If DbD dies out does BHVR go down too?



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It will barely be a blip. Killer que times are really bad right now. The vocal minority on this forum will barely register.

    Personally, I think I like what I have seen of both ruin and Doc changes, but we will know for sure when they are live for a bit. The PTB is too flawed to be sure. People actually log into the PTB to run meme builds, DC, face camp, etc I stead of actually trying to play the game. Hard to test changes that way.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I asked why you have such a problem with me in a different topic and you ignored it, so hopefully you'll discuss it here. Please stop spreading bullshit. I use Ruin on almost all of my killers so I have no idea why you or anyone even thinks I have that mindset. Its extremely annoying. Stop.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I was going to respond with something thought out when I had more time to write it up, I was impressed that you're willing to talk it over and was mostly upset by the attitude thrown at tru3 over the last several weeks. I know you haven't been feeling well lately and I wanted to cool off on it since I didn't want to make things worse. I've been having problems with poor sleep and feeling awful all the time since November (which definitely makes me more of a jerk than usual). This game is one of the last places I can go that still helps me deal with it and all the nerfs have been making the anxiety a lot worse about if it can still be that place, and the optics on a lot of your statements about them just compund it. I've been referring to you as a representative example of the people who think "all these changes that are awesome and if someone disagrees then they're stupid or bad at the game" because that was the impression in a lot of your early analysis even if not what you actually believe and that isn't fair to you if you don't hold those opinions, I apologize for mischaracterizing you on that and I'm especially sorry if I made your other problems worse, you don't deserve that.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I very much respect your composure my dude. Sorry to hear you're having issues as well, hope things get better!

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Thanks, I really do too; I used to be inspired and excited by stress but now it just shuts me down and none of my old strategies work. I hope you get better soon as well

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I'm saying that I would quit the game because devs who aren't willing to implement changes they feel are necessary because of a whining community is not a game that's going to thrive. I want no part in that. If you were good enough at reading comprehension you would notice that the my claim isn't the same as what I'm calling people out for. I called out stupid people for quitting over changes and a game they have no understanding of. That's in no way the same as someone quitting because the devs showed they don't have a backbone and aren't willing to do what they think is best for a game

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    It becomes a problem when the game fails to attract killers, given the fact that a killer has the weight of 4 people in matchmaking. Without a killer, that's 4 survivors that have to wait longer. If a decent amount of killers quit because of the change, this will affect the wait in lobbies and matchmaking even more. If new killer players feel helpless and they quit, it doesn't matter how many new survivors they attract, the wait times and matchmaking will likely turn them away.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    The power role sits with the team that has higher skill, with some RNG mixed in. It depends on the decisions you make and how well you can predict your opponent's actions and this applies to both survivor and killer.

    By saying that the self care nerf didn't affect gameplay that much, you show that you just ignore facts that don't fit your narrative. It was a perk used by almost every single survivor and nerfing it forced a whole new non-heal meta into the game. There was a massive uproar at the time, similar if not larger than what youre seeing now.

    Gens will go faster if you don't pressure survivors and just try to chase them one at a time until they go down without any thought or reason. You're right on this one.

    No I won't tell you to run corrupt, because there isn't a single perk that will make all problems go away. You need to set up your loadout with an actual plan that fits your playstyle. I'll personally take whispers over ruin on most killers any day of the week. However, your reason for not wanting to run corrupt is very flawed. Survivors grouping on a gen that is on YOUR side of the map, due to corrupt, is probably the best thing that can happen to you as killer in the early game. Firstly, multiple survivors work less efficiently when they stack on the gen. Secondly, it forces them to pressure a single area instead of spreading out, making it much easier for you to put your own pressure on multiple survivors at the same time. Thirdly by blocking off the 3 farthest gens (which a lot of the time will be on the same side of the map) allows you to start setting up a 3-gen strat from the beginning of the match. If you don't see the value in that I don't think I can help you much more..

    @DeanIcity, back in the day everyone ran self-care.. you can't claim that experienced players didn't care about it. The nerf required them to significantly change how they played the game. Your other point that new players didn't know what it used to be and old players adapted - you can say the same thing about ruin..

    Regarding the ruin change having a more significant impact - we'll see - steam charts will tell us in a few months just how big the impact on the playerbase was (on pc at least).

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2020


    This is obviously subjective, considering many matches consist of killers who don’t know how to run a loop, when to give up chase, when to stop hard camping/tunneling, get triggered at a survivor tbagging and forgetting the others exist, not wanting to break a pallet, not care for the gen that’s almost done next to them so they don’t bother kicking it.

    So while you can say gen speed is the problem you can’t blame it entirely on that. There are many things that affect the outcome of a match and one of the biggest ones if not the biggest, is skill. That’s why you won’t see anyone even admitting it on the forums. Instead they post about how survivors did “this and that“... almost as if they wanted survivors to play bad to get a win.

    Post edited by Johnny_XMan on
  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Ya theres a lot of things that can happen, but gens go too fast unless you have a perk, like ruin, to slow them down, or are playing one of a very few killers that can pressure a whole map. It's a fact, the most skilled killers out there will get mopped by an equally skilled swf squad.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71

    I’m not a killer or survivor main, I enjoy playing both and play both pretty equally on PS4. That being said I’m actually less likely to play survivor now because I expect the que times to get really bad. The fact of the matter is 80% of killers used ruin at red ranks including me. That means only 20 percent of red rank players are good enough to get there without it. That is a pretty large amount of killers using it, so I expect there’s going to be a lot more tunneling, camping, moris, and NOED. I honestly don’t even mind the change because I agree with the notion that now they can balance everything else

  • Bhvr removes SKILL checks from ruin because survivors CAN'T hit SKILL checks

    Survivors proceed to tell killers they need better SKILL


    Removes "SKILL" checks from ruin....


  • Deadbyblake
    Deadbyblake Member Posts: 27

    Learn to play without ruin

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    And who will all these new players, play with? Red Rank Survivor mains who will rofl stomp them, and crush the will to play out of new killers?

  • I don't really wish them to fail on that level, I really think they need some kind of huge hit to their ego so they will realize they need to get their head in the game for once.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I'm gonna have to disagree... slightly. I mean, yes it was big, but Ruin is a major blow to killers who can't dish out map pressure enough to get around that obstacle. Survivors could at least use a medkit to get around the self care nerf. But, it still does the same thing, you still heal yourself. Ruin used to slow down the game, now it just regresses gens while preventing you from using arguably better perks. Like pop goes the weasel.

  • Infinity_Bored
    Infinity_Bored Member Posts: 445

    Is DBD dying yet again?

    First time was 2016, amiright?

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You might be right, although there are decent alternatives to ruin even now which a lot of people use, because they don't want to rely on RNG totem spawns and so on. That's besides the point though.

    The point I was trying to make is that the change back then was big enough to upset many survivors and people made a fuss, just like they're doing now. If you believe that the game should die now because of this, then it should have died back then as well and it didn't..

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    You do raise a good point as well, but I'd also like to mention that Ruin did help at least crush some of the more obnoxious ways of doing gens, like all purple toolbox swf combos. This helped a killer like Piggy get some breathing room for her to get her traps on the survivor's heads. I do wish more killers and killer mains, including me, were more able to easily dodge the no ruin situation so well like Otz.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I agree regarding toolboxes. I hope they're the next thing that gets reworked.. Even with Franklin's you'll struggle against 4 engineer/commodious toolboxes

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Friday the 13th is going to kill this game!

    Last Year is going to kill this game!

    Self-Care nerf is going to kill this game!

    Balanced Landing nerf is going to kill this game!

    Save our Souls is going to kill this game!

    Identity V is going to kill this game!

    Civilization is going to kill this game!

    Ruin nerf is going to kill this game!

    Patterns within patterns within patterns. sigh

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Oh without a doubt, that's why we were all upset with change that didn't even really help that much..

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    Sure, BHVR won't collapse and this game probably won't die off just yet.. But the fact of the matter is that people are quitting and have been quitting due to these and similar changes. Yeah, some will come back, but many also won't.

    It's not a matter of the skill of the killer or whatever, it doesn't matter if anyone can 4k without Ruin or not.. People quit because the fun is being sucked out of playing killer and it's becoming more of a gruelling task than a fun game. People are quitting because, even if the nerf ends up being good, BHVR isn't looking into the core reasons people run it, they're not addressing the underlying issues.. just looking at statistics and deciding that too many people use it.

  • ThatLaurieMain
    ThatLaurieMain Member Posts: 16

    ruin is a crutch perk, learn to play the game not the perks ;)

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201


    I go in as huntress with no perks and add-ons once and awhile to test my mettle, and I suck as huntress but it is such a sweet victory. Be bold people.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Yes it is the same u whine about it and threatened to leave bye then!

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    In July 2019, BHVR accepted ~$20M from a Chinese investor for a non-controlling stake in BHVR and a member on the board. It would appear the answer is yes. TBH, I couldn’t care less if BHVR goes under. They haven’t done anything to make the gaming experience better.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If DBD were to go away they would be hurting. Maybe not enough to close the company but it wouldn't be business as usual.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    They're working on star...whatever. The expensive game that raised all that money. They have that contract for the foreseeable future.

    They've also been around since the GB era, just under a different name,and last I saw expressed interest in a Wet2.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Decisive Strike is the most utterly broken crutch perk in the game by far but I bet you love that