General Discussions

General Discussions

What you all forgot about Ruin.

Member Posts: 234
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

For the record, I'm not saying I agree the changes to Ruin.

To all the baby killers out there who are whining about the Ruin change, I think you are forgetting that it's a Hex totem. It's a TOTEM people!

("Baby" in this sentence refers to crying, not incompetence to ones skill level.)

Why are you complaining like it slowed down the entire match? "Oh poor me, I can't kill a single survivor without it, what will I ever do???"

(What you should be complaining about is how survivors can basically spawn on top of it or it not being hidden enough.)

In 80% of my survivor matches, the totem is broken in the first 30-60 sec. Now the killer lost their perk for the rest of the match, nothing, zip, nada.

I play killer as much as I do survivor. I stopped running Ruin about 4-5 months ago because of that exact reason, what good is Ruin if it's gone in a minute.

You can still moan about it if you want, but you do not know what you're moaning about.

Post edited by then4321 on

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  • Member Posts: 234

    That's why I run corrupt, because it's consistent and gives me that much time to get the pressure on.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    So, what you say is that ruin doesnt matter because its gone soon in the game anyway. Why needed it a change then? Can you explain?

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    I would show the survivor's where the ruin totem is when the second gen is done when I play Clown (unless of course I have gotten a few hooks). Just to keep the game rolling, and I know the survivors are having fun.

    I won't disagree that in the times that Ruin is near impossible for the survivor's to find it's very annoying to deal with, and with the rng of skill checks - sometimes makes generators nearly impossible to complete and changes were greatly needed.

    At the same time it would be moronic to disagree that many of the slow killers without teleport abilities required it to even have a finger hold of a chance at getting any points in a single trial.

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2020

    Pfffff, don't ask me, ask the devs lol

    I couldn't care any less, either way, about the change, because I don't use ruin. It's terribly inconsistent, because it's a totem.

    Post edited by then4321 on
  • Member Posts: 3,479

    That 30-60 seconds Ruin is up makes all the difference. Without it by the time you get to the gen two people working on it with toolboxes they finish it, and when you down and hook one of them another gen is finished so first guy hooked 3 gens left. With Ruin working almost a minute same scenario you hook that guy and still 5 gens left for the survivors.

    That is why Ruin is so strong and why killers depend on it.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Maybe because that IS the actual reason why Ruin was so good? xD If the ruin survives longer then a min then it already did its job. Killers use Ruin because it is a early game slowdown. And that is the biggest problem. Even if Ruin survives just 30 sec I would be happy.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    The thing is people act like killers are hard done by. Take my games to tonight as an example, I turn the game on and its black ward with ultra rare add on, followed by Ebony mori the next game and another mori the game after.

    People forget that killers have so much up their sleeve they don’t need Ruin.

    I just want a few casual games as solo survivor to rank up. Its hard when I’m going against this Bs all the time. Many killers dont play chilled, they play dirty like this.

    At least with Ruin gone it helps a little bit.

  • Member Posts: 48

    exactly. I play bothkiller and survivor myself, and I think it's a waste of a perk slot. you could be bringing in a perk that cant get dismantled and have a much more fun and better game.

    I sometimes even like to bring from time to time a broken key with no addons just to trick the killer into bringing franklins lol. causing him to WASTE a perk slot. I dont care what you hit out of my hands, and it causes him to chase me cause he thinks I have a key, therefore it gives my team plenty of time to get gens done without getting targeted. LOL.

    mind games ...

    bringing ruin isnt mind gaming, its too predictable and boring. and survivors already know how to combat something out of the ordinary and surprise the survivors. be fun and be unpredictable, be smart

  • Member Posts: 684

    Glad ruin is ruined :D

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    So, every Killer using Ruin is a Baby Killer? Riiight. >Insert NOED here.<

    The point is, in cases it's not getting cleansed ealry (or VERY early) it does more then the Ruin rework will do (like nothing if you don't want to waste 2 Perk Slots). What the old Ruin actually gave me was the TIME i need to play fair, which was also fun for Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I main killer but I never thought ruin was as good as people say it was. I think it's kinda funny you're going off complaining about things only noobs are saying XD

  • Member Posts: 234

    The sad part is you're probably right lol

    I didn't bother to take that into consideration, I guess everyone who's complaining about the ruin change are more than likely noobs.

  • Member Posts: 1,893
    edited January 2020 killers shouldn't use the hex because its bad(And I agree).....thats reason to make it worse? Failing to understand your logic on this one.....

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    You act like Survivors run around with instants and ultra rares every game....they don't. That stuff is expensive, not common, and cannot be equated to a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 122

    The problem is that this totem perk need a buff not nerf.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Did you even read the post? I said 80% of my matches the totem is found and destroyed in 30-60 sec. That has nothing to do with the competence of the killer. That's a reflection on how I think ruin is terribly inconsistent, because it is a totem.

    As a matter of fact, I do believe corrupt is far more superior and I find I have a much higher success rate.

    "Baby" is merely a jab at the killers that are crying about the change. I think they are complaining for the wrong reasons.

  • Member Posts: 234
  • Member Posts: 234

    My point is that ruin, as it is, is not dependable.

    I run corrupt with a superior success rate compared to a totem that can be destroyed in seconds.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I can play without ruin, I’m not a noob and I still disagree with the ruin changes. People ran it because they wanted some early game pressure but now ruin doesn’t do that.

  • Member Posts: 234

    "Baby" is a jab at the people crying about the change. I think they are crying for the wrong reasons. I can assure you that there are a lot of red rank killers are competent enough to not cry.

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2020

    My point is, 80% of the time, it doesn't give early game pressure...... wait a minute 😑 I've been looking at all of these posts from a rank 1 perspective... you know what, and I'm being sincere, I understand now that ruin must have a better success rate at low ranks. I guess the lower ranked killers that aren't competent enough yet must have seen ruin work much better against unskilled survivors.

    P.S. I never said I agree with the ruin change, read the post again. I said people are complaining for the wrong reasons.

    PEOPLE, remember how we used to complain about Hex totems being out in the open and survivors spawning right on top of them? Go back to complaining about that.

  • Member Posts: 319


    checks out lol

  • Member Posts: 234

    "you can get any kills without"

    What are you trying to say? Your grammar doesn't "check out" lol.

  • Member Posts: 319

    You talking about grammar but you didn't even comment on the fact that's literally what you said lol. You on here mad af, not making sense and just trying to piss people off. Why? Cause you mad you getting tunneled? That's sucks but it is what is.

    Nah but really, reply to that. Im not gonna bully you just explain to me what you mean,

    You saying baby killers cant get any kills without ruin, but youre also saying ruin does nothing. Now if you actually mean something by that please explain. But if not and you just mad, on here trying to talk ######### not making no kind of gotta ask yourself "Tf am I doin?"

  • Member Posts: 234

    I must have touched a nerve with this one, folks.

    Take some time and read the post more slowly. Then you might understand that "baby" is merely a jab at the people that are crying (get it?) about the change. In fact, I never said killers can't get kills without ruin. What is in the quotation marks are things that other people say, not I, my testy friend.

  • Member Posts: 319

    You just said you were wrong and then tried to get a non existent mob to attack me lol

    So as expected you just on here to talk ######### and show off your 4th grade grammar. So again ask yourself, tf you doin man lol. Like what do you gain from getting on here and talking #########? All you got was people to call you dumb, i mean its attention ig but for what?

    Oh and because i know how trolls work youre going to say "Actually, typing properly is not a skill acquired in the fourth year of primary school; Just because it is, in fact, something you do not yadadaada" let me shut that down right now. I got an English degree and 2 novels to my name AND i won a national poetry contest in 9th grade and i only ripped off one line from fallout. Im not saying that to belittle you i just want to skip the bullshit and get straight to the point, why you so mad?

  • Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2020

    🤣 All I can picture is Peter Hayden Dinklage in Elf. You're getting so insecure about an error, that you felt the need to rant about it. I feel sorry for you bud. You have my pity and I'm sympathetic for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Dude you're twackin. You didn't have to say it, BHVR made it worse. You say in your own words, old ruin was bad, and I agree it was pretty trash for the benefit. BHVR then goes and makes it worse. You then get on forums talking about Baby killers and ITS A TOTEM PEOPLE!

    And I'm asking you from your "Rank 1 experience btw" Justify the logic in an already trash totem....being even worse now?

    You got the answer?

    Ok, now from that, we've already established that people are complaining about the Ruin Change. We've already established that Ruin was a trash hex to begin with that went down in the first 40 some odd seconds of a match anyway. Now think for a minute, put yourself in the shoes of people who actually use the perk, now ask yourself......"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NERF SOMETHING ALREADY TRASH?" <-----Then you'll figure out why people are complaining.

    Think about it like this, lets take a perk like Monsterous Shrine, <-----Perk is already unanimously terrible, now....lets go and nerf it, cut all the numbers in half.... <-------AND YOU'RE TRYING TO TELL ME YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING OR COMPLAINING FOR THE WRONG REASON?!?!?!

  • Member Posts: 234

    Yes, I do think people are complaining for the wrong reasons. They, or we, used to complain that Hex totems spawn out in plan sight and/or right next to a survivor. That, I think, was and is much more of a reason to complain.

    What was your opinion of Ruin on the PTB? If you didn't play on the PTB, disregard this question.

    I found it's strength similar, if not better. Unfortunately, it's still just a totem, so maps that don't hide totems very well, the Hex wouldn't last long.

    I'm sticking with Corrupt.

  • Member Posts: 63

    "baby killers"?

    I thought insults and/or name calling was prohibited under the forum tos...

    They were right. This community is toxic.

  • Member Posts: 822

    Love how you ignore that the new ruin has this exact same problem while doing literally less to affect the game than thrill of the hunt

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Considering it helps early game, setup killers, like Hag, who it CAME OUT WITH, and now does not, it being a totem doesnt change that fact. Even 45 seconds of ruin active can help a hag or trapper set up a few traps.

    Even then, most people are more upset at their logic behind the change, and biased wording of said logic, while they also ignore how fast games go if survivors simply work on gens.

    The change itself wasnt the biggest issue WITH the change.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I agree 99% with you.

    But it does slows the game down on green or less ranks, because the survivors will spend time actually looking for it, some won't stop searching or won't touch a gen until they do.

    Its a dummy totem for dummy players, but yeah, waste of perk slot agaisn't good survivors who will just burn through it by getting their great skill checks or just straight up ignoring it.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Eh, without ruin the game will be much more easier for me, solo survivor XD

  • Member Posts: 294
    edited January 2020

    that's exactly the point's a hex totem. it didn't need to be nerfed. now it's just a worse hex totem. also, for me it's not the change itself its the uh. lack of intelligence? that went behind the change. For instance, one of the top points had to do with skill checks , and yet there's already a perk in game that bypasses hex ruin by turning good skill checks into great skill checks.

    so the change was not merited. it was not necessary. If survivors are having issues doing skill checks all they needed to do was use the tools already in game to help them until they learned the ropes. But clearly nerfing one of the only valid slow down perk in game was the way to go here , instead of just throwing spine chill and stake out on the blood web for a couple of weeks.

    also dedicated testers like interact have done detailed breakdowns of all killer perks, their ins and outs etc etc.

    you can clearly see his breakdown of all slow down perks here. Perhaps if you watch this video you will have a bit more knowledge. skip to the 35-36 minute marker..where he gives the tier list. as you can clearly see, hex ruin is highly regarded above any of the other slow down perks. also, he later clarified some information, and surge is a d tier perk and not an a tier perk.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It deserved a change but I agree the change means ruin no longer does what it was best at. I appreciate the consistency between hex perks though and I'm sure more early game perks for killer will be added eventually.

  • Member Posts: 234

    When did I ignore that ruin is still a totem and do you actually think I agree with the change? If so, tell me where you read that.

  • Member Posts: 234

    "Baby" refers to the people crying (get it) about it. Has nothing to do with incompetence.

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