Who is the hottest survivor?

We all know the answer...
Butttttttt,let me see who you guys find the hottest of the hottest. Let. Us. Begin!!!!!!
Who is the hottest survivor? 63 votes
Jeff (Jesus)
Jeff's smexy beard... That is all
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Other,no space :(
Feng is a absolute cutie. ^_^
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Other,no space :(
I did not see Quentin on there and I am very disappointed.
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Other,no space :(
We all know the REAL answer here. How could you resist this chad, no matter what gender you like.
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Dwight (all votes here)
Oh it is on. Wifu contest. How the fk can you resist a boy this handsome and sexy?
Look at his tie,his glasses, his looks. I just come Everytime I see his photo. How can you say no to this absolute unit of a man?
Your turn beach
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Other,no space :(
Fair, Dwight is EASILY the second best, and it's a very hard tie between him and Ace. But look at Ace's nice smile
(Ignore the ketchup, he has been eating a lot of Pizza just now, and hasn't washed it off yet)
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Dwight (all votes here)
Tho look at Dwight's face. God he is hot. How about his tie? Just like being brought from a "corn video" you know what I mean xd. I bet his d is bigger than his tie. Look at his face,he is scared because he doesn't know what to do with such big of a d,he is afraid he will damage someone's ahole with it. God is it getting hot? Or is it just him?
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Other,no space :(
And with the exact skin that makes him such a hunk!
Saved me from having to post it ^.^
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David (nipples)
I'll always be on David's side!
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Other,no space :(
jake :3
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Other,no space :(
jake :3
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Other,no space :(
Judging from the comments I get in lobbies, I'd say it's Ace.
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Other,no space :(
I might have some issues, and maybe low standards
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Kate (for obvious reasons)
Kate and next would be David, in my opinion.
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Dwight (all votes here)
Did you ignore bill on purpose? XD
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Bill......just.... Bill
Bill, not even close. Look at that dude, he is the Lara Croft of the 2010s
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Other,no space :(
No one talking about yui
yall make me sick
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Yui (I have no comment on that one)
I wish that Yui was a little bigger. Not much. She just seems a little flat.
Kate is my second choice, though. But that's basically a 9.8 vs. a 9.7
I would take either in a heartbeat.