Time for killers to gen rush

So the devs nerfed Ruin. It's really not that much of a surprise from my experience playing so far how changes have been mostly in line to help survivors. We all know gens will fly faster without it and destroy certain killers. Now is the time to prove gen rush exists: switch to survivor, arm your toolboxes with second chance perks, and burn through gens.
With not having to deal with Ruin on the survivor side, this will make things easier (i.e. fun) for us to give the devs all the data they need to make the changes to the game to improve overall health and experience for both sides. If they are not biased, then the issues we have about speed, mechanics, and maps will be addressed, which is more than going on forums and talking about the same thing ad nauseum. We know the issues and the flaws. It's time to exploit it to our advantage as survivor mains have.
I don't know if it was done in the PTB but if it's data the devs want, then let's give them the data they need. Just an idea.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLAY SURVIVOR, KILLER MAINS. You need to get face camped to death repeatedly, it's "a legit strategy."
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It is a legit strat, and if the other 3 players do what they are supposed to do when someone is face camped (i.e. the generators), the devs will see that while a single person is on the hook, 3 generators can be completed.
Both giving the data about gen speed and punishing the camper.
Sounds like a win , win to me.
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Oh, don't worry I will.
I've always been a gen jockey, but I'll be sure to be extra efficient from now on.
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Yes, bloat the stats to favor your ideal idea of what the stats will look like. While you do that, I will die every match to show killers get too many 4Ks. Even, gen rushing isn't a thing. The only time it happens is when multiple people bring a toolbox with really good addons and prove thyself, which rarely ever happens. It's just survivors doing their objective, maybe bring some other gen slow perks like, pop, dying light, thanat, surveillance, sloppy, etc.
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ive been playing a lot of survivor lately. its so much easier than killer. i throw on resilience, spine chill, iron will, and prove thyself. hella fast loops, hella fast gens.
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no one likes facecamping. problem is, when you play killer long enough, you realize that there are many times when it's the only viable strategy, especially when gens are getting done too fast and you've only gotten 1 hook due to a highly loopable map as a killer who cant counter it. especially when Ruin, the only viable gen slowing perk for those situations, goes down right away.
and now that Ruin will always be "down" right from the beginning, well...
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So you say genrush exists. What are the survivors supposed to do?
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Most kills do play survivor. You'll find that it's actually most survivors who don't play killer. It's also most survivors who act like camping happens every game.
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Because it happens about every other game 😂 if you play survivor you will find out.
Honestly these days if a player JUST camps it almost seems polite. Instead of face camping and hitting your person until sacrificed.
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No it doesn't, lol
If you're getting camped that much, you're likely provoking the killer.
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Face camping is a legit strat like tea bagging and flashlight clicking is a legit strat.
Of course anything a killer does is a legit strat according to killer mains.
Meanwhile... Toolboxes? TOXIC
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Maybe you don't camp, if so, good on you.
But yes killer camping happens a ton.
I need to steal that line. "You're probably provoking". It's such BS lmao. "Oh you got teabagged and flashlight clicks all game? You probably provoked them." 😂😂 you killer mains are like memes come to life
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Hey dude don't ya know?
Face camping=legit strategy
Doing gens in the first 10 mins of a game? TOXIC
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What rank are you? I'm a red rank survivor, I hardly ever see anything more than heavy patrolling. The second you made the assumption that I was a killer main is when you forfeit the debate. With that attitude, it's no doubt you're on of those people who deserves to be camped and probably asks for it.
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A strategy to losing the game. Good try though.
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How many times has gen rushed been described as the speed in which gens get done vastly outstrips many killers' ability to compensate, rather than survivors doing their objective? Any decent killer will tell you that you doing your job is not the problem. It's about the issues of the gens themselves as it relates to other factors that work against the killer, the main one being time.
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It's not "bloating" stats in your favor if actual gameplay issues exist. If a survivor's job is to do gens and they need data, then work as efficiently as possible and see what happens. And I'm a red rank killer on console and I come across that setup often, with the average being 2 toolboxes and good add-ons with at least one Dwight or someone running Prove Thyself. So I'm going to copy what I see. Of course people run slowdown perks, but there are issues with map design, mobility, perk effectiveness, and matchmaking and now is the best time to show that problems exist.
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So it isn't the survivor gen rushing
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No it's not about them doing their job, it's the speed in which it's done that shuts the game down with little to no interaction with killers but it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
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no thanks.
i dont like the survivor playstyle that much - and i wouldnt want to piss off the killers i play with for "the greater good".
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You don't even know what a strategy is do you?
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I don't like it either but you're always going to piss someone off simply by being in the game. With Ruin gone, by the time you piss someone off, you'll be at the exit gates in no time unless you're dealing with a fraction of the killers in the game. But more power to you if you don't.
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I actually encourage this, since the developers are watching the statistics and seeing if generators are a problem.
I'm thinking about using DH, Kindred, Adrenaline, and Detective's Hunch.
DH is my preferred chase extender.
Kindred allows the solos I'm paired with (or me if someone else is hooked) to become more coordinated when the killer has pressure.
Adrenaline in the case the chase extends beyond the 5th generator and prevent the "Hook Games".
Detective's Hunch to prevent the killer's secondary Ruin from activating.
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It is a strategy, I would not say a legit one. A legit strategy is one that gives the highest probability, or the best probability to aid the goal of victory. Face camping relies on the stupidity of the 3 remaining survivors. It's like saying you are going to start a ground war in Asia but only use horse drawn chariots and hope the enemy is too scared or dumb to use tanks.
Depending on the stupidity of the opponent is not a legit strategy, but then again, most here have likely never had to take actual training in the philosophy or practical application of warfare and strategy.
So yeah, you do you.
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I read the title and just pictured a Billy zooming from gen to gen to help with repairs while the survivors look on in confusion.
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If youre getting face camped its either because you were being toxic (impossible) or because youre at low ranks and fighting literal toddlers.
But actually going back to the post that would just drive this guys agenda lol. This is the one thing bad survivor for some reason can not understand lol. Ive only been called a gen rusher once and it was because the killer was camping the hook. I did 4 gens in about as many minutes while he sat there for all 3 states (I knew he was there because my teammates kept going to the hook and getting caught in a trap. By the time I got the door opened and saved one person I got the message.....from one of my teammates that had died while he was trying to save his friend for not running over and saving him instead of doing gens.
Survivor mains tend to be worse at survivor because they only understand half the game, but I see this all the time and it dont think its something that playing killer would even help you understand lol.
######### you even talking about man lol. You mad these killers wont to gen rush to show how easy it is...but youre also saying that gen rushing doesn't exist and its just doing the objective. So what you mad about?
Also I aint no snitch but im pretty sure saying youre going to DIE* every game to ruin the game for your teammates and try to get the stats in your favor is bannable. Ive seen people ban for less, hell ive seen people banned for no reason so just word to the wise. Or not
Also just because I can see the future, saying youre going to gen rush every game to get the stats in your favor isn't bannable because hes just going to be playing the game, in fact you justified why he wouldn't be in the wrong yourself.
*=Make yourself die every game.....that content filter is really something on here
Both of yall need to start playing killer on the real
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Gen rushing doesn't exist? Then neither does tunneling. And please, tell me that they're different because I can assure you they are exactly the same thing.
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Gen rushing doesn't exist? So you're fine with getting tunneled then, right? Survivors are supposed to be efficient with their objectives, yes. And killers are supposed to be efficient with their objective; kill. Attack the weaker survivor. Get someone out of the game as fast as is possible.
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Camping is ensuring that you get one kill. Teabagging and flashlight clicking is the same as throwing a middle finger and disrespecting the opponent. There's no strategy, there's no plan. They're being a dick and they know it and enjoy it. They like to pretend they're a big deal and feel powerful outside their pathetic real lives
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Why the polarization. Why do you have to act like "killer main" is some shameful insult you need to throw around whenever you disagree with someone, yet when someone uses "survivor main" you pretend like they're being childish and shame them more, despite doing the exact same thing. Recognize the double standard dude. It's getting annoying.
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Facecamping is ensuring that you get the kill, often because the survivors flew through the gens and gave you know actual time to get it "fairly".
Let me ask you this. Tunneling is "toxic" right? Because it ruins the fun for that survivor by taking them out of the game extremely quickly, robbing them of points, and possibly depipping them?
Isn't genrushing the same thing? You're ruining the fun for the killer by taking them out of the game extremely quickly, robbing them of points, and almost certainly depipping them.
But genrushing is efficient right? Not toxic?
Isn't tunneling efficient then? Not toxic?
Recognize the double standard dude. It's getting annoying
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As all the gens bang off instantly because the killer spent 40 seconds at the hook, it's a LOSING strategy
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Tell me what is gen rush
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Yes every killer should switch to survivor so that even less people can get into games. Yay
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I swear this game base is full of 12 yr olds. Omg every day every single damn day someone is on here CRYING about something
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Killer: Face camping usually ensures a kill. A strategy . . no
Survivor: Being face camped sucks for the hooked survivor
Killer: Being ran around by 1 survivor for 45 seconds+ sucks
Survivor: Know when to drop the chase, go somewhere else
Killer: Are survivors ever told to know when to stop running, accept your fate
Survivor: That's not the same thing
Killer: Isn't it
. . .
Same old back and forth. One sided minds will never try to see the others point of view.
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every killer gets there own one shot ability when?
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From your comments it's obvious why YOU get facecamped idk I would do it to you😙
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Ow yeah? Come on survivor mains. Let's all play killer and counter the genrush by applying pressure
Right guys? ... guys?
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I'll tell you what a gen rush is i spawned on the other side of the map so one gen gone before I could physically make it there so I chase a survivor and after I hook him and go to a gen to pop it three gens popped by the time I made it to a gen that leaves me with what one gen left for a single hook
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Yeah it actually is. It's the best way do derank without afk to get funnier games :)
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Have fun. Meanwhile i'll afk in killergames to give 4 escapes per game.
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If you play the top tier killers (esp with pop perk), i will try being on gene each ######### second of the game
If you play non-tier killer, i will also loot chest, maybe some 99% sabo, cleanse totems, ...
Your choice :)
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The survivors spawned, and saw a gen. It is natural that they work in it. A person was being chased, they worked gens, absolutely normal gameplay
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It really is a strategy though. So much killers get upset when survivors teabag or click their flashlight. That motivates the killer to kill them even more. If the survivor is a good looper the killer will lose the game for tunneling them which buys the other 3 survivors time to do gens.
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As long as they won't improve the pipping system and revert the rank reset changes, they still won't get reliable data for their statistics.
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Eh it won't matter anyways... Once a few of those killer mains try to gen rush and get hosed down by the killer quickly, they will go back to playing killer on ez street.
Then they will lose a bunch of matches as killer and realize they weren't any good, and will fall into their proper rank.
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Man people really take this game too seriously, yes gens go too fast but it's the only thing survivors need to do besides just getting out, just like camping, tunneling and slugging aren't inherently toxic either it's just both sides trying to do there jobs. Directing blame on either side isn't the right call, neither of them are in charge of design.
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Genrush doesn't exist.
It's just survivors doing their objective optimally.