Where did all the Spirits go?

Feels like not that long ago everyone was crying that Spirit was so overpowered and now after the update, I have maybe seen one since November. What's going on? Also is Billy the killer people are crying about now?
At the moment sound issues make her pretty annoying to play, which is probably the biggest reason if you ask me.
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I think it's a combination of the post-phase lunge bug and the fact that people saw Freddy higher in the kill rate stats and via word of mouth it feels like everyone has moved onto him.
See if Spirit recovers once the update is out which fixes the bug. If not then I'd expect Freddy to be the most picked killer next time the stats are out.
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After the addons balance noone wanna play her anymore
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They got put in the Ghostbusters' containment unit.
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The Spirit mains saw a hint that Freddy was actually getting better kill rates so they jumped ship.
But in all seriousness, sound bugs plus the fact that she lost a bunch of obscenely strong add ons.
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They have passed like rain on the mountain
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Post phase lunge bug + sounds bugs made her less fun to play.
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Developers nerfed survivor sound, and buffed sound oclussion. Which effectively makes tracking during phasing a guessing game.
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Her phasing sounds are kind of bad right now, but ultimately it's the same thing that happened with Nurse: as soon as they lost their strongest abilities and add-ons they jumped ship because they realised they relied on those add-ons to do well and you need to actually kind of try with her now. We might see a few more spirits in the next update when her bugs get ironed out but I doubt it because she doesn't have broken add-ons anymore, which obviously makes her the worst killer in the game now.
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Post-phase Lunge bug + Sound bugs = Annoying killer to play
Plus you shouldn't be worried about Spirit, you should be worried about the killer community since queue times have sky rocketed
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The main reason is that the sounds are still god awful and months after they still haven't even acknowledged the problem. Until the sounds get fixed her tracking is just trash right now. She doesn't function properly.
They also way over nerfed a lot of her things that didn't need nerfing.
I've probably seen more of every other killer than her since that patch as well.
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She sucks now, basically. The nerf really hurt her.
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We’re still here, we are just phasing around the community ;)
If I’m being completely honest, the sound issue has really overstayed it’s welcome but it also has made me better at tracking with grass, blood, corn stalks brushing aside, and figuring out how scratch marks work (when survivors try to muddy their tracks)
I played a lot of spirit before the nerfs and I still do from time to time. I never really used the busted addons because I didn’t need to, my favorites were the activation time and movement speed so I could keep up with survivors.
The Lunge speed bug has really hurt her as you could get cheesy hits at survivors who camped pallets but it’s laughably bad now and hopefully when the hot fixes come it will be restored.
So, you don’t see a lot of spirits anymore because those spirits were usually the spirits who only relied on headphones and busted addons to succeed.
She is easy to play but difficult to master, nobody realizes that anymore. She still holds her own VS strong teams if you know what you’re doing.
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No, she’s fine. However, I have noticed the lack of spirits myself. If someone hurts my precious billy I will bring hell fire down upon the world
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She is still top tier. I play spirit more than other killers.
But i havn't played much killer last couple of months because of the wonky sounds. On top of that i believe her new prayer beads are bugged. Survivors can hear the phasing sounds while still in her terror radius.
If the devs fix the sound issues next patch I might start haunting around again though. I think she is very fun to play and against good survivors it can be a challenge :)
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Gone. Reduced to atoms
Good riddance
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Take Spanish, now watch it vanish.
That's where Spirit went.
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She is ok, I played her some time ago after the nerf. I 4k-ed multiple challenging games. I stopped, because I become bored, but, to note, she must have Stridor to be consistent. Without Stridor she is worse than Nurse. It mean that before someone can show a good Spirit play they must grind Nurses perks. My guess is- players are sick of grind. I appreciate that devs decreased the grind, but it still take months to unlock it all.
EDIT: I play less the game at all, becouse for both sides there is too much forced noise pollution. My ears need a break from it. xD
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Lmao so post-phase lunge and sounds are still bugged? Looks like I ain't coming back to this game anytime soon.
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Maybe many of them got tired of all the auto dcs that occurred at first sight regardless of loadout.
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Most of the Spirits people complained about were the ones who just ran Yakuyoke, Beads, Wakizashi, etc.
Now that those were nerfed as well as the collision, many people dropped her, even though shes still perfectly fine, though sounds are still somehow broken
Devs didnt address why people dont like Spirit but it looks like they dont have to anymore lol
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This is why it's so hard to take many killer mains' complaints seriously. Spirit is still a top tier killer. She's just bugged atm.
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No idea but I can honestly say I do not miss them, especially the old prayer beads variety.
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"On top of that i believe her new prayer beads are bugged. Survivors can hear the phasing sounds while still in her terror radius."
That's by design. It's not a bug.
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Try hards are important to the ecology if a small game like this. Once they are gone the game will die out. They need to be happy too.
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Playing a killer that relies as much as her on sound in this specific patch is a pain.
When sounds get fixed I`m sure we'll unfortunately be seeing her a lot again.
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Funny how there were people saying she was barely touched from the nerf.
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She heavily relies on sound which is bugged and broken. I run Stridor on Spirit and sometimes survivors randomly gain Iron Will and I hear nothing. No injured moans. No footsteps. Nothing.
She also has no post phase lunge (which I believe is getting reverted back to normal next patch). She’s still a very good killer, easily top tier. She’s just not as viable as she can be with sounds being broken and her power not working properly.
Her add-ons are the least of any good Spirit’s concern. If you relied on double purple add-ons every match then you weren’t good at Spirit. The Amulet now still is pretty strong. That duration is SUPER long.
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Petition to delete Quentin from the game. Freddy should have been a standalone killer chapter since nobody likes that sleep deprived goblin anyways.
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Why are we trying to make a narrative just because YOU don't see Spirits in your games.
I see plenty of Spirits every single day.
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Did I hit a sweaty Spirit's nerve?
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They all went 'wee wee wee all the way home' when their mischievous prayer beads got swiped.
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So to all the people who don't know, when spirit uses her power she can't see you, or scratchmarks. She relies on sound which is busted.
Complete generators when the skill check wheel doesn't pop up. Same thing
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Her lunge is bugged. Sounds are bugged. Both of these hurt her WAY more than the actual changes to her kit.
Trust me, she is still easily one of the top 3 killers. I've been bodying survivors with her, but it's frustrating to deal with the bugs so I don't play her as often.
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Spirit has some of the best add-ons. Literally any combination of her green add-ons are amazing. You don't need any purple or pink add-ons except for specific builds (with the exception of Saya which is probably her absolute best add-on right now).
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I usually stick with brown, yellow, and green add-ons. Sometimes I use no add-ons.
Saya and the Katana Tsuba are very powerful. I call it “Fruit Ninja Spirit”. I love the Saya...ya know if she had a lunge :(
I never use pink add-ons. They’re not great IMO.
The Amulet is still powerful. Pair it with green duration and you can phase for an extremely long time
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MDR is insanely strong but only really necessary on larger maps.
Father's Glasses is a good anti-stealth add-on. It's very hard to hide from a Spirit with this add-on.
I'm still not sold on Amulet. I'd rather get around faster than have more phase.
Cherry Blossom is low key OP against good loopers. You won't even need to use your power, just do a little shimmy and go for a swing. They won't be able to track you very well.
Her yellow/brown add-ons are good too yes. I tend to go with green just because I play without Ruin or aura perks, so I need the extra power. If I switch to a basic build with like BBQ and Ruin or something I'll use brown add-ons.
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Sound bugs + Post-Phase speedboost bug. It's kinda a reason to take a break from the Spirit and play the other killers until the next patch.
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sound bug #1082 taking months to fix
but hay that survivor basement visual bug got fixed in a week
really shows you how low priority killer bugs are
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It became harder to do the 4k0c challenge
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So since billy is so ez to 4k with... why didn't you accept the challenge and upload the videos that another forum user posted earlier?
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Parroting what everyone else said, post phase lunge means you have to wait a second to attack a survivor if you didn't land directly on them giving the dead hard value a bit more if they aren't on the ball. Add on that as soon as you walk behind a small wall all of your sounds vanish unless you're a generator.
I happened to have her 4 hit daily tonight and got azarov's resting place. A survivor's footsteps completely vanished in this example: think one of the window-gyms that the window is on the L. A survivor went around a small square that is basically next to one of the L ends and her footsteps vanished meanwhile I'm still a 4.4 so I have to play the guessing game even when I'm not phasing.
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Because you see her go through the window now, so she has been totally nerfed into the ground. 😂 I don't know, I for one like not having my matches end in 2 minutes which always happens against spirit with new because I suck against her lol
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How about you ask the crowd and good for you for seeing Spirits? Too bad your the only one who has
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such a bs post, it is the sound issues fortnite is looking for their bots...
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The sounds are still hot garbage and her post phase lunge bug hasn’t been fixed yet.
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yeah love how people wanna put that toxic ######### tone to their posts they needed addons to do good um no when the audio makesa downed survivor sound right next to you when 20m out yeah its not fun to play any killer with the sound issues.
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Simple fix for people having issues with sounds as Spirit (Spirit Main btw). Just get a hit and follow the blood. I track survivors via blood now, not sound. It's very effective with sloppy, bloodhound, nurses, stridor, bbq, whispers, and others. Just take the green sword add-on, and a speed boost during phase add-on. Or take father's glasses if you have em. They work well with mother-daughter ring.
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I actually don't like vaulting as Spirit because I know how stupid it looks. It's embarrassing. I feel embarrassed for her.
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Guess you assume I’m talking down to people who used the old Saya and Amulet or Prayer Beads and thought they were good at Spirit. Wake up call, it didn’t make anyone good at the killer.
It’s the same people who ran Omega Blink Nurse and Instant Saw Billy every round and thought they were legends with the killer then when they ran brown and yellow add-ons they got stomped.
You can run whatever you want. That’s fine. Just don’t claim you’re good at the killer when running their best add-ons.
By the way...the add-ons were nerfed during the same patch that sound became bugged.
Yeah it’s frustrating to have sounds break. It is stupid how they break every patch. That’s why I have avoided Spirit.