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Unfun & depressing playing as Killer

GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

It seems to have gotten so bad lately I just want to uninstall and never look back. I kept going against red ranks and getting mercilessly trashed with 0-1 kills, gens all being done and egc in an average of 6 minutes and sometimes getting less points than the survivors. Now I'm rank 15 and with the reset still going against pretty strong 5-8 ranks that were probably purple or reds. I stopped using ruin so I can get used to not having it, and never camp or tunnel. I have more fun as survivor but can only play survivor in the late mornings and then it becomes a 15 minute average wait. I play Trapper, Clown, and Wraith.



  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    Yeah and tbh člen is pure ######### now and worst killer, wraith without good perla and addons is a real pain and trapper still needs some buffs and you need some slowdown perks with them as Well.. But i love trapper hra good but needs some little love

  • Killers are 3/4ths of a person here.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not just the survivors it's also your choice in killers. If you play killers like clown and Wraith expect a much harder match.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Nurse was easy back then. The change to her basekit was unnecessary but the add-ons werent.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    Im sorry you have such an experience, I've been there too, in this state I would recommend to play survivors, it's quite casual now to play as solo survivor

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703


    It's a tale as old as time.

    I think once I get the sacred Wounded Healer trophy, I'm on a Dead By Detox.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    Funny thing, about that, killers who slug, camp, tunnel ruin the fun for survivors, so why should they care if you had fun? It's a vicious that killer has more control over than the survivors. That being said, they still need to fix match making as it is pure bull when a green killer is up against all red ranks.that needs to be addressed still. When your skill level matches you against those in the same skill range, games tend to go better.

  • GreezyWeezy
    GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72

    That was a good toilet time read. I can respect a good Nurse player, I remember it was the first killer I picked starting out because she looked like a creepy nurse from Silent Hill. Only problem was I didn't know how to use the blink power. I tried chasing a Claudette but I never caught up. Then there was a pallet she dropped and I ran around like 20 times trying to catch her. I tried using the blink several times but just tapped the button long enough for nurse to scream and then go into fatigue because I didn't I didn't know you had to charge it. I was like, this is it? This is her power? Is the scream supposed to scare them into quitting? Lol. Then I started playing Trapper because I liked his big menacing presence and he could run faster than nurse and set bear traps.

  • GreezyWeezy
    GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2020

    Speaking of Clown I finally got my Adept Clown trophy last night but I really had to sweat for it. I used the redheads pinky and was getting lucky hits with the bottles when I would catch a chase. Ended up hooking everyone 3 times and as a rank 13 now against rank 8s and a 14 it felt pretty satisfying. All the survivors except the rank 14 got high 20k blood points, and I actually got a compliment for once from one of the survivors. It's matches like that that keep me hanging on.

  • sneakymeghead
    sneakymeghead Member Posts: 32

    You should try Spirit ... after 3 (maybe 4) games, you will rekt these "purple" people !

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Take a break like I did

    Haven't played for over a week

    It's going to hurt a bit at the start but you'll see you'll become happier and less stressed

    Hell I got more productive when I stopped playing dbd, I still love this game, and the effort the devs puts into art creation but as the game stands in terms of balance is impossible for me to have fun

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    You're running Clown and Trapper, strike one.

    You're playing by survivor rules while the devs cater to them, strike two.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Playing as Hag in low ranks, I have to ease up frequently because the Survivors I'm playing against just aren't very good. This includes the multiple purples/reds that get thrown into the match with me. Happened while i was leveling Freddy, Demogorgon, and the Pig as well. The majority of Survivors I'm seeing there, even with the trash matchmaking, don't have the skills to compete against a decent Killer.

    Within the first minute or two though, I can usually feel the SWF and go all out against them. Those matches I find fun though because it helps me get better at my own game, and I would like to hit Rank 1 this season if I can get enough playtime. You will never get better playing against potatoes though, so the 3/4 man groups I play against, getting rekt frequently, give me a chance to work on rusty skills and better my Killer game.

    That being said, if you're having issues pipping, especially at low ranks, you need to work on the basics and get better at them. This is why I never use Ruin on any Killer, because it supports you heavily at low ranks and doesn't force you to get any better at the basic skills ALL Killers need to survive in the Reds.

    This is something I think will happen frequently now when the nerf goes live. Killers who literally got supported by Ruin through the ranks will drop quickly back into the yellows/greens. Killers who only use it as a tweak to their gameplay will be mostly unaffected. Much the same way Adrenaline, DH, DS, etc etc can carry a Survivor to the red ranks with them learning nothing along the way, Ruin has falsely propped up the Killer side and made it easier to pip and/or get kills.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    youll get better over time. rank means nothing anymore. just focus on improving your game play rather be mad about it.

    look at me. im consistently rank 1 so whenever i want to try a new killer or practice a killer im not good with i have a chance to go against really strong survivors who expect me to play well cause im also rank 1. you just gotta do it.

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    I stopped playing. For a while i was losing rank on purpose as killer, but now i dont care anymore. I moved onto other games.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I agree the basekit was too much that was honestly fine as is. Sad part is the addons that needed to be changed were alongside ones that were useless. Now most of her addons are worse as well with even less being useful.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    I played 3 rounds as killer last night and it wasn't fun at all. If I got a survivor they would DC because they were a poor sport. If I was about to exit through the gate they would DC because they got beat. The developers don't care anymore because they got your money. At least that's how I feel anymore.

  • xxphoenix
    xxphoenix Member Posts: 3

    I feel you, killer just isn’t as fun anymore

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Play something else

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Her add-ons now I disagree with because some of them are just down right stupid

  • TheOptimiser
    TheOptimiser Member Posts: 138

    A bit over 600 hours in this game atm, idk if I have more than 100 hours as a killer...It's frustrating to the point you're getting absolutely sick of it. I play killer only for rituals and rarely to see how bad I am destroyed.

    If you want to play this game as a killer, I definitely do not recommend it, play survivor or leave, but don't play killer, you'll get bullied in the worst possible way. And with the Ruin nerf knocking on the door we may see killer playerbase drop hard, which would shake the entire game...

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    I just started Sea of Thieves, the ultimate game pass was on sale and the game seemed tempting. I havent opened DBD is 12 days, so you can refresh your mind with other games

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    you aren't playing as a society you are playing as a role in a stupid game, if you don't like it quit and stop making a scene

  • vikuryu
    vikuryu Member Posts: 15

    Nurse wasn't easy... when u face potato surv ok but against good ones it was pretty hard to catch them. specially for a new nurse.

    and yeah her basekit was strong but not too strong.. the problem was the addons.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Find a small game where you can pause at anytime.

    Switch to survivor and start searching for a lobby.

    Play the other game while you wait for a match.

    Easy games from now on.

  • Asap12200
    Asap12200 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2020

    I do understand you. I feel the same. When I started this game on PS4 6 months ago, I really wanted to improve myself at being a decent killer over time. Step by step.

    I watched a lot of streamers (I still do), tried to understand this game, played quite a lot and so on.

    I've seen improvements. I was really enjoying this game. I've always been a fair player and played all killers, I never used a single mori the past 6 months or iridescent add-ons.

    I was often frustrated oc but I managed to find fun in all this. I was a purple ranked killer. Now, for the past few weeks, my experience as killer is awful. I feel helpless so many times. I keep facing red ranks players (I'm rank 7-9) and almost every game is a mess. DS, BT, DH, adrenaline, keys, tea-bags.

    This afternoon, I played again thinking "okay, matchmaking is broken. You won't be much of a threat to these survivors but at least, you will learn to be better". You know what? I had a dreadful afternoon and I decided to stop this game once and for all. I wasn't mad at the survivors, I was mad at this game. It took me 6 months to realize that this game (and particularly on console) is a complete mess. Things that should have been addressed earlier are here for way too long. I can't learn such a game.

    Now they remove ruin. Good. Survivors will get used at escaping more often. More and more survivors will looked down on killers. No need to fear them. Just 360 your way out of here. Gen rush. BT and DS will do the rest. Is that a good point for this game? I don't think so. Ruin needed to be changed. But not now with all the flaws.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    That is if you can change the resolution or your font sizing so that when you play your mouse actually registers attacks. I can't tell you how many times I try to attack a fleeing target, and my character just contemplates life because my mouse is secretly clicking on stuff behind the game. It doesn't even play the game in a legitimate "full screen" yes one can argue that filling the border all the way is "full screen" but it's still a window, not a full screen game. When the game is your primary focus and the developers can't get that right, it's extremely infuriating on PC versus console.

    Many of you (mostly PC players) are more than likely already thinking in the back of your mind; "Just go into the files like everyone else who looked this up on the internet and change them to fit your screen completely or whatever it is you have to do. Frankly for you and myself, I can't do that because the version I own is the Microsoft store version, not Steam. So I cannot get into the files because of how Microsoft doesn't want us all modifying our files (Usually I'm not against this kind of ethic, but in a time where developers can't even get the right specs for a full screen... It's kind of a drag that I can't modify the stuff to play better)

    In conclusion to my argument... Your answer to his/hers was more so just another struggle they will have to deal with. And believe me I know this... I have been a Nurse main for a good fraction of my time and even though I have been practicing other killers (To my surprise I'm pretty damn good at a majority of them) it's just not enough if your damn mouse buttons don't register because the game's "Fix my fullscreen bulls***" setting isn't there"

    As most of us do, I very much enjoy this game... But like a fine red wine, you can't sit back and enjoy it if the damn corkscrew doesn't work. Then your just left thirsty and wishing it was liquor lol, I hope the developers work on the many issues that they have. I'm sure they are and we need only be patient... But patience is a virtue that cannot be bought for too long and when you can't even do the very one thing a game is meant for half the basis (attacking of course) then what is the point of anything? (I would like to say that this is not me attacking anyone or the developers themselves, at least not directly lol. Everything has a flaw and as a community it's our job to voice them)

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited January 2020

    Killers are meant to be frustrating, what kind of madman plays video games for fun? /s

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    If I ever worked at BHVR I would probably get fired because I wouldn’t be able to resist to temptation to make and gift custom shirts and coffee mugs with Mathieu’s quotes.