Chucky can fit in this game?

Nancy_ThompsonDbd Member Posts: 23
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Hey! i just made a concept how Chucky would fit in this game, hope to enjoy and feel free to comment!

Killer: Chucky(The doll)

Power: Call of Damballa:After a short period of time, the Doll jumps: if jumps on a survivor, bothpasses a skill check, if both passes it, the survivor become injured and will throw the Doll away, if the surivor fails,become in dying state. Chucky can jump over windows with his power.

When the trial starts, it appear 3 dolls:

-this dolls have a terror radius and they will look like chucky.

-the survivors can cleanse the dolls

-Chucky can exchange his soul with any doll in the map

-Chucky also can repair the broken dolls.

Perk1 Cursed: You hate the obsesion. When the obsesion enters your terror radius, will pass an skill check, if he fails, become injured only if he are in healthy state. The skill check is Considerably/Tremendus/Imposible harder to hit. Cursed has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

Perk2 Hex:Hide the soul: Damballa always cover your back, when a survivors dies on a hook, will apear a hex totem next to them, this totem give visual notifications every time a survivor runs next to him in a radius of 8/10/12 meters and his aura is showen to you. Only once per match.

Perk3 Stop!: You hates when a survivor disturb you, when you are stunned by a palet,the survivor aura is revealed to you. Stop! has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

Survivor: Kyle Simpson

Perk1:Come to me! Every time the killer hits you instead of the obsesion, you gain a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5, every token give you a bonus of 5%/7%/10% bloodpoints after the match.

Perk2:Help you need: When you are in dying state, you are able to throw the object you have further than 5 meters and his aura is revealed to the survivors in a radius of 5/10/15 meters.

Perk3:Unexpected motivation: You are able to recover the exausted efect at 50% of normal speed while running and each time the killer hits you, the exausted efect is reduced by 5/7/10 seconds. This perk doesnt stack with any other that afects exaustion cooldown.

This concept are based on Child's play 2, and yeah almost every one says that chucky is to short and bla bla bla, but i think is not a problem, he will have the size of crouching pig, and maybe add little aura reveal like Freddy. And the Hooks problem, Chucky might throw the survivors to the hooks, or maybe add new little hooks just for chucky.

In my opinion Chucky would fit more than other Slasher icons such as Jason or Candyman, they have the size but they have so many things to put in 3 perks and a M2 power.

Post edited by Nancy_ThompsonDbd on


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    edited May 2019

    Problems relating towards Chucky being in DbD:

    1: Hooks.

    Hooks would have to be significantly smaller, in order to fit Chucky's height, which could give Survivor's a competitive advantage at knowing who the Killer is right off the bat by knowing the Hook's height. Plus, it would be silly seeing Survivors getting hooked off of a baby meat hook.

    2: Size.

    Killers such as Legion and Hag already have a disadvantage AND advantage for their smaller heights. Coldwind is hell on most smaller Killers, and playing as Chucky on there would be absolutely painful. However, the advantage that Legion gets off of their height is the small chance of confusing the Survivors into thinking they're a Survivor if they bring perks such as Tinkerers or Monitor, however, for Chucky, he would just have a huge advantage in general, as he could easily avoid flashlights, it would be harder to pallet stun him, and he'd be easier to lose in a chase. (Disadvantage on that last part for anyone playing him)

    Your idea isn't half bad though! It's just that mechanics and map layouts in the game might need to be looked further into if they ever decided to implement someone like Chucky into the game.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    Well we have Ghost Face soon, so all were missing is Chucky, Jason, and maybe Pinhead from Hellraiser?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Chucky could fit for sure, It'd just take a bit more work with some new animations and FOV change.

    The main problem with a Killer as small as chucky would be his FOV, Killers already have a very small FOV and putting it on a shorter character would be a nightmare to work with since you'd have a camera full of grass/corn or objects. It'd be unplayable. The only way a killer that small could work is if they had the same FOV as a survivor in third person. Weather that be a perk or just for small killers like chucky.

    The other problems would be a bit eaiser to fix, his holding a survivor animation could be just dragging them along have an ankle or something on his shoulder. He could fling the survivor up onto the hook too there's a couple different possibilities you could do with his interaction animations to not make it look silly.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    He fits if instead of hooks we had caved tombs and he was dragging the survs

  • A9F6
    A9F6 Member Posts: 91

    The entity could give a helping hand to carry and hook survivors. Blinding chucky would make him temporarily lose connection to the entity and free the survivor.

  • Nancy_ThompsonDbd
    Nancy_ThompsonDbd Member Posts: 23

    "This concept are based on Child's play 2, and yeah almost every one says that chucky is to short and bla bla bla, but i think is not a problem, he will have the size of crouching pig, and maybe add little aura reveal like Freddy. And the Hooks problem, Chucky might throw the survivors to the hooks, or maybe add new little hooks just for chucky."

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Chucky can work.

    Hook problem - Have his power so that the entity traps a caught survivor in place or just have the entity impale them in a spike as they go down

    A little creativity can go s long way, there's no reason why it can't happen as long as you have something which will work around the oddities which might take place.

    In terms of size, I'm sure he would still move as fast as a normal killer.maybe nurse speed considering how hard it will be to see him.

    There's no reason why he shouldn't be a little taller than he is normally, about the size of a barrel would be fine.

    Noone wants a Chucky chapter where you can never see him because he's so small.

  • Nancy_ThompsonDbd
    Nancy_ThompsonDbd Member Posts: 23

    Totally agree with you, but i dont think we will have ever a 3rd person killer, but maybe the camera above his head? Something like this:

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    No. Evil Dead is bad, but we got Ash now. Child's play is worse. Just no. Please.

  • Dreadnight
    Dreadnight Member Posts: 125

    I thought a similar idea about a mannequin with scissors who can exchange his souls with other mannequins in the map.

    Maybe Chucky is hard to imagine in this game, but Behaviour can invent killers with the concept of a lincensed killer.

    All suggestions and ideas are to be appreciated.

  • Nancy_ThompsonDbd
    Nancy_ThompsonDbd Member Posts: 23

    No one knew Ash until the dlc came out, Chucky is one of the slasher icons of all time.(But if u only have seen Bride of Chucky or Seed of Chucky i understand)

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    No no no no no no no no no no

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    I don't know, can he? He's a little short, don't you think? :P All jokes aside though, I don't feel like would work in the game. How would he carry survivors? Also, being so small, and therefore having such a short leg span while moving, it would take him forever to get across these huge maps. Not to mention, he would be hard to see from a distance, and could easily hide in tall grass.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063


    I figured Chucky wouldn't get licensed by BHVR, and made a suggestion for a doll based killer similar to this last August that wouldn't require the licensing. You can check that out here:

    It's a long read, but I also included a TL:DR at the bottom if you are pressed for time.

  • MeVstheCommunity
    MeVstheCommunity Member Posts: 4

    Hello I love your idea I actually posted similar a year ago if they used the curse of Chucky he could move his soul to two other immoblie Dolls on the map which can be left anywhere I hope they litsen to us

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Yeah he'll work, but first we need to rework everything. Yeah no.

  • Lothak
    Lothak Member Posts: 6

    I would go with Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) and your correct her would have a hard time with hooking people. So an alternative could be he can ether have his ability to "body swap" with a downed player since that is his primary goal in most movies. When he is swapped he maintains his terror radius. When swapped he can now hook the remaining 3 but at the same time play mind games if so chooses to (be a little harder in swf). When he is down to the last survivor he must find the current doll down it and swap back giving the person control of there body to then sacrifice them after downing them in a good old fashioned voodoo sacrifice. Now when the person he body swapped is in control of the doll he can swap back by remaining in his terror radius and fighting the swap as "wiggling".

    In long run Chucky could be a very mind game playing killer since after he found and swapped with the first person it'll be hard to know if he is right on top of you or not.

    As for a survivor? It would have to be Andy who had been in the original 3 child's play movies.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Those of you whose only argument is that he's too small, you honestly lack so much creativity hence why you ain't game designers.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2019

    I know you said 'Chucky' but I read 'Chunky' or 'Chunk' from The Goonies.

    ..And now I want a Survivor who can do the Truffle Shuffle..

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Hooks would be easily countered if Chucky because it's a possessed doll, that is transports it's soul into the survivors and proceeds to hook themselves, once the survivor is hooked, Chucky would be forced to leave the body by the Entity.

    On the size though, I'd have to agree. Couldn't see how people who flashlight the doll, etc...

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    I just don't want this to happen because then leprechaun would be a possibility....... just please no.

  • russia420
    russia420 Member Posts: 1

    I would love to see the chick from the grudge, maybe a dude with LED purge mask. The old lady from stay alive maybe. The ring chick, samara? I think. I mean theres an endless amount of possibilities. But thinking of the grudge thing fast crawling across the map give me chills lol.

  • Holdonholdon
    Holdonholdon Member Posts: 48

    or have the baby hooks and a hole right underneath so that when he hooks survivors on his baby hooks, the survivor is inside the hole on his hook. :) new and fresh for chucky

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I really don't want Chucky or Pennywise to be in the game.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    Someone already made a post about Chucky suggesting that he would work kind of like Wraith and it would fit. You Would have a chucky that can't attack survivors and would have a very small or enexistent terror radius, if he wanted to attack survivors he would use his hability and turn into Charles Lee Ray.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The hook problem isn't really a thing

    Chucky could just Voodoo people onto the hook. Kinda like nurse does.

    They could also just use the same height as the hag

    I would love seeing Chucky in DbD

    Probably never going to happen but hey one can dream

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    I've been theory crafting with my fellow gamers on Chucky coming to Dead by Daylight too.

    Power: Call of Damballa: After a short period of time, the Doll jumps: if jumps on a survivor, both passes a skill check, if both passes it, the survivor become injured and will throw the Doll away, if the survivor fails,become in dying state. Chucky can jump over windows with his power.

    To be fair this is too strong. It would essentially be a free injury with very little work required from the Killer. Possibly remove the Dying State aspect from it, and it could be balanced. It's definitely a fun concept to work with. Maybe if the power lands, the survivor has to beat a very hard skill check or is injured, possibly having a Very Rare, or Ultra Rare add on that makes it into a dying state instead.

    Perk 1 Cursed: You hate the obsesion. When the obsesion enters your terror radius, will pass an skill check, if he fails, become injured only if he are in healthy state. The skill check is Considerably/Tremendus/Imposible harder to hit. Cursed has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

    Unfortunately this would be too much of a hassle to deal with in game, even just for 1 survivor. I imagine with the addition of other terror radius altering perks - this could potentially make the obsession unplayable for most of the match as they would be making skill checks by the Killer merely passing them. Maybe have it like a weaker OoO, where when the obsession enters your terror radius - their Aura is revealed to you for 4/6/8 seconds, and for balancing purposes then it goes on cool down for a time, like 35-40 seconds.

    Perk 2 Hex:Hide the soul: Damballa always cover your back, when a survivors dies on a hook, will appear a hex totem next to them, this totem give visual notifications every time a survivor runs next to him in a radius of 8/10/12 meters and his aura is shown to you. Only once per match.

    Perk 3 Stop!: You hates when a survivor disturb you, when you are stunned by a pallet,the survivor aura is revealed to you. Stop! has a cool-down of 50/40/30 seconds.

    What is Perk 2 supposed to do? Put a totem next to the hook a survivor dies at that then acts as a ward? Perk 3 is just a weaker version of Nemesis, as it not only changes the obsession to the one that stunned you by anything that can stun a killer, it reveals their aura and causes them to have Oblivious.

    Perk 1: Come to me! Every time the killer hits you instead of the obsession, you gain a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5, every token give you a bonus of 5%/7%/10% blood-points after the match.

    Perk 2: Help you need: When you are in dying state, you are able to throw the object you have further than 5 meters and his aura is revealed to the survivors in a radius of 5/10/15 meters.

    Perk 3: Unexpected motivation: You are able to recover the exhausted effect at 50% of normal speed while running and each time the killer hits you, the exhausted effect is reduced by 5/7/10 seconds. This perk doesn't stack with any other that affects exhaustion cool-down.

    I actually really like these perks, they are not too strong, and they could make for some really creative combo's. I assume you mean that "Help You Need" reveals the item's aura - correct? Because everyone can already see the aura of a survivor in Dying state.

    I would buff "Come To Me!" actually, because in comparison to other BP boosting perks, it doesn't give any form of advantage to take, and is very low. I would make it 25%/50%/75% in either the Boldness, or Survival categories.

    Unexpected Motivation may need to be balanced, as being able to restore exhaustion perks faster than they currently are could create infinite loops in certain areas, but I would love to see a perk like this combined with another lessor used perk like Mettle of Man.

    This concept are based on Child's play 2, and yeah almost every one says that chucky is to short and bla bla bla,

    Honestly I would say this concept is fantastic! I don't see why Chucky wouldn't exist in a game like this, like it has 3 literal demons. It has possession, and ghosts. I don't see any reason why the game couldn't have Chucky. People are gonna find any way they can to argue against ideas - I found especially on these forums, and especially anything that comes to the game making Killer's better, or releasing new content of Killer's, or for Killers. Too many people with this single sided mindset only wanting things better for Survivors. As you said, he could be short like crouching Pig, or Ghostface. It would become difficult to see him over walls, but at the same time it would be much more difficult for him to see over walls. Which could be remedied by the same doll idea.

    When the trial starts, it appear 3 dolls:

    -this dolls have a terror radius and they will look like chucky.

    -the survivors can cleanse the dolls

    -Chucky can exchange his soul with any doll in the map

    -Chucky also can repair the broken dolls.

    I would increase the dolls from 3 to 4, and increases further based on map size. Like; 4/5/6 dolls for map sizes smaller than 8800m / 10,000m / 12,000m .

    A terror radius may be a problem, as that would cause confusion that requires little to no skill from the killer, but it's a cool idea none the less that could very well be balanced.

    In my opinion the dolls could be inactive at the start of the trial, and then Chucky can approach a doll. Perform a voodoo ritual to Damballa (14 seconds), and "Activate" the doll much like totems are active, the Doll will wake up (Eye's previously closed are now open), probably with some kind of light like an activated totem, so survivor's are not forced to closely examine every doll they come across every time, but hidden enough that they may not notice them right away. When a doll is activated instead of having a terror radius, instead it has first person point of view same range as a normal killers, and if it see's a survivor in it's sight. That survivors aura is revealed to the killer so long as they remain in the doll's sights, or the doll begins being cleansed. At the same time Chucky can transfer himself to any activated doll after a 6 second cast time (incantation). Leaving his previous body to sit on the floor facing the direction he was facing before the teleport as an activated doll.

    Survivors can cleanse a doll, much like a totem (14 seconds).

    With this method to counteract his inability to see survivors over walls or through windows, he can rely more on the dolls keeping surveillance, and it creates another objective for survivors to remain aware of. While at the same time it requires precious time for Chucky to re-activate dolls that have been de-activated by survivors.