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General Discussions

What is your favorite killer to face?



  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Huntress because she's sorta different from many others, and she can keep you guessing a bit.

    Good Billy players too, as they usually mindgame a lot. Which I enjoy to do and go against alike.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Same goes to you. I am guessing you love hook camping and my comment triggered you? I love playing against campers when I am running kindred and they can only get one sacrifice.

    "I only care about muh kills". -Dude complaining about ruin nerf because he never leaves the hook

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    I would have to say Michael. He still has the best jump scare of all the killers. Hag is a close second.

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    Michael Myers all the way.

  • Member Posts: 319

    Spirit. I love all the mind games and being rewarded great distance for out mind gaming her. Second would probably be Michael. Just him staring at you or if you get caught in the open is super punishing. Terrifying. Third is Hag. A good hag can always keep you on your toes and jump scare the hell out of you!

  • Member Posts: 987

    Ghost Face because they usually react to my username and be playful. We have a good time, I usually make them hook me in the end.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Myers and Demogorgon

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Do you play on PS4? I think I’ve seen somebody with your name before.

  • Member Posts: 987

    Yes! I switch between Mrs__Ghostface and ChokeMeGhostFace LOL. Right now I’m using choke

  • Most fun? Demogorgon....Legion can be if the person is fun, and a lot of them tend to be.

    Least fun? Pig. Always Pig, always tunnel, always toxic.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Wraith, hands down. Nothing beats that sheer terror of the first Bing Bong out of nowhere when you or your friend screams over the mic that they just found out who the killer is, the hard way.

    ESPECIALLY if that bell is silent.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Nurse, hands down.

    She's the only killer where a fair game is guaranteed.

    She has to work hard for her kills.

    When she's chasing you, you'll get away 3 or 4 times.

    But if they're good, they'll eventually get you.

    I never mind dying in a fair game when I've evaded the killer and had a fair fight

  • Member Posts: 137

    The Doctor. My Doctor, specifically. I'm always worried the tests are gonna come back Aids, but he's always so charming

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