The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

If you play both Survivor and Killer, are you happy or upset about the Ruin change overall?



  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    ok, you successfully trolled me buddy, good job :)

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    that's a very good point - which could pass on as a "see? killers are now buffed!", but it's in fact a detriment to the player experience of the solo survivor(s).

    It promotes gen rushing (exactly the definition I gave: repairing generators at the expense of the rest)

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    New ruin sounds weak and I think they shouldn't have nerfed it until they reworked the bigger maps. I'm curious to see how it turns out to be, but I don't have good expectations either playing survivor or killer.

  • poli
    poli Member Posts: 34

    dont care....ill adapt

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    It's a really great idea and is definitely a good change for ruin. The only issue is the map balance and how pathetically awful the maps are and how little they have done about it. They need to take a chapter off and dedicate it to reworking maps

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    This is the main issue I have with the ruin changes. Its actually a good idea... but like most things beHavior... not at the right time.

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    I play survivor quite a bit more then killer but Ruin kept the game interesting as survivor. Gen rushing can hurt your score as survivor as much as it does with killer so ruin actually helped that some. Have already stopped playing DBD as much as I used to after hearing about the changes coming and I'm sure after the change to ruin my play time will go down even more.

  • bburr10085
    bburr10085 Member Posts: 12

    I play both sides a little bit more killer than survivor but I can say that old ruin was fine if I got faced with a smart team they knew how to work through ruin (mostly a swf) then the gens still went by at a decent speed but if they didn't it was a easy 5 gens. When I would play survivor I didn't see it as that bad of a thing as I can hit greats a lot of the time but before that if I would hit the good skill check I would let go of the gen. At rank 1 I would (and still see) to many people stick to the gen after hitting the good then hit 3 more goods in a row without ever letting go so the gen would go backwards. Or the people that would gen tap and make 1 gen take around 160 seconds which is a lot longer then if you would let go after missing a skill check 90% of the time unless your really unlucky. If people could actually learn to counter ruin it wouldn't be as bad but a lot of survivors didn't want to learn and got it nerfed. I had my rank 20 friend in a kyf match to help him hit greats and counter ruin after 5 min he could get a gen with ruin done in about 100 seconds for his first time playing the game if they took 5 min to learn ruin would only add 20 seconds to each gen (roughly). I feel like it was the really old Freddy that got nerfed to the ground because noobs and the boosted complained they it died so maybe ruin will get a buff just like Freddy did.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    As survivor: Years of getting good at great skill checks = A 2% bonus . . "Yay!"

    As killer: Years of not using Ruin, but developers screwing up their game = Expect nothing less . . "SMH!"

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    that is the risk, right now.

    will ofc keep on playing, unless the game becomes very easy and very predictable.

    But this nerf came at the worst moment.

  • jinxykinz
    jinxykinz Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2020

    I’m pretty indifferent to it, since I haven’t used it in a while. I don’t like the idea of my perk slot being taken away mid-game. But I get that 80% of the killer base was using it because they felt it was necessary since gen times are so short with multiple survivors working on them/toolboxes. That said, I think new ruin should have been a separate perk and not a hex. It would be awesome that way!

  • ZombieTCO
    ZombieTCO Member Posts: 4

    I'd say the only issue I have, as a free-to-play player, is the fact that it's going to be a helluva lot harder for me to get a good gen slowing perk. New Ruin could've waited a bit, but it's not THAT bad of an idea. Now the release time was ass, but the idea is definitely strong

  • DostiL
    DostiL Member Posts: 39

    As surv its w/e, I land most of my great skillschecks.

    As killer I'm hurted, I've always traded the ruin for the first down; that's 2 survs busy which means only 1 or 0 doing gens when the downed is hooked.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    I think they should change the hex part of ruin. They say hits for late game but most hex never last more than 30 seconds of the start of the match. I suggested having the hex teleport to other totems until the survivors cleansed others are cleansed for it to stay in place. Even have hexes that only work after all gens are done to spawn a totem just for it.

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    You've just been completely ignoring every piece of criticism and feedback haven't you?

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    Not a fan, especially the way that it was implemented and the attitude that followed.

    I don't mind it being changed to something less frustrating, but hate that they kept it a hex. It was not well thought out, and doesn't address the underlying issue that made it so popular.

    I'm fairly new to playing killer, so i haven't had ruin long enough to get overly attached to it, but I can clearly see the problem that killers were using it to address. What I don't get is how the devs don't see it. Some people are saying to just wait and the devs will fix the underlying problem, but from what i have seen in their responses, the devs don't see what that is, or simply want to ignore it for some reason. If they did, they would have acknowledged it, at the very least. Instead they have only fanned the flames of toxicity with their poorly worded responses. That's what really frustrates me.

    On some larger maps, with gen rushing, one gen can be completed before the killer can even get to that side of the map, let alone the specific gen.

    On the survivor side, I will be happy to not see the smoke and hissing (can't hit great skill checks), and i will get more BP for completing more gens. I got used to just powering through the ruin, but I will be glad to not see it. I just wish they could have reworked it in a more balanced way.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212


    Not so much at the fact that ruin's getting changed, I don't really run it that much.

    More that changing it with no accompanying changes shows a blatant disregard for the current state of the game.

    The constant responses we've had from them like "new ruin is just so good if you keep 4 survivors off gens at all times" is just frustrating because 99.99% of the playerbase knows only 2-3 killers can reliably do that ever, let alone consistently, AND IT'S STILL A HEX that does basically nothing until lategame when it no longer exists.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    Can't wait to use a "late game hex perk" cause those are worth running am i right fellas? Hexs always last more than a minute. No? Oh well.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Do you not know how ruin works or do you need it explained again?

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112

    To be honest as a 50 50 I don't care about it, I can still work without ruin as I mostly run Thanataphobia/Corrupt on most my killers

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    Come on ... it's better to not write anything rather than writing this. The community proved this is wrong several times, and I agree with them. You devs don't accept that (or don't want to understand, I don't know) ... and it's ok, it's your game, your company, your business. But please stop joking about this, you will only get more people angrier (where is your PR team?). Please stay in silence, release the patch, and hope for the best!

    Because if this is the logic, then nerf Corrupted Intervention too (why not?): as a killer it makes me relax in early game with less gens to care of (I have to be much more active if I don't use this perk), it doesn't require too much skill or choices to get advantage from it, and it'll get you depressed if you don't find anyone; as a Survivor, to counter it I have to stay hidden for 2 mins with my team doing nothing, and if I chose to be active because of boredom, I will for sure decrease the chances of escaping because I'll play in a phase where the killer is "boosted". So let's get rid of this perk, promotes bad gameplay from both parties.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765


    Upset at its execution.

    Upset at the clearly biased and profit-focused reasoning behind it.

    Upset at its implementation while ignoring the absolutely oldest and core issues with the game.

    The bias is so heavy that the game might just be called Dead by the end of the year if they startthrowing the killers some very large bones or dedicate themselves to overhauling game balance.

  • RngGenerator
    RngGenerator Member Posts: 25

    I wouldn't have a problem with it if the totem spawns weren't so terrible. If BHVR just made it so that ruin spawns at a random location AWAY from gens and survivor spawns it would fine because they would have to actively go look for it. If the new ruin gets cleansed in the first few seconds of the game then you have a massive disadvantage as you only have 3 perks for the whole game.

  • Dythos
    Dythos Member Posts: 46

    As a player: Disappointed and dubious.

    Hex: Ruin encouraged survivors to improve their gameplay and grow as a player. Always felt that Hex: Ruin offered reasonable counterplay. One could learn to land greats, cleanse the offending totem, or (if they were desperate) gen tap. And once someone learned how to land those greats, they could apply that skill to all other aspects of being a survivor.

    Dubious because it's going to force killers to play far more aggressively and sweaty. Killers will be forced to do more slugging and tunneling off of hook just to get players out of the game that much faster. Games will end quicker, and I don't see this change improving queue times, so that will lead to a less satisfying experience.

    As a killer: Annoyed, frustrated

    I personally used Hex: Ruin to buy myself time to find the first survivor. I never expect it to stay up all game, and even if it was destroyed in the first 15 seconds, it gives me the location of one survivor and effectively kept one survivor off of gens. If Ruin lasted longer, it just gave me more time and gave me the luxury of being able to play a more relaxed game, or to play and learn new killers I don't often play. Basically used Ruin to make sure I got enough time to actually feel like I had a chance to play the game, win or lose. I feel like without Ruin, I'm going to be pigeon-holed into using even more gen slowdown perks just to make sure the game lasts for a reasonable amount of time.

    On a side note, I know a few friends in my circle are planning on stopping playing killer entirely when the Ruin changes happen. It's not because they are upset, but they are more casual players (limited free time, multiple jobs, school, etc), and can't justify the new time investment thrust upon them. When I inquired what they meant, they explained that they'd have to level up a bunch of other killers, unlock their teachables, then burn though bloodpoints and bloodwebs until they got the other perks on the killers they wanted to play. So now instead of playing killer, they will just reroll their killer dailies, and be 100% survivor.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    I think it's stupid. At least Ruin made skill checks funnier on Gens. Now it's a joke to play survivor if you don't escape then your bad and really should uninstall at this point.

    As killer I think the new Ruin is cool, but I think it should of just been a new perk in general. What changing Ruin really did was screw killers on all bigger maps even some smaller ones. Not everyone wants to play a top tier killer.

    Just need to pressure gens though right? Thats the answer pressure gens or switch to survivor. Between them near instantly fixing survivor issues and leaving killer issues for weeks to months its starting to obviously show what side the Devs commonly play.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'm a survivor main and I hate the Ruin changes simply because hitting great skill-checks is no longer rewarding. I guess we'll be seeing Lullaby more often though.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    I don't like it because it rewards killers that apply pressure, but it doesn't help to apply pressure, unless you have surveillance. And i don't mean bad players, i mean killers that have to walk halfway across the map to do anything, when a quarter of a gen can be done in that time, and you might not be going to the right one. It's not a bad perk, it just doesn't do what ruin is supposed to do. Which was slowing the early game, not the late game. As a hex, it usually doesn't last long anyways, but it still helped. This perk does reward pressure, but doesn't help to apply pressure, and not many perks do. So this wasn't a rework, they just removed and replaced a perk with an unrelated ability.

    However. They did make some "smart" decisions with it's design, like how pop, a perk frequently used WITH ruin, doesn't work anymore, nor does surge or overcharge, but surveillance does. The limits are obviously upsetting, but it shows they were thinking of other perks when they changed it. It seems very bad now, and it is a tearing down the walls without removing the roof first kinda deal. But i hope that they actually have a plan with this, because they forced this change, didn't even mention it on the ptb survey, I'm hoping that they are planning on looking at what changes happen from this, and know what they are doing. Because it's not the best way to go about it, but this will give them more information on what's wrong with the game, and how to fix it. But they need to actually try to fix it, and soon, otherwise, this whole thing could explode if they are too slow defusing it.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    They did a good job with the doc changes at keeping him the same, although they changed the snap out of it for no reason, that's the easiest thing to do, and they made it twice as easy. I would have liked it if Doc got stronger though, like the stance change is a slight buff, i guess, but he's one of the weakest killers, and they reworked him based on survivor's fun, not like a freddy rework to make him a little stronger. Honestly, instead of nerfing the strong stuff, they should buff the weak stuff, not just killer side, but survivor side too, like how they did kindred. It would make the game alot more interesting if all perks and killers were at least similar, not all have to be equal. But things like deja vu and beast of prey just suck.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    Ruin was a band aid fix to a much bigger issue. I like that they had the idea to change it however, What I don't like is that they changed it without acknowledging the initial issue that caused ruin to be a must have perk.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    It doesn't bother me the actual change because I don't run hex perks.

    However, the way it was presented to us in the Dev update I still have a problem with. "Survivors feel.." "Survivors feel.." "Survivors feel.." "Survivors feel..""Survivors feel..""Survivors feel..""Survivors feel.." and nothing about the killer experience.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    Well I'm switching to survivor only now. They can't take away a band aid from an open wound. Survivor is much easier now. It was already much easier than killer and now there really is no comparison. Plus it seems BHVR is keeping us under their skirts so it's just gonna get comfier. Feeling cute. Might start a thread saying Billy is OP later. Idk

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    What I DO like:

    Ruin is no longer a "mandatory perk." I can finally open up my builds and try out new combinations. I have fallen in love with discordance, personally. I never used it before, and now I have added it in with my new builds. Good times.

    I don't have to fight ruin as a survivor. I understand why they changed ruin, because I am by no means a spectacular survivor. I can hit good skill checks all day long, but do struggle with greats.

    What I DON'T like:

    Issues that still plague the game. Map balance is absolute garbage. Huge maps with a non-mobile killer = immediate disadvantage to the killer. This is something that honestly needs to be addressed.

    Look, I understand WHY the devs wanted to change ruin. It's a terrible perk that is hurtful to new players. They don't understand its value at higher levels, however. Gen rushing teams and powerful SWF groups needed to be slowed down. This was a killer's only shot at providing a little relief. It's not uncommon to see one gen done before you even reach the other side of the map.

    Instead of making maps the size of Nebraska, they need to shrink them down so killers who have horrible mobility (the sheer majority of them) have a better chance.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Survivor: More happy to not having to carry my teammates and doing gens without caring too much

    Killer: Happier to change my perk builds without relying too much on it

    Overall I'm happy with it

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    As far as I've read from all the dev posts they are either unaware or just don’t care about how bad so many of the maps are.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    It's not so much the Ruin Change, but more that Killers have next to Nothing to Effectively slow the game down, as Gens are fast and easy to do on maps that are as big as they are

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    As a fairly new killer without the build I want on almost all the killers I play, the ruin change is going to make things more difficult for me. I won't play Trapper again until I can get Corrupt Intervention on him. However, being that I play on low to mid-ranks, I still encounter survivors that run off a gen the moment I approach. The immersed players are going to have to make a decision now, to get off the gen and let it regress or stay and face me.

    As a survivor, I am relieved. Skillchecks on xbox were a pita. ( I also play PC and that wasn't much of a problem. Even though I powered through ruin most of my team ran around like chickens. I started running Detective's Hunch to get rid of totems after I popped the first gen and I don't see that changing. I think Devour Hope will become more common and I'd still like to get the new ruin out of the way before survivors are pressured off gens.

  • 4fingeredfreddy
    4fingeredfreddy Member Posts: 34

    I honestly feel that ruin wasn't all that strong to begin with because it was still possible to get through it. Harder yes, but still possible. Imo I feel there needs to be a new perk or attachment for certain killers that an slow gen rush better and equally a survivor attachment that could speed it up. Or maybe just make gens take a little longer in general would be good route as well

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    Upset, because as a red rank survivor and a purple killer, ruin is not really a big deal.

    Survivors matches are hella easy even solo and meaningless when I play with my friends who have also over 1k hours, even if you don't hit great skillchecks on ruin, it can still be burned through if you're in 2+ on the same gen and at 500h+ of DbD only, I can already hit my skillchecks, thus, making ruin useless, if I happen to stumble upon it, I break it just for the extra points, like I do with all totems, so yeah, if the point is to slow the game down a bit, it does the trick, if the point is to make us choose between taking someone off the hook or doing gens, then sure, good job.

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    My problem is the word mandatory. My issue is the points it takes away from killer cause you can no longer kick gens

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    it should be changed from a hex in my opinion and have a cooldown after hooking a survivor so it doesn't make the last 3 gens impossible. As a hex it's too weak since it's only going to be really good during endgame and 3 close gens. But the cooldown will make it so it still has a counter play. That's just from reading it since I haven't actually tried it yet.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I like the concept, a killer who can apply pressure can really devastate a good team, but it is limited by the Hex part of the ruin

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    I think it isn't good, honestly as survivor i care less when they have ruin, in fact, it makes me hit great skill checks even more, and if i find it its gone if not then by the third gen someone gets it.

    On the killer side its the one perk that really slows gens until its broken, i mean corrupt intervention is a good replacement but won't replace old ruin and honestly at tier 1 the new ruin is a waste of a perk slot, its the same amount as you regularly kicking a gen and should not be a hex if it is for end game, unless you make the hex like noed and also increase the damage percentage or don't even make it a hex tbh also it should work with gen regressing perks such as pop, overcharge, etc. Idk just my opinion.

    No hex perk should honestly be reworked, easily counterable and if you don't think so, put on small game to help your gameplay and stop using the meta.

    Ok im done with my rant lol.

    Just my opinion welcome to disagree.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    @Jacksansyboy Doc got a lot stronger with his changes. Not having to switch stances is a pretty big buff, static blast makes it so that he can easily find survivors throughout the entire game not just at the start, and his shock therapy was made wider. After they fix some of the timing things like the delay and cool down on shock therapy doc is gonna be in a really good place.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Yeah, like i said, the delay and shock wait were unintended and he will probably be better when that's fixed, the shock blast isn't that good, and if there is a survivor in your radius, you probably already know they are there. Not changing stances is a buff, but not a big one, because even after they fix it, there is still a delay between shocks, just like with stances. All it will change is allowing you a free hit if a survivor runs into you while you are in shock mode, because now you won't have to switch stances. We haven't really seen what new Doc can do yet, but all in all, i don't think it's a nerf or a buff, it's just stupid that they changed him for "survivor's fun" and changed one of the weaker killers without buffing him. I would prefer having all the small killers and perks buffed instead of nerfing the bigger perks and killers. Then there would be more diverse gameplay.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Not really! I find survivor really boring and easy since there is nothing challenging about it.

    As a killer main, Ruin changes are going to make killer a lot more stressful and unfun due to my playstyle. I like for everybody to get as many points as they can get. If gens go by incredibly fast without some way to slow them down early match, there's no way to get many points

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    just your first part is all i read spent time with little reward basically ok the can we bring up keys hatch, toolboxes buffs to med kits all the passive healing bs survivors have....

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    once the slugging starts with thana they will change it just like they did with oni..

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I think they are aware at the state of the maps. But, it takes a lot of time and effort to fix them and they won't make any money off of fixing it. In their roadmap they promised that they would rework a map every so often as part of the year roadmap. But, even though they really need to just take a chapter off and focus on the maps, they very likely won't because of the drop in revenue it would cause. Personally I would be ok with buying a map update DLC that everyone needed in order to play the game if that would get them to focus on map changes. The maps are the only thing holding this game back. This is the only multiplayer game where i don't have a favorite map and don't really love any of the maps. I'm just indifferent to all of them.