (UK).
It's on YouTube. The Clown's Merciless theme! 🤡🍻🔪
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Still waiting for shirtless Clown :P
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Thanks for that list. I personally dont have any bugs you mentioned there, idk maybe you play on console? But I have to agree that the "arc" throw of the bottles are pretty annoying sometimes and hinders the clown more than benefits him. He should get more bottles as baseline and a faster reload as basekit. His "HUH" while he vault is fine, I find that pretty funny and thats a meme from me and a friend :D It isnt that bad honestly.
I personally think that the extra slow bottles should be baseline too, since a gad cloud should hinder survivors more than a blood pool on the ground for my opinion. You should be longer effected by the toxin too. So to sum it up:
-Increase Reload speed to the brown addon as baseline
-Increase amount of Bottles to 6
-Reduce the arc throw by 50%
-Increase bottle fly speed
-Toxification from 2sec should be increased to 3 sec.
-Flask of Bleach as basekit
Also as I mentioned. A map travel ability or a ability to occupie survivors somehow. My idea with the throw up bottles or a bottle that you can drink to increase your movementspeed ALOT but you cant hit in that duration.
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You are suggesting pretty heavy buffs there, so Clown is in fact weak if even you acknowledged how much love he needs.
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100% with the the inability to fast vault when intoxicated. Always thought it should be more like Doctor's shock effect.
That would be quite a buff!
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I never said Clown is strong, I am saying that his basepower is fine and dont needs a rework. Ppl consider the gas cloud bottles are not good and bad made. I wanted to say with this post that his base idea of the power is actually pretty cool and good.
Edit: And exepct for extra slow bottles, which buff do you consider as "heavy"?
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Also on the subject of 'worst power': Legion. By a country mile.
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Legion has a power? :D
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Clowns power is perfectly fine, and shouldn't be changed. They just need to give him some other ability that adds pressure, whether it slows down the people he's not chasing, or lets him move to gens faster
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Only thing I hate when playing Clown, more so than any other Killer I play.....Maps...what Map you get can greatly affect how useful your bottles may even be...
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Exactly what this person said. Also, I have a hard time bringing myself to play the clown and toss slow down bottles at people when I can just hit them with a hatchet with a very similar mechanic.
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Having fast chases are enough. Downing and hooking a survivor is pressure all its own. His chase potential isn't fast enough though, like Nurse, Spirit, and Huntress.
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Except typically the snares are better. They're pretty comparable at countering small loops, but for the bigger loops like ironworks god window... While you can place afew snares to kill it pretty easily, throwing a bottle is pretty useless since the smoke is likely to be gone by the time you come back around.
A large problem Clown has is the same thing Doc has. Once you starts a chase with someone, everyone on the map knows about it. Its easy to tell exactly WHERE you are due to the Clown's gas making people scream and its easy for the other 3 people to stay productive since they know you're busy, even if they dont see you. Add on the lack of mobility and they typically have too much of a feeling of safety. I KNOW I'm safe when screams are occuring on the opposite side of the map, and I know im safe for awhile afterwards because you still have to walk over to me.
For other killers who are deemed more lethal, they either offer good mobility to allow them to cross the map and pressure me immediately after a hook, or I DONT know their location at any given time and have to worry about a possible ambush out of nowhere at any given time. Freddy has BOTH of these between his teleport allowing him to get around and his Lullaby being omnidirectional. Typically when a mobility killer hooks someone and then you hear their TR come close to you really fast...you know which direction their approaching from. Freddy could be approaching you from ANY direction, making his kit offer abit of a stealth aspect as well.
Another example of a killer who doesnt suffer from quite the same issues is Huntress. Although shes slower, shes able to pressure survivors across the map alot of times. Being outside her TR doesnt mean I'm safe I still have to keep an eye out for flying hatchets. Add in her small TR and really large omnifirectional hum, and often times she can get closer to you than you realize because it sounds the same when shes at 21 meters than when shes at 45 meters. Is it safe to heal now, or are you in nurse's calling range? Unless you have LOS on her, often times you dont know and that 45 meter range puts you in her humming range too often to stay overly paranoid all game.
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Clown is weird. His power is good because it gives you the last bit of oomph you need to get a hit when you've done everything else right and just need to take care of the inherent safety of the tile. It really only helps if you already know what you're doing as a killer. But if you already know how to chase efficiently, Clown's power may not be something you go for in a killer, as it can be countered by just dropping pallets in many cases.
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Freddy does everything Clown does, but better.
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WALL OF TEXT, lol. I'm actually very passionate about the clown, so I'm going all in on this.
His power works well enough-ish.
He's great during his release, because back then the meta was all about how fast you can end chases. He was made redundant with the Freddy rework because the snares are essentially better slows on top of Freddy's secondary ability.
But in the last 20 months or so since his release, the game's really shifted hard to how much pressure a killer can pressure a survivor ON TOP OF being able to end chases quickly.
He just has one power, and a power that doesn't always work well too, mind you.
- The reload is slow af,
- the slow fault effect doesn't affect pallet vaulting, so there's still potential for him to get looped on safe pallets.
- Intoxication affect doesn't work, similar to the doctor's shock. Meaning survivor can still fast vault when they're gassed just because game things the survivor already vaulted the window before they got gassed/shocked. even tho visually you both can see that wasn't the case. This problem got worse once we migrated to live servers because there are more factors affecting the game now.
- the bottles would randomly dissapear.
- the gas would dissapear instantly/they would fall into the map or disappear faster then they should.
- the bottles would "randomly" break on invisible objects or clips. its more notiable on him than on huntress's projectile because the throw is slow and has a harder projectile curve.
Couple that with him having very weak tracking(tracking's not too important the higher in ranks you go) no movement ability, no map control ability, no slow down ability and no ambush ability. This really puts him at a disadvantage, where's say even a "worse" killler like trapper, wraith and pig with no movement ablitiy. They all have a combination of abilities working with them.
Trapper can slow down the game if survivors play carefully slowing them down by encouraging them to walk over sprinting, they can get hurt if they step on the trap. This does two things for the trapper, they have to get lucky or wait for someone to rescue them. They get hurt, so they obviously have to heal themselves. Which buys the trapper some time. if they don't heal then the trapper will have an easier time downing them when he comes across them.
Wraith, has the ability to quickly get hits early in the match on multiple targets too he can use addons that affect how working and healing speeds. He can get easy first hits, leave and hit other people and just come across them when they're hurt.
Pig, has the ability to get easy ambush hits by hiding her terror radius like the wraith this opens up the ablity for her to pressure peopel even she's not actively chasing anyone, has the option and potential to deal with crazy loops with her ambush (naturally counters dead hard lol) and her trap buys her at a minimum the same value as pop goes the weasel to get off generators.
This is apart of why we've been seeing people slowly put the value of the huntress just a bit lower than they would around the same time he was introduced. Generators can literally be completed before the killer can get to them because its physically impossible for them to go to one end of the map to another. Also survivors take about two minutes to die, repairing takes 80 for one person and about 44 for twos. So yeah that's where clown feels the most pressure on because if he's not chasing someone he can't pressure the team because he doesn't have the ability to chase more than one person around..
So yeah, many people consider clown trash because if he's not actively chasing someone he's not pressuring anyone, he doesn't have a secodary ability and he can't spread damage around for pressure and he has no movement bonus and his still a regular moving killer meaning people can get ######### done real fast. The power that he has can be very random with how it wants to behave.
personal thing, but he's also boring as ######### to play with or against.
Hope this all makes any sense. I personally still play the clown I think I'm the only one playing him in my region, I still do okay with him even in red ranks without ruin because he can still somewhat defend hooks well enough once the gates are powered. But yeah the whole match is tough if you're gonna be playing the dreadful try hard ranks especially once the ruin changes go live.
But as bad as he is, at least he's no plague who doesn't have their power for the whole match if the survivors can help it. And his bloodpoint generation isn't hot garbage like her's too so you can invest in some strong addons for him.
What I personally would want to see happen is that the game can get overhauled in terms of map design and size or we get some gameplay changes (not by simply slowing the gens down that'd be god awful the last thing i would want is to be forced to play survivors sitting on a gen for 3 minutes for ######### amounts of bloodpoints because things got too annoying to killer anymore).
A proper secondary objective would be nice, this would potentially help every killer instead of just the clown. I would like to see where survivors have materiel they need to collect or install on the generators or gates, because they can power the gens or start the generator.
That or they can give him a new ability to give him some flavor and cover his weaknesses. But I don't feel too confident in BHVR's ability to rework or update characters, because the last thing I would want to go off against a killer that's a snore fest to go against who's also super good at pressure and slowing the game down. That would be a nightmare. 🤭 Oh wait...
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@mistar_z I may be alone but I find him fun to play as AND against.
You’re exactly right though. People had huge faith in him when he came out because of how quickly he ended chases. While I wouldn’t mind some tweaks like faster default reload speed or him not being slowed as much while throwing bottles his power isn’t bad at all and can end chases quickly and I think people are assuming that its useless.
As you say his entire problem stems from the fact that he can’t juggle other survivors nor does he have anything to keep them busy nor does he have mobility.
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Legion's power is actually pretty good if you play it well
Tracking, stall and bassicly turning you into a oneshot killer
I don't understand how people can think it's a bad power
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Unlike actual 1 shot killers, Legion gives the survivor a speed boost first, which they'll quickly use to get to a strong loop. If Bubba catches you out in the open...your going down. If Legion catches you out in the open, he'll help you fix that with a speed boost to safety. On maps like Crotus prenn asylum, Every time you get that first hit, you can guarantee survivors are just gonna beeline it to the map's overly safe spot.
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Don't chase the person you just stabbed? Especially if they run to a safe loop
Injure them and then later catch them off guard
If you blindly follow survivors into safe spots then you'll do bad with any killer
That has nothing to do with Legions power but you as a player
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If you run around and leave every single survivor after a stab when they get to a loop you will not kill anyone, this is just a timewaste. At certain time you have to keep going for that one survivor, especially if you dont hear your killer instinct.
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Yes when chases are in your favor you go for it. If they aren't you go until you get a palet and then go back and pressure the other survivors again. Eventually there will be massive deathzones everywhere
You need to be good at m1 chasing. Knowing what can be mindgamed and such. Many people act like m1 chasing is impossible but it's really not.
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As other people have said, his power is a worse Freddy power. He has no map pressure and good survivors will just throw pallets early.
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He's definitely not played well, as could be said for many killers. I've seen many Clowns who barely use bottles in a chase or chase without having any bottles. They also don't use bottles in loops.
That said when people do know how to play him, everyone agrees he's weak due to map pressure. Even Fungoose said this who Almo quoted as a good killer and he was a former Clown main.
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Stupid idea to give Clown more map pressure:
He has a tiny clown car he can get in and out of.
Clown car lets him move faster and run people over, as well as still throw gas bottles.
Clown car has limited fuel that goes down gradually and once it runs out, the engine sputters out and goes on a long cool-down before the Entity refuels the gas tank. The car cannot be moved except by being driven, so Clown must leave the car behind while being recharged and manually go to it again once it is ready.
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cause people are dumb.
shuts down loops instantly. people that ######### about clowns power are just bad at using it and dont understand what theyre doing.
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Clown is super weak. If you play him vs good survivors you will struggle every time. His power is only useful in long chases without corners/angles. When looping survivors just need to throw pallets down early and force him to break the pallet. Breaking the pallet resets the chase and lets the survivor find another loop. His power can definitely help end chases earlier in a lot of different cases, but not enough to matter in a lot of games. Most of the games i do well on clown, i would have done well on any other M1 killer. Like other people mentioned, the clown has no way to apply map pressure and has no way to snowball if he downs someone. He's just an M1 killer that has the potential to sometimes end chases earlier because of his power (map dependent).
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Personally I love clowns power. I'm relatively new to playing clown but from my expirience his power is great for directing survivors in a Chase. Their first instinct is to run away from the gas so some well timed bottle throws can completely mess with a survivors loop and if the decide to follow through then the chance of them making a mistake is greatly increased. Plus I love tossing a bottle in the air as I head to a gen and right before I get there it hits making 2 or 3 survivors scream so I can get an idea of if I need to worry about hitting the gen or pursuing the chase.
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I actually like his Power, i just dislike what he doesn't have.
He can put some slowdown in chases and that's it.
He needs fixes anyway, is his personal bug list still at 40+?
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I think clown is fun to use as a killer. He moves quickly and the bottles are fun to throw, trying to guess where the survivor is going to go to. Also like you say, looping isn't that much of a problem if you have a build that doesn't care about eating pallets. At least you won't be going in circles for long as you force them to drop it by slowing them down with the gas