Survivor Is Too Easy

NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I barely even interacted with the Killer. I am good enough at the game to mostly get great skill checks on generators, but this match didn't have Hex: Ruin regardless. The match was not even 5 minutes long. I worked on most of the generator's, focused only on generators and had no perks, or items to increase generator speed. I got chased by the killer once, where I used getting hit once (I purposely got hit) for a speed boost to bait the killer into the other survivors, then returned to the generator I was working on previous. I am moderately good at looping, but for statistic's sake I wanted to ignore the boldness category as much as possible.

I've ignored all other point categories until I got Objectives to half and then focused only on unhooking, and healing my allies (I had a med kit).

We won, 3 survived, and the match only lasted 5 minutes. The Killer most likely de-pip'd as she didn't even get 20k points. (Spirit).

This is the problem everyone is talking about, I may have deserved a pip, but I don't think I in any way deserved a 2 pip, not only was I playing selfishly, but I could just ignore two entire categories. I could ignore Boldness, as failing in one category does not result in losing a double pip, and I could ignore Survival as only surviving (bonus points for being the obsession) the trial will result in passing survival, and with Hatch if you are playing selfishly you are guarentee'd to escape if you let your team die when it's 2 gen's or less.

On the killer side this is not the same. On the killer side, they had a short game, got barely any points, and even though they did all of their goals correctly the match simply was not long enough to get more than 1 sacrifice that she had to camp for, and still de pip'd when I would of at least given her a black pip or single pip.

I am a killer main, I know what it's like to play Killer and how stressful it is. If had died as survivor this match I would of still pip'd and that's probably the part that annoys me the most, because as Killer you don't get that much leg room, and it feels bad to not only get told by the game you're not doing well even when you do all you can right, but then the harassment you get in the post game chat from entitled survivors who don't understand both sides.



  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I didn't even notice the giant 9 in the screen. Regardless still shouldn't be this easy for a rank 9 - 1 rank from Purple. Like the biggest part of what the players want is the game to be as stress free as Survivor's have it, but it seems like the Dev's just don't understand that the Killers have the most stressful time playing. I was hoping the discussion would bring some light to that subject.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    I agree wkth you.

    But one game post can't prove anything .

    Especially when you hide your rank.

    But yes.

    Survivor right now is too easy to play.

    You can even play with you feet and still win.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    Rank 9 btw

  • Infinity_Bored
    Infinity_Bored Member Posts: 445


  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Thats obvious, if you are alone and all of the responsibility goes to you alone, you will get stressed. If you have 3 other teammates that could ######### up for you, you are having less stress. Thats just natural. Best example why world of warcraft has ALOT more pve players than pvp.

    Pvp 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 10,10, you have ALOT more responsibility to your own. So if you ######### up, you will die with your teammates.

    Pve 20 player raid grps. You can even go afk while beeing in a boss fight and noone will notice... while you will eventually kill the boss and get loot.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Does it matter? I de-rank to help my friend learn the game (Nancy), and we end up against red rank killers anyways even at Rank 9.

  • nick_larking
    nick_larking Member Posts: 31

    You log in you pip*, thats the state of survivor right now.

    *exception: hooked and camped instantly for rest of the game.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    This. I"ve been ######### about on survivor doing archive stuff to stuff points onto clown for PGTW, and despite ACTIVELY trying to avoid doing the main objective, I pipped nearly every game because the requirements are so braindead and lax

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    If it makes you guys feel better, soon after that match last night me and Nancy spent nearly a whole match teabagging on the table in Mother's Dwelling as go go dancers. The killer didn't give us Mercy, but even after then attempting to follow him into the basement, and thinking by poking his face was how you escape the trial. Clearly I played well, and deserved a pip

    Because even if you fail to complete the category "Objectives", you still complete your objective enough to pip.

    But please tell me again how this role is stressful?

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    How is it too easy yet you're only rank 9? Your point is correct, I'm just curious. Are you one of those DC babies or smth?

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    I think it's too easy. I hit rank 3 last season just trying to work on some achievements and memeing with garbo perks to not rank up so fast and I still pipped every game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Killer will always be more stressful. You’re dealing with the burden yourself as killer, as survivor the workload (should be) shared across 4 people.

    I find killer easier than solo survivor. I win most games as killer or at the very least manage to get 2 kills. As solo survivor I seem to not escape in the vast majority of games. If I play 2 man swf then my odds of escaping rise from about 10% to 50%.

    I find solo survivor more stressful than killer because I’m constantly getting put with less experienced players and I find that I have to do most of the work and carry the team. This new rank reset and matchmaking bug has everything messed up. Used to be at red ranks you were guaranteed solid players on your team but not anymore.

    Generally now my team go down every 5 seconds so I have to run the killer long enough to buy them time to do the gens and then the killer gets me down at the end with the speed boost from NOED and I get left to die on 1st hook. Its happening so frequently. I get its not all about escaping but I’d just like a chance at escaping after doing all the damn work and still have 10-15k more points after dying than everyone else despite the fact that they all got a bonus 5k for escaping.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    I deranked from Red to help my friend play when she started, though at rank 9 I don't see why I should be double piping when i'm directly ignoring objective's and core game play. I probably should of expected entitled players to find the smallest reason to ignore literal evidence infront of them (because you face red ranks in rank 9 all the way to red). Though I don't want to go back to red ranks, but I can do this exact same thing there too, and if you were ever in red ranks then you wouldn't even be questioning it. So I don't know why i'm explaining it to you.

  • horsegod386
    horsegod386 Member Posts: 91

    Honestly I feel like both survivor and killer have their own things that make them difficult, while survivor is easier than killer generally, the average survivor is miles worse than the average killer. Because of the reasons you listed, if you're a survivor you wont lost rank as long as you

    1. Unhook and heal the survivor you unhooked
    2. complete one(1) Gen

    and that's it, that's all you need to do to maintain your rank as survivor while with killer you need to

    1. hook every survivor multiple times
    2. let a max of one(1) survivor escape
    3. not get gen rushed

    and heaps of other stuff so killer forces you to always be adapting and better your playstyle while survivor simply lets you coast.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    What survivor rank are you describing? 20?

    Although I agree that survivor is a lot easier than killer, let's not exagerate! If the killer is really bad you can unhook 1 survivor, do several gens, get chassed for a bit, escape and still depip! It works both ways, if the killer is bad, you most likely will derank, if a survivor dc's, it improves the chances of depiping... Even an unsafe hook rescue can get you half way to a depiping guarantee!

    In my opinion, although many people won't agree with me for obvious reasons (specially because of matchmaking flaws and ranking system flaws), the survivors ranking up or down or safe pipping, should be more inter-connected between the overall team effort. There should at least be one emblem for team play! Yes, SWF would be even more unfair but at least we probably wouldn't see so many atrocities some team mates do because they just don't care!

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Is easy yes, but in swf, in solo Is a nightmare. Have to deal with randoms Is something that makes me mad

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's absolutely true though. I rank up survivor easily when I follow my ranking method - Just get Obj to half, and then max chase/altruism - At. All. Costs.

    Doesn't matter if I unsafe hook, an unhook is still altruism points. (I tend to take BT in Purple and Red Ranks, but until then I run DS because you can't rely on your team to be altruistic at all in the lower ranks).

    Didn't max one of my categories? 2 Gens left? Guess i'm ignoring gens, finding the hatch, and then will work on gens for as many points as possible, and if the killer ever comes - bait/loop that sucker into my team and take the hatch when they are all dead.

    It's always at least 2-4 categories maxed, so it's more often at least a pip, and zero chance at a de-pip.

    Absolutely selfish playing, absolutely ruins the fun for the other survivors, but by the games standards I have effectively "won".

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2020

    To be fair you had and iri emblem in 3 places. This alone says you didn't ignore objectives.

    A killer at that rank would also double pip with the same.

    At red ranks this could be a pip but not a double. The simple reason is the emblems are there to encourage you to do a bit of everything but its not needed to pip so other playstyles such as stealth can and do work.

    The system has to be designed so everyone has a chance to pip otherwise you will be fighting with others instead of having a common goal. That itself would be terrible game design.

    If you remember it used to be harder but the issue is that it caused an imbalance of survivors to killer. The current queue times are due to swf matchmaking and compounded with the reset mechanic change.

    So it's not about it being too easy its about more players being matched within red ranks who aren't in them.

    It only needs 1.2k swf players where one is in red and the others are above 10 to affect the queue times of 900 true red rank players.

    Making piping harder now then won't help atm as the players are already in red ranks and unless they purposefully derank they will stay where they are. This seems to be why the reset was changed as it naturally bring both sets of players into a smaller match making bracket.

    The only other way to really do it then would be to reset everyone to rank 20 after changing the requirements completely for both sides but that may only work so much as the more players who invite low rank friends the more the issue starts to happen again.

    This is why it takes so long to find a queue in brown and some yellow ranks for killer.

    Its probably why they posed the question regarding matchmaking on discord asking about the idea of removing ranks from matchmaking and making it one large pool of players.

    I personally don't think rank should be tied to the match making system and I've said before i feel it should be a monthly goal with a reward to hit the red area with a proper mmr system put in place to match those of equal skill. That system can more easily widen imo as it only need 4 or 5 brackets.

    As for killer being more stressful that is natural as you have no down time in that role while a survivor knowing another is in a chase feels safe from harm in that time frame. Survivor chases are shared over 4 players while killer you are in every chase.

    The stress then is nothing to do with pipping and all to do with interactions with the other side which killer obviously has 4 times as many. This is evident as killing all four quickly isnt a stressful game at all its just frustrating after the match when you see that you didnt pip due to it.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    Unsafe hooks counts has negative altruism points, you actually loose points if you do an unsafe hook rescue!

    If a survivor is hooked you loose 10 points in the altruism category and you loose even more if you performe an unsafe hook rescue!

  • TommyFredo
    TommyFredo Member Posts: 48

    Survivor is easy, but especially with a bad or mediocre killer. Green ranks you should be guaranteed to pip or double pip. Once you play Red Rank killers the games get longer, they run better perks, better builds and have a better sense of game IQ. The game has always been survivor sided, but the case is different for everybody that plays the game. If you know the maps, if you run a good build, and if you have good awareness on the killer, it should be easy. But it also depends on the killer. I know spirits that would never ever let 3 escape in 5 minutes. I mean never. Just because they're good at the game and know what to do in many situations. I've had many games where i double pip'd and was genuinely upset about the competition. But o'boy does that change. Every game has different variables, pallet spawns, loop spawns, killer perks etc. It's easy maybe 2/10 games until you get to red ranks. Then i'd say its easy every 20/100 games. Just keep playing and you'll see.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    This guy got so mad because I said he wasn't in red ranks. I literally said he was right and he still got pissy. How insecure does one need to be? He also tried saying he shouldn't explain to me because I'm not in red ranks or smth, but I'm rank 2 surv LOL

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Because when someone makes a post about this clear issue, people will nit pick at the smallest details to try and disprove it with some kind of negative mind game.

    But sure just try to insult me further, I'll have to ask you to stop as we are trying to actually have a discussion here.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful, thank you.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Solo sucks, but I still get to rank one without really trying. And the only perk I use that actually helps in chase is spine chill.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    As would ranks matter...

    Srs... From a killer perspective I have seen enough survs in red ranks that have acted like rank 20 and were just boosted by their better perks, while you encounter on -rank 10 sometimes really good swfs that sometimes depip on purpose, or help one of their friends up to a higher rank.

    Ranks doesn't matter. Experience is what matters.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    No, the queue times are due to the recent horrible matchmaking changes. There is not a shortage of killers or survivors.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Instant matches for killers and long queue times for survivors - how can that be caused by bad matchmaking?

    If the killer : survivor ratio is good, it's either good queue times for everyone or - in case of bad matchmaking - bad queue times for everyone.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    All these call outs about rank.

    Yet all these "I ToTalZ PlAy KiLlErZ A lotz n iT eAzy PZ I agwEee wit WuIn Berff!" and everyone shows up to echo chamber.

    Keys are the single most BS thing in this entire game. Where is the out of nowhere nerf? Will never happen. The fact that survivors can find a key DURING the game with no perks dedicated to finding it or anything out of the ordinary. Then have multiple escape. Is completely unabalanced BS. More so than ever now.

    Forget the old slug the last guy if you want the 4k. Now with a key instead of 1 player escaping on command with ZERO counter play it will be 2.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    The reason some people are dismissing your opinion due to your survivor rank is because pipping at green ranks is easy, even as killer it's easy to pip at green rank. I could play insidious bubba and still pip. Generally it's very easy to pip between rank 20 and 5, especially as survivor. It only becomes somewhat tricky to pip once you reach rank 4. Even harder to pip as killer as for some reason you have to score an emblem higher to pip, I don't know the reason for this.

    I agree it's too easy to pip at low ranks, but on both sides. I have a friend who is still somewhat new to the game, and still doesn't really understand the game mechanics, and he was rank 11 before rank reset.

    Personally I think the pipping ranking system as killer is flawed, I feel like if play well as killer and dominate the survivors I'll either only get ruthless killer or even brutal killer. But if I have a game where I struggled but somehow get a 4k, due to the game lasting longer I double pip.

    Especially the chase emblem system, I get penalized for ending chases too quickly.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Every time Rizzo makes this comment, a survivor gets the hatch.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    To be honest, at green and yellow ranks I feel like I barely have to try as killer or survivor to pip, or even double pip. So I'm a bit confused by it. Red Ranks for both I gotta make a pretty decent effort to pip, and have a really good game to get a double pip with either side.

    However I feel like it's easier to safety pip at red ranks as survivor, than it is to safety pip as killer in red ranks.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    I completed gens, unhooked survivors and healed people, but i got hit once and brought them to my team (no perks, wonder how you were so confidently able to bring a killer to your team with pretty much no info) "how did i pip up twice?" Idk you did 3 and half of your objectives. Killers literally need to use their power, (even if it misses or cant hit such as trapper or hag) chase people and hook them. This info is incredibly skewed and thanks to you admitting youre a killer main have already announced that there is a huge bias in youre review. How I, me, someone who thoroughly enjoys both roles, would say that due to your experience as killer, had some insight as to what the killer would be doing and played accordingly. "Played selfishly", yeah an irridecent medal in survival and altruism for HEALING OTHERS and UNHOOKING OTHERS does seem incredibly selfish Pepega. Youre info from ONE game includes you doing the objective, healing others and unhooking others and your saying that you played badly for not doing the only thing that directly interacts with the killer. Your info is not only invalid but peicea such as the "selfish" a bit early are not only flawed and worded with bias, but is literally just LYING. Youre actually LYING and trying to sell it as legitament info.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Ranking up actually used to be easier, then they made it harder, then they made it slightly easier again.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    Well. In rare cases you get a safety pip too. But -1 is pretty hard to get

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    The few times I depipped was because I got basement hooked for stealing lunchboxes

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    I can equip rainbow map, run 2 laps around the trial, do nothing else, wait for my team to all die, and then take the hatch (door if killer finds hatch), and at least black pip in red/purple.

    Killer requires a 4k just to stay in red ranks

    Yep - clearly balance.

    For those that say it's hard to rank in Purple, it's not. Yes you actually have to do some work in Purple, but still most of the time you pip if all you do is focus one point category and escape. For Killer it's different as you need at least 2 sacrifices to normally pip, and relatively high stats in everything else.

    For those who are saying "You got 2-3 iri's, so clearly you didn't ignore objectives". Actually I did. Right off the bat the survival emblem gives you points for just existing in the trial. Requires no work from the survivor, so if you are in a match for 9 minutes then you automatically iri this emblem. If you escape before that you automatically iri this emblem. Bold you get points by simply being near the killer. The only one that requires you to actually do work is Altruism and yet you still get points if anyone get's unhooked regardless. By this alone you can always pip if all you do is generator's, and escape - because all other categories will gain points without you even needing to do anything.

    As for Killer if all you do is focus on killing everyone, by any means, then you de pip or black pip. If the game is going too fast you have to slow down to try and get brutality points, and hunting to ensure at least a black pip. You straight up can't rely on gatekeeper, because with the current repair speeds you can't even make it across most maps to defend the generator's.

    To be entirely honest, if they just added points to the Gatekeeper emblem for scaring survivors off gen's, survivors failing skill checks on gens, and/or points for how much a damaged generator regresses before a survivor stops the regression could be a starting point to balancing the gap, and make Killer feel more worthwhile to play.

  • BlackRainbow
    BlackRainbow Member Posts: 40

    I don't do gens I just do totems and play chill to slow it down.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Agreed, as well as other solo survivor headaches such as dcs, suicides, survivors sandbagging by running the killer into other survivors to get them caught (like the person that posted the orig thread)... not to mention that killers almost always get more bloodpoints and don't have to rely on others during the game. They are just really different experiences (killer vs survivor)

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    It's the exact same problem with low ranks. Except the other way around, insanely long killer queues, short survivor queues. This video sums up the problem well.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    That's why I don't like playing survivor. It's too damn easy and not stressful enough like it should be. You aske me, the roles should be switched, survivor's should be the ones stressing out and not killers

  • DostiL
    DostiL Member Posts: 39

    Rank 9. Comeback when you're 1 boy.