Who's your NEMESIS? Killer's turn

So... I made a post you guys liked about your NEMESIS as survivor, but now IT'S THE KILLER'S TURN!
Do you have a specific survivor/skin you know it's gonna be trouble in paradise for you?
I'LL START: P3 Quentin, not many, but whoever dares to play Quentin and P3 him deserves respect...
Adam scares me
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P3 Claudette. My eyes can’t determine her from a bush.
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Meg because Adrenaline.
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This one Bill player named Carlosylu
Scary stuff man
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LMAO! I know you're joking, but I really have to ask, have we actually played together or against each other? I use P3 BILL with Christmas Sweater or the Dwelf head with P2 body
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I don't think we played against eachother but i don't really pay attention to names so hey who knows : P
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Steve..because I just love saying "SIT DOWN STEEEVE!" When I down him..it makes me giggle
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But then he's not your NEMESIS, you love owning Steves, which survivor usually gives you a hard time?
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Definitely all kind of Blendettes
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gotta go to claudettes with p3 head and purple pants, god theyre scary
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Meg in the Deathgarden mask. I know it's going to be a jedi warrior waving their lightsaber at me every chance they get. Most of the time if I down them, they will DC, robbing me of those precious Bloodpoints. In the event they don't DC, they probably have a friend hanging around them waiting to either blind me or bodyblock me. At this point, if that fails, they'll DC on me too. On the rare occasion I manage to get them hooked and killed, it's ggez in chat and/or other memorable phrases.
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P3 Ash.
Gods are usually playing them.
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I don't think I've encountered many of those along with P3 Quentins
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Still S.T.A.R.S...
######### wrong game AGAIN.
I mostly hate Blendettes and David's. Blendettes because they're toxic, and David's usually DC 😂.
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Default skin of every surv. Probably rank 20's which is boring
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Gens. And Ace prob.
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I main hag so Nea with a flashlight is always trouble. Claudettes are a pain as well.
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Who do you think? Lol classic blendette..she can hide in the worst places..couple that with the sound bugs and she can vanish without a trace
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Claudette & Quentin.
-Shivers in Fear-
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Completely bald dwights
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Jake >:(
They're too good and loop me for years.
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Usually don't have a fear, Michael will still watch you regardless.
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Still Year 3 of DBD.
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P3 Quentin for me as well, first of all I can rarely spot them - they're more blendy than the so called "blendettes", secondly those who play a P3 Quentin are usually pretty good survivors in general.
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Everyone who wears a mask. Usually toxic, and they just piss me off most times.
Legacy players. Most of them are way beyond my skill level. I tend to doge the lobby if I see one.
Survivors with Keys. Nuf said.
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Nancy players are usually really smart in my experience. They tend to get a little big-headed if they go on a streak, which isn’t my favorite. :(
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Whoever stuns me with a pallet.
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Everyone who plays adam against me seems to know exactly what they're doing and are scarily good at looping and generally staying alive, they're also some of the more respectable and cool headed players I meet as well
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Bill. I hate the sounds he makes and I hate how Sattelizer t-bags with him every time he stuns a killer.
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Id have to for ace players
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Thicc P3 Jane’s terrify me, ptsd from lockers, I seen that Jane I get flashbacks then fear chases that lead to lockers
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Quentin. I only ever run Moris for a challenge, or I see a Quentin. No reason either, Quentin is just my Dinkleberg
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only thing that scares me is bad map design
i main huntress so thats a good 2/3 of all maps
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My eyes ain't so good so any character that is good at blending(wearing dark clothing); Jake, Claudette, Adam and Quentin
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None of the survivors bother me. I treat most of them equally.
Some even get special treatment like being given the hatch😘
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I have a big A$$ screen, so, no problem for me there, hehehe
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Adam players are usually better players than others so I respect them.
I used to hate Claudettes (particularly P3) but it turned to pity recently.
Now my nemesis is Nea, or any girl with weird hair color.
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Sattelizer is a great and cool dude but he's not good dbd player. I hope he gets better.
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Where do I begin?
Listen I don't have a problem with him, but every time he exists he gets a Mori. That's Quinton. They don't usually play well, I just don't like the look of him, and don't want to touch that for more than 1 hook.
Other than that, I have great difficulty against Meg's.
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Any Nea with bright hair. They’re almost always Noob3 wannabes.
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Dweards, brighted haired Neas or Kates with white hair.
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Blendettes annoy me the most due to the fact that Yamaoka, MacMillan, and corn maps exist.
I guess the survivor that loops me the most is probably Dwight for a male survivor and Nea for a female survivor. Yui is slowly climbing that “annoying survivor who tries to get my attention by abusing a strong loop” list.
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He may be- I didn't say he wasn't, I just don't like when people antagonize their opponents because they think it is funny to do so.
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Blendettes. Legacy skin users, and no it's not because I'm jealous... maybe a bit.
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Colorful Dwight, god, I hate Dwights with all my heart. You say Claudette mainers are toxic? Look at that Dweet with flashlight who is dressed up as if it was a circus. Well, this game is actually kinda a circus, so enjoy the show of butt-dancing and laser-beams shining right at you face no matter what!
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Blendettes at times.
But the one that really grinds my gears is Meg. Every. Single. Time. Sprint bursting away, adrenaline-ing their way out of my grasp, and just very loud.
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Harajuku Neas (includes only wearing the head and nothing else from the outfit)
No0b3 outfit Neas (yesterday I had 2 of them in a lobby with flashlights,I decided to keep my sanity and dodged)
Neas who only use the P3 head and nothing else bloody
I hate Nea in general,her mains are so toxic
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That's me, hahahaha,. The Dwelf or P3 Bill with Christmas Sweater, always with a flashlight