Nurse addons

I recently started playing nurse and I’d like to know the best addons for her post rework. The fatigue reduction seems to almost do nothing as well as the recharge rate. Any tips are appreciated.
The recharge add-ons are by far the best add-ons for anyone who isn't extremely good with her. They allow you come back from mistakes much more, and increase your map pressure by reducing the time walking. Once you got solid with her, swapping one recharge ad-on for range is generally the best combination.
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So as I’m still new to her should I stack the recharge addons until I get a bit better?
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May as well stick to them..that and range are just the good ones
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Thanks for all the help
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Honestly, sometimes I like using a recharge add-on and the one that makes it so a lethal blink disables your blink in exchange for 4.6 speed. It allows you to quickly follow up a hit with a down, provided you don't lose them during the fatigue.
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Good luck..I still hold hope she may be adjusted better in the future
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I’m playing her on PS4 and depending on the map and how well coordinated the survivors are I average 3K. My issue right now has been trying to blink past objects cars, barrels and statues I’ll charge her blink a bit and then I won’t blink forward at all even though I’ve charged at least 1 second.
especially on sanctum of wrath that map is a nightmare for her.
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Most of her addons are worthless (reworked btw). I think the most optimal build uses one range and one charge addon; two charge addons are redundant imo. The range helps boost her map presence, and the charge helps in chases and also in map control.
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Yeah the ps4 servers eat up her second blink range for some reason