So i'm wondering how much sway does Netease have now.

I know they have some one on the companies board but I'm not sure how far their reach goes. Is BHVR still free to make what ever choices they want for their games or are is there like an unspoken rule that Netease can veto what ever they want or shoe horn what ever else they would like?

I'm just saying it is a company with alot of bad faith right now and it has me unsure about the state of the game. Any one able to ease my worries?


  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2020

    The company is not in a bad state at ALL OMEGALUL

    And neither is the game.

  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124

    What the hell are you talking about since when are old timers being ignored?

  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124

    Nobody is being ignored, you need to stop being delusional and think that the game is going to die because a vast minority of people are all mad about the modification of a perk.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    Dude, You need to calm down. I'm not saying the game is going to die. But that doesn't mean I agree where it is heading. You're also actively ignoring the biggest of my issues and that is how much control a very bad company has over our beloved BHVR

    It is more than just the ruin change. The ruin change is just a cherry to top off all of the issues.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I think YOU need to calm down. It is one fking Perk that gets changed. ONE. Killers will not suddenly lose all games only because of Ruin.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    "Vast minority," lol yeah 80% of the more experienced players...

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Aven_Fallen Did you purposely ignore the whole context of my post?

  • rephaim
    rephaim Member Posts: 96

    In a blitzchung blizzard China environment, yes, they should address it fully.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    People suggested the same thing the last time they were involved with a different company, who ironically, was pushing the same line we see here. Who knows man, I just know BHVR is easily at Bethesda levels of disrespect after DG's death and this game's current direction

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Board of Directors = power...

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Whats the worst that can happen? The game becomes profit driven at the cost of balance?

    BHVR knowingly added Mettle of Man to the game despite everyone knowing it was completely broken and unfair just to sell the survivor only dlc. This was before Netease invested in them so I don’t see how this could get any worse.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    They have not obscured rank.

    They nerfed Ruin to remove any excuse for not increasing gen times.

    The bandaid fix part is mostly true, they do need to get on some stuff, but, I am sure they are working on a ton of stuff behind the scenes.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Nhekii There were several leaks that is on their todo list, and I'm inclined to believe them as every other part of the leaks were right. If I had to guess the leak made them double back on that as it had back lash.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    "I am sure they are working on a ton of stuff behind the scenes."

    You would be right.

    Tons of stuff to make money. Nothing to actually fix the core game.

    Okay . . I am only 99% certain its all about money

    Could be 100% certain tons of stuff to make money and maybe . . just maybe a small tweak to the core game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I am 100% sure that they want to make money. That's how buisness' work.

    I also know, from watching Dev responses, that they care, a LOT. They want to make the best product they can and it shows, they should be proud of what they have made.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    "I am 100% sure that they want to make money. That's how buisness' work."

    They could and should make money by growing the player base by making the core game better.

    Yet their player base has more or less be static with a few spikes of highs and lows. They haven't introduced anything to new players in the form of a better game, only gimmicky paid for content to get more money.

    "I also know, from watching Dev responses, that they care, a LOT. They want to make the best product they can and it shows, they should be proud of what they have made."

    The Developer responses are headed by people paid to be the face of the company and put on a little act to give false narratives about how those behind the scenes pulling the strings really feel about this c$o$m$m$u$n$i$t$y.

    The core game is a stale broken mess that gets worse with every introduction of new paid for content. More bugs, more grind with 6+ perks . . maybe 1 being useful. A killer usually quick to be gutted and a survivor who only stands out cosmetically from the rest.

    If you have fallen for the act a few developers are paid to perform then they are clearly doing their job.

    . . .

    Players who accept everything and question nothing is the cash cow that will keep coming back for more. There are plenty of players happy to hand over their money to a developer who has shown through their actions, not scripted responses how much they don't care, AT ALL about their game.

    Only about releasing the next paid dlc on schedule.

    It's your money. You believe whatever you want.

    History Doesn't Lie . . .

    Unless you only pay attention to scripted responses . . Then yes, everything is amazing!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You seem to be upset. Calm down a bit.

    I'm fairly certain the Console community has grown dramatically in the last year. So, they have been growing their base. They have improved the game, significantly. DS nerf, MoM nerf, ect ect.

    I am sorry you feel that way about the Devs, I've had several talks with them and they seem to be genuine people who really care.

    You write off everything that doesn't fit your narrative as fake.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Pulsar It is more of a beaten in cynical nature. The games community as a whole really has made alot of just nervous about anything

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422
    edited January 2020

    Yikes. You should probably find another game.

    Good luck finding one with developers that care more about their game or interact with the community nearly as much.

    Maybe games in general aren't for you. You've clearly got some things to work through.

    It's legitimately baffling to see how many people think BHVR doesn't care about their game and are only in it suck every player dry. What kind of life experiences have you had where you think they're even close to the bad side of developers?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm still very optimistic. Maybe I'm seeing things differently. I see these spiderwebs and they all connect. I see why one decision was made and why another wasn't.

    That being said, he dismisses any facts that don't support his argument as fake.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    Upset? This a bait response?

    I feel bad for you. You believe the act and literally buy into it from what it sounds like.

    I can see the developers for what they are and explained my reasoning for it.

    Your response is that I sound mad and don't address any of my reasoning or attempt to prove otherwise. Only an attempt to bait me.


    Your money. Believe what you want.

    I'll watch the show.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    Geesh. Another bait response eh?

    And another response not refuting any of my reasoning or examples.

    Only baiting on emotion that's not there.

    I post my views as many players do. So many talk around a post, never directly referring to it because they don't have any way to disprove anything.

    Your money. Believe what you want.

    I'll watch the show.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    What facts do you have?

    Developer responses?

    Scripted conversation on hand picked 'safe' topics to address.

    If players would bring facts that aren't only true in belief, but tangible undeniable facts I have no problem listening or accepting those.

    My argument isn't bullet proof, but I have yet to read any tangible facts you bring to the table.

    Perhaps I missed something?

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @T4ank3d I will give the guys above a bit of credit. One thing BHVR has shown is that they are very very very very bad at picking 'safe' responses to even safe topics lol. Unless we want to forget the Civ 4 and pretty good job so far.

    Don't get me wrong I more agree with you than them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I have my posts. Several directly called out Devs and questioned their decisions and said things were awful.

    They responded. They explained. They earned my respect by climbing into my ring.

    The Devs welcome feedback and critical responses. They often respond to it and explain the thought process. I have seen them ignore certain posts, likely because of redundency.

    Your manner of thinking is full of anger and frustration over a suspected ignorance of valid arguments. There are many these days that share that view.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    I have my posts. Several directly called out Devs and questioned their decisions and said things were awful.

    • Plenty of that going around. Wonder if it's a sign?

    They responded. They explained. They earned my respect by climbing into my ring.

    • Seeing as no developer responds to 'unsafe' (well thought out point for point) posts. You undoubtedly had a weak argument or structured it in a way that was easy to pick apart.

    The Devs welcome feedback and critical responses. They often respond to it and explain the thought process. I have seen them ignore certain posts, likely because of redundency.

    • It's easy to say you welcome something if you don't have to address it. They might respond to 'safe' posts and beat around the bush, the point is clouded in PR that some seem to eat up and accept.

    Your manner of thinking is full of anger and frustration over a suspected ignorance of valid arguments. There are many these days that share that view.

    • I took the time to try and explain my reasoning "must be an angry and frustrated person". Since I don't generalize within a few sentences with every post?
    • Suspected ignorance of valid arguments. This could have some validity, but seeing as you never addressed head on any of my reasoning or arguments presented, we can assume the same of you.
    • Many these days are wising up to the increasingly lazily developed games, though huge successes in there own right from the beginning. As they have become money generators through ever increasing monetized in game items/features. And the lackluster PR that few unquestionably buy into.

    I don't live on the forums and respond when I can. Hence the delay.

    I welcome responses that argue the point. If all you have are generalized comments based on your personal thoughts and beliefs you need not respond OR leave them at the door and respond directly to the points being made. Hopefully you bring some tangible points to the table if you decide to respond.

  • T4ank3d
    T4ank3d Member Posts: 32

    I appreciate the sentiment. I find it appalling that when someone really takes the time to address points being made in someones post they are dismissed as someone angry, frustrated and should play a different game.

    It's always a knee slapper when others can't respond to the points being made. So they choose to instead, respond to the person.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I appreciate your response.

    My calling out of the Devs, I should have elaborated more. I said to them, I don't like the direction you are taking this game, the Doc rework doesn't look good, I think the Ruin changes are unhealthy, you appear to be biased towards Survivor and you killed a perk. I didn't make an argument, I told them what I thought.

    They responded, clarified a few things and explained their reasoning. Am I happy with the Ruin changes? No, I am not. I am pleased with the Doc rework though.

    Again, they directly addressed me. I remained respectful and civil, but I basically said I thought their ideas were garbage.

    Your inability to even consider my points tells me you have been feeling this way for quite some time. This, like with many, is just the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I have addressed your points, but I also realize there is no swaying you from them. You are set in your opinion, that the Devs are only interested in the further monetization of the game. I am equally as set in my opinion that the Devs may not always make the best decisions, but they do genuinely care about the game.

    There are absolutely games that exist only for profit these days, and I am glad people are wising up to that, however; I maintain my belief that this is not one of them.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Netease runs Identity V as well, so I doubt they'd want to also micromanage DbD and basically compete with themselves.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2020

    OP, if you’re worried about NetEase, I wouldn’t bother.

    Taking a look at a marketing paper on this, NetEase invested in BHVR, not a whole corporate partnership.

    They may get some shares or a stake depending on how the deal laid out, but it was labeled as an investment in the paper I am reading, so I assume it was in regards to Stock.

    To quote the article itself, it states:

    Following this investment, Montreal-based Behaviour will continue to operate independently under the leadership of Rémi Racine, its President and Executive Producer, and NetEase Games will nominate a director to Behaviour's Board.

    As you can clearly see, this indicates NetEase games doesn’t have any involvement in regards to the game itself, but rather, is providing funding. It would make sense to have someone present at the board, most companies (especially, investors) have people to monitor the progress of the company (BHVR), and report back to NetEase with how things are going, which in most cases, it’s not inputting as much funding, or if at all if a product isn’t doing so well, they can withdraw funding entirely.

    This has been happening since July, or at least was made public knowledge, however; the only thing discounting against the source is that it is by NetEase, and placed on a PR website. However it is officiated by the contact information provided, one being VP of BHVR’s communication department.

    Here’s the article I was mentioning.

    Also; to clarify, I am by no means affiliated with BHVR nor NetEase; the company’s internal affairs is beyond me because marketing papers can only do so much for me.

    Hope this helps to ease your worries OP!

    Edit1: Added a new sentence to expand on my thinking. It’s in italics.

    Edit2, Reflections: Saying that just it was just a director isn’t exactly great either however, but I believe that in this case, the board executives are more collaborative and work together towards a common goal. I would say they’d have a little sway, but not very much. It is an investment known as a minority stake, which is less than 50% of the enterprise itself. With the gross BHVR got from last year alone, (130 million dollars) a share likely went to NetEase. Not to mention, this isn’t the only company NetEase has invested in last year and this year, in fact, they did invest in Bungie (the creators of Detroit Become Human).

    It would likely be a lesser investment however due to NetEase being a primarily Chinese company; which in this case, video games in China are being weirdly affected by their censorship laws- in this case, DBD is graphic; and has banned Blood and Corpses, which in this case, there’s a lot- take Hawkins, Mori’s, and the injured state. Basically, the game may be at odds with the stringent censorship laws in China, so NetEase likely is investing in BHVR for the sake of gross (money), and contributions would likely have to be on the American Branch of NetEase. Since DBD is rising in terms of sales, and one of the larger game development companies in Northern America, there likely is a lot more investment in that regard.

    Post edited by Watery on