Faster bleedouts when not recovering or

I'm tired of getting slugged! it's boring and I just end up afking or quitting the match altogether! or maybe survivors should be able to pick themselves up but they cannot run for 120 seconds. Slugging is so toxic I don't want to play survivor anymore!


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Then go play killer!

    Or run unbreakable if you're slugged that often

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Then don't get caught by the killer, simple as that. If you honestly think being a survivor is so hard and that slugging is toxic then try ranking up your killer past rank 14 and try not to slug against optimal survivors. You're asking for more killer nerfs it's so laughable. The game mechanics are already working against the killers (as are the map designs), their powers are consistently nerfed and even their perks. Now you want the only things they have (their play styles) to stand a chance, to be nerfed? There's so much existing counterplay to slugging and you want it nerfed by basically implementing Unbreakable as a game mechanic.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I would agree with this.

    Some killers just slug and slug and slug. They can't find the Blendette so they just drag the game out. At some point just let it go man...

    Also sometimes I get 2 survivors disconnecting early game. The killer then slugs for the 4k in a 2 vs 1 game. How is that fair? how can you expect anyone to sit there for 3 minutes and not disconnect and find a new game when they have done nothing wrong?

    Just allow the survivor to hold a button to bleed out twice as fast. That way the killer still has time to go looking for the other, they just don't have all day. To make sure killers aren't shorthanded you could even reveal the aura of the survivor that is bleeding out if they choose to bleed out faster.

    At some point people can accept the loss and they just want to move on to a new game, not sit around while someone strokes their ego going for the 4k.

  • edogast
    edogast Member Posts: 148

    killer bias much? I'd like to see you get slugged with knock-out and just bleed out to death for 5 minutes and see how you feel

  • edogast
    edogast Member Posts: 148

    not EVERYONE is going to run unbreakable it's so situatioanl, and so what if you do? you can only get up ONCE just to get knocked back down and slugged again

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    As a survivor, yes slugging sucks - but most survivors are running in teams where everyone is using self-care and sneaking around the map constantly healing everyone up to full health endlessly because self-care desperately needs a usage amount nerf. BUT I recognize that it is a viable tactic against overly altrustic and 'sneaky' survivors that drag the game out by focusing more on saving and healing one another than finishing their gens.

    As a killer -- you troll me, you purposefully try to get caught or get me to chase you into certain area; you loop me; you heal up the entire survivor team to full health for the 30th time in the match --- yes, I will slug you. I will slug the hell out of you, laugh while I do it, and go find that annoying gnat hiding in bushes just waiting to patch everyone up again instead of working on any gens.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Killer bias? I'm just stating the facts. If you're slugged just recover and crawl away. Simple as that. I do it, everyone else does. Run No Mither and Unbreakable if you get slugged so often, or just get good. Stay near safe loops and try hiding more often if you have to. Besides, I don't see how I'm biased when you literally want Unbreakable as a game mechanic. There is tons of counter play to slugging, nothing needs to be done about it.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Self-care is trash and is in need of buffs.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,080

    Use No Mither and you will never be slugged again!

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Yeah, I’m a killer main and agree the bleed out timer is far too long.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It should be two minutes to be in line with the sacrifice sequence. I wouldn't have an issue with that.