Killer isn’t really frustrating imo
I play both sides at high ranks and rarely get frustrated on either side, I’m also playing without ruin or noed currently (preparing for the nerf) I still manage to get 3/4ks consistently and have fun, I really don’t get the fuss.
I also play both sides at high ranks and I rarely get frustrated either. I get frustrated more-so over the game cucking me over (sounds not working, no lunge for Spirit/Wraith, frame drops, etc...). I don’t get frustrated over getting outplayed by a survivor.
People are preparing for the Ruin change which is another reason they are going to find killer frustrating but it’s not even a bad change. It’s just at a bad time. No way can a low map pressure killer like Huntress defend gens on a map like Rotten Fields which is the size of Saturn. If all maps were the size of Coal Tower OR if there were more options for an early game delay perk, there would be no issue.
It’s a game. You win some and you lose some. It doesn’t matter the outcome.
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I’m actually playing Huntress and loving it, experimenting with ruin replacements, main thing that annoys me are phantom hits and getting hit through windows/pallets.
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Nice to hear you're enjoying the game still at that level, however I am also high rank and do not enjoy it at all.
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i don't get frustrated either i only ever get mad when sounds don't work or if get really bad maps set ups like jungle jim into t and into shack
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Your experiences are awesome, glad you do not find anything wrong, but your experiences are not the norm. Many find Red Rank Killer games more of a chore then an enjoyment.
So yeah if you don't find it fun then don't play it .... right. But unfortunately , there are few Killers who see the game the same way you do, and if they all quit if search of more fun things to do, is there going to be enough Killers left to make this game anything but a lobby simulator?
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You want a gold star or something?
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I'm genuinely not trying to be rude here, but console and PC are two different animals.
Some of the survivors on PC are on a whole different level.
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Not really lol. I have found zero difference in PC and console Survivor's.
Besides, the MM and Ranking system is so screwed up, you cannot really tell. If you were to say there are more boosted Survivor's on console, that would be more accurate.
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And a cookie.
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The level of performance from players is higher on PC.
I didn't realize this until I switched to PC a long time ago.
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I disagree. I have played on both and I have felt zero difference. Boosted players are still boosted, good players are still good.
Killer's on console, however, do not have the mechanical skill of their PC friends. They are limited, for some reason, in their sensitivity. However, I have found that console Killers track a lot better than PC. I think they rely on sound more, which explains a lot.
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As survivor, I’m not at all a toxic player so I was surprised by how many toxic survivors I’ve run into playing killer. They do frustrate me and I can always tell if it’s like a swf of 15 year olds. You might be more chill than me though. I’ve got anger issues.
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We also get more players on console so we have more noobs too.
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I think the whole issue around killers not having fun stems from 2 reasons - matchmaking and the ranking systems. Low rank killers are matched against survivors who are far more experienced than them, so they're not having fun. Even if that were fixed, a lot of high rank killers won't have fun. Because of how easy it is to rank up currently, some people get tricked into thinking that they're playing at the highest level, whereas in reality they're consistently facing people who are a lot more experienced/skilled than them.
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I agree with you, I can't really tell the difference between PC survivors, and console survivors. The only thing I can tell the difference on is some killer stuff that's solely because of sensitivity. Huntress aim's a bit faster, or they can turn around, and walk backwards and insta 360 swing. Or actually control blinks with the Nurse. (though some there are some crazy nurses on ps4 it's just rare)
Survivors are about the same, Certain killers are better on pc. Me it doesn't matter at all because I play with controller on pc or ps4 lol
I will say sound, seems a bit better on ps4 though, so you might have something there.
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People who say that console survivors are bad, don't even play on console. I could watch a bunch of PC streamers, point out all the potatoes survivors and claim that PC survivors are worse than console survivors. But that would be stupid and ignorant of me to comment on a platform I don't play on.
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Which is why survivors on PC tend to be better. Because they are used to playing against better killers.
I have a lot of experience on console and the difference between the two platforms is quite noticeable to me.
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Like higher ranks are full of potatoes latelly, since it is very easy to rank up and there is basically no rank reset, so you will be red rank forever if you get there.
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i wouldnt go as far as to say killer games are "frustrating" (yeah some are - especially if its an SWF that wants to be toxic and you cant get them or if all 5 gens are done in like 5 minutes or less), but killer games are stressfull.
like, the amount of pressure put on you all game is immense, therefore its easier to get frustrated when things dont go your way.
in the end, i enjoy killer more than survivor, so the game cant be THAT frustrating for killer (though, if i can say so myself, i am a rather good killer, therefore i probaply win a lot of matches others wouldnt).
it all depends on the player though. some get easily annoyed - and i can definitely see why killer would be pure frustration for them.
just imagine this one dude, who has been looping you rather well, finally screwing up, giving you a chance to down them, just to then deadhard back into safety. THAT is frustrating for a lot of players - and its not very uncommon.
so concluding i would say that killer is not that frustrating, even though there can be frustrating events / games. there is however a lot more pressure one needs to deal with, which is something not all can handle --> leading to frustration.
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Would mind pointing us the direction of this potato farm?
Not to be rude or anything, but if you've ever faced strong survivors, you'd ought to be frustrated.
Unless you have the skin of a rhino, then I just envy you.
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I’ve faced several good survivors.
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Can you pass the milk?
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Facing a very strong survivor group is few and far between though. I’d like to see where these people are going against these GOD survivor groups. A majority of my killer matches are chill with the average survivor player.
I would rather face strong survivors than complete potatoes. It becomes boring facing survivors who are bad. The outcome is predictable. I would rather have a challenge than a landslide victory in my favor all the time.
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Add a juicebox to that. 💜
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Apple juice!!
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I find that I too have a satisfying experience playing killer and if I am not having a satisfying experience I just switch to survivor rinse and repeat.
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Getting 4k is an expected result.
Growing up, my parents always told me I can achieve anything I want. If I don't, it's because there's a conspiracy against me.
It's those pesky survivors, and the developers! The developers hate me and favor the survivors, that's why the kill rates are only 75% and not 100% and under 3 minutes!
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Glad to see your enjoying yourself Groot. I rarely get onto the PS4 anymore sadly.
We Sir don't share out vodka farming techniques.
Jokes aside. Once you realize how pathetic the people sending the hatemail are and how bad the life these people have just too actually be sending crap like this. You start to find it amusing.
Actually it's too the point I find hatemail stupid whenever I get a new and unique one I actually get some genuine enjoyment out of it.
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I unfortunately have no fun at high ranks.
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Maybe it is for you because you're veteran, but i'm not. I'm just casual player that plays in mid-rank. And i'm extremely frustrated when playing as killer because i constantly go against red rank survivors when i'm only green rank (i faced 2 OoO bully squad in 5 of my games yesterday)
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I'm usually pretty chill about it, but when gens go by in literally 4 minutes when I'm trying to get used to no Ruin when playing a killer like Wraith or Myers it just makes me not want to play those killers anymore and to go back to Freddy, Nurse and Billy (I don't have Plague levelled up much at all so I don't have corrupt unlocked, but it's the next perk I'm grinding for). Don't get me wrong I love playing these three killers, but I also just feel like I can't get anything done with the others unless I'm running good add-ons etc (especially on Wraith, he's garbage without a bell add-on or windstorm)
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I think that Groot has just now discovered the difference between objectivity and subjectivity. Congratulations Groot, I'll send you a certificate in the mail. BS aside, your experience is not the norm. Most people who find matches "frustrating" are people who are hyper competitive and need to win all the time. People who play purely for fun tend not to have that problem. I'm guessing you're the latter. Because the frustrating state of this game is why I only follow the forums.
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I’m very competitive and I know that this is subjective, the title says “Killer Isn’t frustrating imo”, imo=In my opinion.
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You aren’t allowed to have an opinion on DBD forums Groot! You know this!
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Imagine thinking console players have same skill than PC ones. You also believe in console shooters, dont you?
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Imagine thinking a platform means anything.
Mechanically, yes, it does. Console DBD has limitations, mainly the sensitivity and FPS.
Yes, I also happen to believe the new CoD is fairly fun on console.
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I just hate when people are toxic...that is about it.
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Console players are awful in skill compared to PC players. I have seen how bad they are and they seldomly play nearly as well as PC players. I will list for you some reasons, and we can pretend that it is the same.. but look at this:
1) You always have way more control with a KB+M versus a controller.
2) The PC community is older than the console one for this game, so not only do you have players using better tools, but they also have been playing longer.
3) FPS issues on the console. You can't even play certain killers if there is fog as you get FPS-related issues, so the threat of a huntress or a nurse is nearly non-existent on the console, whereas on the PC they are a major threat.
4) Consoles attract casuals, whereas the PC community takes itself more seriously with their toys, they want the best of the best for performance, console users typically are people that don't care about having the best of the best for their entertainment, they attract casuals.
Feel free to post a rebuttal. But make sure to try and counter the point and not just try to insult yours truly because my points have hit to close to home.
What is the point of this post? To try and allow the devs to understand that the playerbase is diverse and to understand the type of user that they want to cater to. Casuals or people that have been playing forever?
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Well if you "don't get the fuss" then perhaps go read what the people complaining have to say and respond to them directly instead of making yet another low-quality post/thread to pad your postcount.
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Play only Clown and Legion for a couple of weeks (no Ruin, of course), then read this topic again :P.
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1.) Playing as Survivor, the controller and KB+M are functionally the same. Additionally, this entire issue could be solved if BHVR would up the console sensitivity.
2.) Playing longer has nothing to do with skill. I have played TF2 for nearly 2000 hours and I am still pretty mediocre, I just think it is fun.
3.) FPS is a big issue, however, there isn't really a reason why it cannot run at 45 FPS on console, unless it is poorly optimized. Also, that doesn't affect Survivor. Plus, there are some god-tier Nurse's and Huntress' on console.
4.) Your last point is simply your bias and elitism showing. However, console players generally do not want to spend $1000 on a PC, so in that regard, you are right. They also value playing with their friends.
For the record, the Devs tend to go with the majority. I doubt PC has the majority of players.
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Only a masochist would play only Clown and Legion. Who wants to be in pain that badly?
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Well, apparently playing killer is not frustrating so...!
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Depends on what killer you are talking about and how easily you get frustrated.
I personally don’t get frustrated easily as killer because I just don’t care enough about the 4K.
Playing Clown and Legion won’t be as fun as a killer like Spirit or Billy. They’re not as good and their powers are just boring. I find Clown and Legion to be boring as hell to play. The only reason I find Clown even mildly entertaining is his laugh.
It’s a game, it has no effect on me personally. Whether I win or lose is irrelevant. I’ll forget about it the next day. You think I’m gonna care about the Blendette that butt danced at the exit gate a week ago?
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You're in a minority
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"You think I’m gonna care about the Blendette that butt danced at the exit gate a week ago?"
Oh, you might not, but I'll remember. ;)
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I think that yes, you do care (well, not for a week, duh!), since you just stated that playing Legion and Clown is masochistic, it's just that you play killers that are strong enough for you to not face too much the frustration :).
In fact, you see as an example of fun killer not other than Hillbilly and Spirit, which are arguably two of the strongest killers in the game.