Some small, reasonable buffs/changes for some survivor perks

As the title says...
No Mither:
Grunts of pain caused by injury reduced from 0/25/50% to 25/50/75%
You no longer leave scratch marks when in the killer's terror radius
Boil Over:
Now affects wiggle speed
You remove the ability for the killer to see all hooks when they pick you up instead of obscuring it within a certain distance
Now grants a token per generator completed
You sabotage 40/50/60% of the normal Sabotage speed and permanently break hooks without a toolbox; if you use a toolbox, the hook is not permanently broken and will repair itself normally
No longer can sabotage traps
You now heal at 50/60/70% of the normal healing speed
Slippery Meat (Rework):
Odds of freeing yourself from hooks is increased by 50/75/100%; but you reveal your aura to the killer for 8 seconds
Conversation rate increased from 40/45/50% to 50/75/100%
Sole Survivor (Rework):
When the killer is farther than 40 meters; they cannot see your aura. When the killer hooks an ally, gain a 25% stack-able bonus to bloodpoints, up to a maximum of 50/75/100%. However, you unhook allies 25% slower and reveal your aura to the killer if they are within 40 meters of the hook.
Technician (Rework):
You muffle the sounds of generators and it cannot be heard by the killer, but failing a skill check (resulting in a explosion) will result in a 10/9/8% regression of the generator and reveals your aura to the killer for 5 seconds
Up the Ante (Rework):
Upon taking a protected hit, you immediately stun the killer for 3 seconds. Up the Ante has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.
Meter range increased from 8 to 16
You recover 20/25/30% faster from status effects
Wake Up! (Rework):
You open exit gates 30/35/40% faster and reveals the exit gates and hatch to you and your allies within 128 meters
Windows of Opportunity:
Cooldown removed.
The reworks to some the perks is to give survivors a risk-factor of some perks.
No mither, boil over, and self care are overtuned.
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Several of these would be beyond overpowered for a single perk stuns, free scratch mark removal..crippling a killers ability to hook while breakout is in the game especially..if any of the more broken ones hit the game this game would be dead in no time
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Magine permanently breaking the hooks lol all players would use the perk and the killer will have to hook in the basement or slug them. That would be a terrible and unnecessary buff IMO.
Most of these don't even need a buff, and this comes from someone who plays survivor a lot.
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And saboteur
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I've mainly tried my best to make the reworked perks a risk-factor to them.
I didn't think the rest through. 😎
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Most of these seem excessive. Vigil and I think Solidarity seem aight? Sole Survivor seems weak.
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I think what you've got to look at as well is the synergy between perks - for example for your proposal for Boil Over affecting wiggle speed & blocking hook aura's, if someone else also has Break Out that would be completely overpowered.
I think when you look at individual perks it's fairly easy to come up with ways in which you'd like to buff them, but you always have to consider the interaction with other perks that could be in play.
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Reverting self care and saboteur to their original stats would be disastrous, there was a reason they were nerfed. Slippery meat being a free deliverance without the broken effect? thats ridiculous, sure you get your aura revealed for 8 seconds, but its only 8 seconds, not to mention distortion exists so there is no risk-reward like deliverance. Up the Ante would be the bane of everything fun, you literally force killers to take a stun or focus down their target even harder, which is no fun for anyone. Boil over as many have already said would be stupidly broken if combined with saboteur and breakout. No mither removing scratch marks would be hell for killers, good players will just equip DH and Iron will and killers would have to guess where the survivors are whenever they don't have LOS, since no mither would remove any tracking ability the killer has available, being forced to be injured wouldn't even be a problem since you won't get caught in the first place. I get you want more fun perks, but your choices are too powerful in the hands of a good player to be balanced
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No Mither: Love this one, would save a perk slot from having to use Lightweight and it's fair, considering you're broken for the whole trial. Personally would buff the noise reduction to 100%.
Boil Over: Instead of adding speed, (because that would be completely broken) impair the killer's ability to see the auras of all hooks.
Distortion: Balanced considering doing gens counts on teammates not being potatoes. Maybe replace it with safe hook rescues but I like it either way.
Saboteur: Permanently broken hooks equals basement games and 5 minute bleedout games. Saboteur is fine as is. Just use Alex's Toolbox instead.
Self-Care: You could just stack it with Botany Knowledge.
Slippery Meat: Basically Deliverance with no penalty, overpowered especially if stacked with Distortion.
Solidarity: Reasonable.
Sole Survivor: Seems more like of a suicide perk. I'm sure killers would love this one.
Technician: Well R.I.P. all the rank 20 baby Fengs who fail skill checks 24/7. But this actually seems like it would be a good rework.
Up The Ante: Nah, that's just taking a step closer to F13, and we all know that would instantly kill the game. Instead Up The Ante should get a luck buff. 4/8/12% for every survivor alive.
Vigil: Reasonable.
Wake Up!: Agree with this one as well. I would say maybe remove the Hatch part but if all gens are done then the game's pretty much over, anything's fair game at that point.
Windows of Opportunity: Reasonable.
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What is wrong with you... have you never played killer ?
Survivors need a severe nerf.
We are not stunning the killer on hits.
We are not breaking every hook on the map permanently for free
We are not healing ourselves or anyone else faster for no reason
If you cant find the hatch or the gates you dont deserve them.
If you cant find windows u dont deserve them
Single most out of touch post I've ever seen