Is matchmaking right now the most broken its ever been?

Honestly I went against 2 all red-rank survivors recently when my killers in green ranks and it seems every match of rank 13 survivor i get white rank killers and teammates.
It happened from time-to-time, but seems way more consistent nowadays.
matchmake does bruh momento
If matchmaking worked as intended wait times would skyrocket.
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they already have wym
if matchmaking worked as intended the wait times would be the same, they need to revert the SWF change they did to matchmaking for it to work again tbh
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I don't care for the SWF debate, but seeing as SWF is the only reason matchmaking can be screwed up for either low rank killer OR low rank survivors its a busted system.
Remove SWF and rank can and will work as intended. Being based on an individuals ability and not the collective ability of a coordinated group.
Just saying.
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the idea is logical but theres no way in dick they're gonna do that
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No. Worst in a while though.
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It's a crapshoot. Sometimes I get in a match with 3 other red rank survivors with a red rank killer but not as often as a green. I think that the pipping is broken. After the survivor bp buff it became way too easy to pip.
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SWF is never going anywhere, but in my opinion is the soul reason why ranking means dick. And it's a disaster for match making.
Maybe we'll have a solution someday.
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instead of removing swf i think they should give increased blood points playing against them. At least when they use voice chat, it gives them a huge advantage unless they are doing those meme build just for the LoLs. But i still prefer an option box to select to not play against swf.
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SWF isn't going anywhere.
Point was the only reason matchmaking is terrible is because of SWF.
If it's still terrible without SWF then the ranking criteria needs some adjustment.
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Even if they worked as intended, they would STILL be broken, but BHVR doesn't agree with that so we will only get a half fix eventually.... then again, they've been "Working on fixing the loading screen bug" for 2 years so.....
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"remove swf" most people who play with friends are playing with friends because it's fun that way. Y'all babies crying to remove it sound upset that you don't have friends to play with or something 😂 winning isn't everything you know, or at least you should know but most likely don't because your here crying your eyes out instead of thinking about it
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Who would play against swf. Smh think ahead
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The worst it's ever been is probably after the demogorgon was released, when, due to spaghetti code, red rank swfs would always fight rank 20 killers. What we are experimenting since a month now, it's basically bad matchmaking but also few killers remaining.
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Don't come out and say it like that.
Have you no filter?
People have feelings!
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I’m a green rank survivor either going against red rank or yellow rank killers. I’m a green rank killer going against red-purple rank survivors. It’s so bad lol
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waffleyumboy survivor main lol smh
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It is pretty bad rn. I'll admit it's nice playing with low ranks sometimes for some chill games, but this shouldn't be a thing.
Most recent examples, i played Solo btw:
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Would you play against swf if you had the choice not to?
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All I can say is at a rank 11 killer I get matched with ranks 3-8 survivors regularly but as a rank 15 survivor I play with almost all rank 14-20 players and the occasional green rank