Kate Denson ...

– are the Devs proud of her?
Hello all of you people of the fog!
I am a member for quite some time on this forum and read some discussions now and then and I must say I am a huge fan of the community and enjoy a lot of your thoughts on everything that is happening around DbD! That quick shoutout at first.
I thought of opening a new thread around Kate Denson. I main her since I joined and I know a lot of you guys also do. Also I wanted to point out her potential. She is the free songbird with all the hope, this "Nightmare" will all work out somehow and Behaviour made a powerful and great job of integrating her spirit into the Game. But:
Everytime I see some promotion-stuff, Q&A's, Posters, whatever - I never see her. It is mostly around Claudette, Dwighty, Meg, Nea and the others. I get she is a character that you buy through the store but I think she is one of the most interesting ones. Why is she not used more in promotional artworks?
I just feel she deserves far more attention. And I have the feeling that her newest cosmetics don't quite capture her pure spirit that much. The new Biker Outfit is hella amazing. And I am happy she gets her Cowboy-Hat for the chapter. But what about more stuff involving her? I would love a cute summer dress that captures the purity and for everyone's sake PLEASE fix that little ponytail. ✌️
I know she is not as much played as Nea, Dwight, Feng and all the others maybe. But she deserves better. Really, I think she does. And Behaviour should be proud of all their survivors.
What do you guys think? Am I overreacting much? 😂
Kate is the best girl in dbd
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I don't think you're overreacting but I feel more of this way about Adam. Thats just me. Kate gets enough love, Adam gets nothing.
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Yes, I was reading through the sections about Adam and that he doesn't get that many Outfits and stuff. I get he is not as popular as other survivors either and I really feel those survivors "on the border" should get more attention. I feel you.
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Bill is the only survivor that don't get attention. Nothing but a Christmas sweater for memes. All the others got multiple good outfits. Jeff don't really got much variety either. Adam has several outfits that look different and are pretty good albeit expensive. Kate has several nice ones too. Bill: Christmas sweater.
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please don't forget that Bill is a "Left 4 Dead" Character and licenced. Kate, Jeff and Adam are original Dead by Daylight characters so they can work with them differently. But it's a first step that he got a christmas sweater at least. :-)
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I feel you but the reason the others are more present it's because they were the original 4 (Dwight, Meg, claudette and Jake, if i'm not mistaken) and it kind of became DBD "brand" characters.
But yes, Kate is the better looking one with better looking skins. She should be more "praised"!
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I consider Kate as one of my mains she's the next survivor I'm getting to P3, when I was getting my Jake to P3 she was the survivor I played as the most. Although I haven't played as her much recently as I started using bond and sprint burst, which my Kate doesn't have.
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I am in love with the "houdini" built:
- Dance with me
- Lithe
in combination used you can just swoosh away from the killer if done right. In combination I use Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time (can't live without it).
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Kate and Bill need love, those are my favs male and female!
Is it wrong to say that I want a wh0re outfit for kate...? Like a square pattern mini skirt with stockings and a sexy top... Purple or bright red hair...
Damn... am I a sick person...?
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They probably don't promote her as much because she is paywalled. Dwight, Meg, Nea, and Jake are the original four and they'll be the first Survivors someone plays unless they pick up some DLC along with the base game. I'd imagine that they also do this because for the free weekends, these are the Survivors available for people to utilize unless they make the purchase.
Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Huntress would be the same on the Killer side for the same reasons. By promoting the freebies, they can hook people in and get them to pickup the DLC if they like what they see. This is how they got me, and I picked up Hag/Myers within a couple days of playing this for the first time.
Did I miss any btw? I have all the DLC from shards/sales. Can't remember if there are any other free ones.
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Her, Ash, and Jeff are my mains. She and ash are also the only ones I bought purple outfits for as well.
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Not gonna lie her leaked outfit comes pretty close to fitting that niche.
I like Bill too. He always looks so pissed off. Wish he had more cosmetics as he is one of my most commonly used survivors.
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She's sorta getting an outfit like that soon lol
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Nea? OG 4? You're mistaken.
Dwight, Meg, Claudette and Jake are the OG 4. Nea was the 1st DLC survivor
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Ahhh. Thank you. I always forget about Claudette. She seems to fade away into the scenery so often.
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Do you have the source?! PLEASE!
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have fun all liked skins plus rift onecs
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8 mins into the video.
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No problem bud 😁
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Kate deserves a concert outfit already. Also why do we not have her guitar on her back as if it was a backpack from the trailer she had. We deserve it !!!
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Yep, I´m gonna get that as soon as it comes out, except for the hair, ewwww
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She looks like she has a night job as a dancer...
I'll probably get it as well but for me that Feng outfit is 😍
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Kate will always be my main and my favorite. I love her. I wish she had as many outfits as Claudette. I want a huge closet to pick from...haha. I have obtained most of her clothes and enjoy mixing and matching. I was disappointed that she didn't have a single piece of clothing to unlock in the rift. I do agree that her biker outfit rocks! The only outfit I hate is the Award Night Opulence. It's hideous. Tarzan Jane and her clodhoppers. However, I do love the makeup so I bought just the face from that outfit and use it with other outfits.
I'm glad that you made a post about Kate. Kate is great...give her an escape cake!
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Alot of Kate mains on ps4.
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Meg >>> Kate ... for ever !
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I started maining Kate when she released, I really liked her story and her outfits. Really hope the next archives will include her somehow.
But there's a thing I have to say... Kate was the best girl, before Nancy released. 😳 Also dropped Kate as soon as the ST chapter released. Nancy is my favorite character from ST so eh, also am excited for her snowball dress coming out.
Nevertheless, I'm happy Kate gets a new set, I just hope the hair won't be too bad in game.
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I feel the same about that. But you don't get as many options to choose when picking her outfit. So the opulent outfit has the (only) skirt ... which you can mostly only combine with her standard slipdress-tops and the leather jacket.
But back to the topic:
I wish she would be a character that you can see in a cutscene. Like when they released The Legion, you had David King starring in the release Trailer. I want Kate to be famous. Give her three escape cakes and a big stage to perform. ❤️
By the way - anyone else curious about how her music would sound? Like "Dance With Me" or "Windows of Opportunity"? I imagine some Taylor Swift Vibes...
But I also imagined her sounding like Ira Wolf somehow. 😍
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Least u get skins I play Freddy all I get is prestige skins. 👎
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I would like to see kate with a nice "cowgirl" skin and not the "cowgirl" skin the she has.. I mean, a real one. Something like this (long leather jacket being a must have):
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This ain't red dead redemption
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She wouldn’t have the guns obviously, not even the holsters for it, just the clothes.
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I love the inspiration here. Personally I would just love to see her in another every day country girl outfit. Maybe occasionally for some „summer festival“ with flowers in her hair or around her arms. Something „peaceful“ 😀 I just want a dress. A real dress. Please. Haha.