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Fixing the gen rush

The main reason survivors are considered "overpowered" is because it takes so little time to do all five gens. Since each gen takes 80 seconds, assuming the first survivor found wastes around a minute, it is highly likely that that two to three gens are popped before the killer has exerted any pressure on the other three to leave gens. Especially since each phase on the hook takes a minute, that's more than enough time to finish the gen you are on then go for the unhook.

Therefore, I suggest added mechanics to make doing gens more interactive or harder, without simply making them take longer, as they are boring enough already.

1] Add generator parts to the map
Make it so each gen needs one or more specific parts from around the map (like a timing belt, spark plugs, alternator). Each part would take X time to install, plus whatever time is required to bring the total time to 80 seconds. This way, each gen will technically take more time as surivors run around the map looking for parts without forcing you to sit on the gen for longer. And since you never know what gen needs what part without already touching it, so it forces you to not always fix the first gen you find.

Additionally, each part could have different skill checks making installing each part unique and add interactivity to each gen. Perks like plunderers could have added function letting you see parts, or deja vu could let you see what parts are needed where at the beginning of the match.


  • SirSenorSerbian
    SirSenorSerbian Member Posts: 13

    What about this,the base time to repair gens is increased,but like you said each generator should have their own part,if you collect this part and repair the correct generator,the progression would be much faster after they put the part in that gen which takes like 10 seconds to intall,Also you would drop the part either if you took damage from the killer or you got downed (can't make up my mind).

  • El_Sneako
    El_Sneako Member Posts: 21

    I don't know, from a fluff perspective rubbing a broken part for long enough won't make it suddenly work. From a game play view I can understand why it would be pretty rough to have some noob with the part you need running around refusing to install it on the gen that's ten seconds from being done. Maybe only some parts are mandatory? But then you start getting to complex for a simple game about a killer in love with slapping people with sharp objects.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    Changing one thing about the game by adding something new...seems to require you to change/add something else sooner or later. And this cycle repeats until things become to a whole new level of gameplay. (This would be nice I think. The rinsing and repeating of the game needs a good shakeup...but I realize that it may be just fine how it is.)

    It's either that...or just start over in a new mode....that way, if mess becomes too won't affect the standard play. (You can spice things up in a whole new way...and still keep the running around doing the same stuff over and over wholesome goodness.)

    Things have gotten so stale to me personally, (Minus new killers, survivors, maps, and events.) That I'm thinking about creating new events myself. Just something to keep me engaged in the game.

    (Maybe a game where everyone tries to stay alive within a certain time, and get the killer to sacrifice/kill the other survivors before a timer goes down.)

    (Or, a hide and seek hardcore game variant....where if you are hit just once by a killer, you are out. last person alive wins, and 1st person caught has to be killer next. Killer wins in the event that he/she finds you in a certain amount of time.)

    (ooh...a scavenger hunt. I am semi-famous on two guilds for making such a game. "clues are given out to groups, and they have to take a picture of what they think each clue is referencing. The team that can find the most/all of them within the time limit wins. The time limit is usually a 5 days worth of time...because not everyone can be on at every day/hour." Yeah...this sounds nice. I'll start preparations.)