Do you think that Add-Ons like the One Shot Huntress and others maybe can get reworked

I had not played a lot (100 hrs), but I really know it, but I played Identity V a lot and one talent (a talent like a perk) from it I really hate is Wanted Order for the hunters. I really didn’t like it because I thought that it was unfair and really weird, you can see 1 survivor aura and they can’t do anything about it. What they can do is rescue the survivor and it still last 20 seconds. But If I had forgot anything about it. That is why I asked this question.
"Couldn't do anything about it" Survivors are OP in IDV. It's worse than DBD in terms of balance.
Post edited by on5 -
well hunters "Couldn't do anything about it" for all the Survivor jank
and survivors would just reply to this with the same thing and another problem with hunter balance
man i honestly do not see why so many people really like this game? I see a lot of people look at DBD mobile and comment "looks cool but i'm still gonna stick with Identity V." I just don't get it, man..
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You basically have no ammo with that addon even with the belt. The other drawback is your aim better be awesome
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Apart from other better design decisions on IDV's part. It's balance is just horrible.
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My idea for Iridescent head:
+ Hatchet are affected by exposed perk ( NOED, Devour Hope, Haunted ground, Make your choice...)
+ Don't reduces hatchet carrying capacity and cannot be combined with any addon that increase this number.
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They are ultra rare for a reason, and require peak prescision, just like red heads pinky finger
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So if is ultra rare is fine, since you can't find ultra rares easily.... I litteraly see at least one ebony mori every single bloodweb
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Sure you do. I see them every 4+, they cost a ton to get to them, dont give you any BP and are just used to kick ass. Thats ultra rares for you. Not just ebony.
I have been grinding endless bloodwebs on my spirit (10+) and have gotten only 2 ebonies
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But just because is expensive doesn't mean that it can be OP. Umbra (Streamer that mains Huntress) litteraly haves 1K Iridescent heads
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Thats a steamer. Not somebody like you and me
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Streamers are real people. I could just start to stream right now, so now I'm special?
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What a good argument... so Ninja is just like me and you? Pewdiepie? Theyre just like me and you right? Were just as special as them? They play games for a living to profit off of streams, we play games for casual fun, do you want to grind out 1k ebony moris?
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Steamers likely have 2 jobs, decently popular streamers could get 50-200 on average a day with an added job, with the added fact that playing games becomes sort of a job.
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They are not like me and you, not because they are streamers, because they are SUCESSFULLY streamers
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The only one I think is unfun is infinite tier 3 Myers.
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Its a good thing this thread isn't about ebony Mori! :D
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Just make her Iri hatchet addon reducing her hatchets carried trump all other hatchet increasing addons. This way if she wants one shot hatchets she can literally only carry one hatchet at a time. This seems pretty fair.
This said, I really don't have an issue with her Iri Hatchets anyway. Ultra rare addons should be strong. Most the ultra rare killer addons these days just suck.
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So buff it?
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If you didn't escape by then you have no right to complain
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It's just I don't like it. It's earned, but I think it requires less skill then most of the instadown addons, perks. I also just dislike Myers in general.
Not talking base kit instadown
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I think they meant that the hatchets are affected by exposed instead of always being a one-bang. I kinda like this idea, but I think it would piss off a lot of huntress mains, and should probably be downgraded to purple rather than pink.
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Yes obviously hatchet doesn't one shot anymore (except with perks) that would add more build to Huntress, because right now i think she is the killer with the less amount of perk variety, every Huntress run nurse calling, whispers, BBQ, iron maiden....
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Like after hitting a survivor, they are exposed the rest of the match? That's a very big difference.
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You started talking about Mori in a thread about something that is not Ebony Mori. People should really stay on topic in these discussion threads, they derail way too often.
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Just read what the other guy sayed
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Tell that to Umbra 😂 over a 1000 lol but she nice enough to not use them.
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Nah I meant if they are exposed through NOED or whatever, then the hatchet should be one-bang as well. But that does sound interesting as well, like the hatchet did some serious damage and then you can just get one-shot for the rest of the match. (I'm a survivor main who occasionally plays as Freddy, so I probably haven't considered some things that may affect balance though).
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Killers are allowed to have strong things... just like SWF are allowed to have 4 toolboxes with 2 speed addons equipped...
Only thing I would say to change about IR hatchets is to make it locked to 1 hatchet regardless on what addons you are running.
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They should buff all killer addons. Having a great red addon like Huntress and then having to run around with one axe is ridiculous, and to have three you need to use another addon that are purple so you waste great addons to get three axes? Buff buff buff!
Most survivors want an easy game. I'm the kind of survivor that wants a challange or this game will get so boring. Buff all killers and their addons but don't you dare keep on nerfing to please todays gamers, they are just spoilt and lazy.
Us that started playing games in early 80s know how much more fun games were in that time, and they were a challange and our brains needs challanges. That is what people today have lost. Why go shopping in the store when you can order stuff to be delivered to your door right? 🙄
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Those addons make the game more of a 1v4, like it is supposed to be.
Rather, if they were changed, I'd want the game to be balanced. I'd want every killer to be able to do well perkless if the player was skilled enough.
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Now, I wouldn't mind if addons were changed to be stronger. I hate what they did to Spirit and Nurse. Bubba's addons are a joke. They all need to be stronger than they are, since now their default kit is just pathetic.
Challenge can be a good thing, but frustration because of an unwinnable one is not (and this is coming from a Soulsborne player).
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Hatchets affect as well as base, or an addon? Because no one would bring an addon that requires specific perks to have any affect.