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Unfun & depressing playing as Killer



  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I'm happy to get four stacks on BBQ and one kill. I too have given up Ruin. I play Pig mostly. Even if I play a good match and get some head traps out early, the gens are gonna keep popping.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Game is, was and always will be unbalanced in favour of survivors. If you don't enjoy it don't play killer. Survivor is fine, just don't be toxic cu nt.

    If you want to continue playing killer you need thick skin. Just realize the power role here is not on the killers side. Only one killer can make plays - Nurse and she has been dumpstered, they both added charge time to every blink charge and gave her only 2 blinks (or 3, but can't go through walls). She is harder to get into than ever (even when she was bugged). Everyone else can only punish mistakes survivors do. If they do none, you will always have 0 kills unless you camp as instadown killer. Just don't let it mess with you. Its a game, meant to play for fun. You did good - nice, you did poorly - it happens to everyone, r1-2 killers regurally get 0k. Corrupt Intervention, Bbq and Whispers should be your core build if you get genrushed.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    "I never camp or tunnel"

    You do realize these are made survivors rules right? And you can play any way you want. Heck, camping means you're throwing the game....

    Back to your topic, I managed to push to rank 4 on PS4 before the rank reset. Uninstalled and haven't touched the game in the past 2 weeks. Playing as a killer is just rage inducing at this point.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    I dont play by survivor rules, and goll-y are people angry on ps4 o3o

  • Sir_WAFFLZ
    Sir_WAFFLZ Member Posts: 45

    At this point uninstall and come back to see how the game is doing in 6-8 months. The game is so survivor sided rn and the new changes to Ruin are going to make it worse. I'm in the same boat. Everyone is asking why the game is a dumpster fire but the dev's keep turning a blind eye and say "We will just hide what rank everyone was at the end of the match"