Dang BHVR, is this true?

If so, which side of the ballpark are you guy's sitting in? Are you okay with letting your game go down a path of heavier monetization or do you wan't to do something against it? You already let DG fail miserably will you do the same for your only hit game? In my opinion you better start being more transparent and fixing your game FAST, because a game like this only get's better or worse on YOUR OWN accord. This game could literally be the best Asymmetrical game out there but you constantly drive away from that with your utterly backwards decision making and anti-veteran changes. Think of it like this, your game will not be making any money if you let it die to greedy corporate decision making, so I hope for your studio's sake and every single fan that has invested time into this wonderful game that you make the right decisions for the GAME and not some executive's pockets. This year needs to be the end of BHVR's BS... make a change or have fun with DBD in the bargain bin.



  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    "The company has one hit on their hands and instead of making it better on the longterm, they make it for the short term".

    Business is business.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    I'm just hoping it's a No Man's Sky silent treatment.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    Almo sometimes responds to threads like these, they just responded to a thread about the Hatch mechanic.

    I'm also a very straight-forward person, that doesn't sugar coat things. I have yet to get banned/jailed for voicing my opinions. I don't think the Moderators have any intention of silencing people for just voicing their opinion - I believe they most likely had a good reason to Jail or Ban a person for something they said in a thread, otherwise it could have very well just been a misunderstanding.

    I have a firm belief that the developers of the game care a lot about their player base as well, and are doing their best to try and create the best game play for all their players not just new players. Heck look at the out of the blue Freddy nerfs where they nerfed his add ons to make them entirely un-usuable, just because players were not having fun - even in high ranks. I've seen Developers following some streamers, being active with the community, and genuinely caring about this game like it's their baby.

    At the same time, they need to make money, so catering the new player base is important to ensure an income so they even can keep working on this game.

    Post edited by NullEXE on
  • They are not removing ranks from the postgame tally screen, we've gone over that part, not sure why that guy is still saying they are.....

    Otherwise I 100% agree with everything else he said.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    They aren't now. It was definitely planned. Is it not fair to point out that at one point, they considered something do dishonest and cowardly?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Except that they have added many many unsafe pallets to the point where killers simply go around pallets and get a hit no matter what. I guess he forgot to mention that part.

    By definition perks are just that. Perks. They aren't suppose to be the foundation of what makes a killer great, they are suppose to "aid" "enhance" their ability to perform. Same with survivor.

    The way the maps are laid out sometimes can be an issue for BOTH sides, not just one. Hence why people from (again) both sides seek balance in this regard. IMO they need to focus on each individual killer to add other options (like they did with Freddy) where they aren't punished hardcore for not having the same mobility as others.

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    For one there is no map in the game that is so full of unsafe pallets that you have to choose them over more safer options, and yes I mean HNL as well. Unsafe pallets aren't meant to be looping points more by time points, aka. drop the pallet very early to buy you time to the next safer pallet. Learn how to use them instead of using them incorrectly and complaining about them.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Even then, if you can't loop an unsafe pallet correctly (and it can be done), you're just not a good survivor and need to "git gud" as they say.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Then I say the same to you... "Learn how to loop around safe pallets" because if you don't believe that there are extremely unsafe pallets that will not get you to another safe spot, then you haven't played survivor long enough.

    For many safe zones there are also unsafe zones. Some without ANY pallets. Go ahead keep spreading your biased opinion and get the same results from the same group of people who fail to see both sides.

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    They can't or will just denied with no argumentation like always, eventually ban people Who don't think like them , Welcome to BHVR compagny !

    PS : we loovvvee money

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    I play red rank survivor plenty and I have seen on certain maps there are complete dead zones with no pallets or only one no too safe one. I understand your point but what I was expressing is to the usual scenario when the game gives the survivor map tiles to work with and it isn't just a dead zone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    This crap is what makes me want to defend BHVR even though they are agreeably in the wrong. Someone advocates facts so you attack them and say they are delusional. FFS.....

    The notes were ripped from the PTB directly so of course they are semi-accurate, but they are also constantly changed around, and probably used to remind people what was tweaked so it can be changed back later as they prepare the PTB for testing.

    The simple fact is you shouldn't go around stating something IS HAPPENING when it's already been shown that it IS NOT HAPPENING as it shows you are not fully aware of what is actually going on, and weakens your argument.

    If that is hard to grasp, that's on you, not me. Just saying that type of stuff will be what BHVR uses to argue; or more likely they will just ignore it entirely like they usually do- but if they do comment they will target only specific things like that they know are incorrect and ignore all valid points.

    That's literally what they do every time.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    People who are banned or jailed is due to breaking the rules - you do not have the right to threaten and harass the developers (or the community).

    But sadly, from what I've seen, many killer players on this forum would prefer to harass and threaten people.

    If they think they are allowed to do what they think is okay; then it would be only fair if someone were to do the same thing to them as well.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    The notes leaked 2 days before the PTB even happened. Before the PTB was even formally announced. I didn't state that it was happening. I stated it *would have* happened. I base that on BHVR's history of shadow nerfing things, and doing things to bandaid their own terrible balance choices.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Since my first post, I am just talking about his claim in the video. Not you.

    I am saying BHVR WILL point that out, it's literally what they do every time, they find what is incorrect and use that to dismiss everything else that is valid, and will just ignore everything else.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    I'm aware of what you were speaking of; And they can attempt to dismiss all they want. The community is above their nonsense at this point. They aren't fooling anyone. They would get *so much* more brownie points with the community if they grew a pair and were straight up and honest with us.

  • Apparently not, you went straight to calling me delusional and then said "I didn't state etc etc..." so you are very clearly mistaking my second person narration earlier when talking about Space Coconut, not yourself.

    Which is fine I could get that and I could clarify that, but don't just immediately jump on me- you could ask for clarification on something and have skipped all of that.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Nowhere did I call you delusional. I'll thank you for making sure not to accuse me of things I haven't done. Thanks bud.

    As for clarification - you did respond to my words, so I took it as a response to me. Which is the logical conclusion. Fair enough, though. You were responding to what was said in the video.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    You're right "But to ignore it like that, that's just you being in denial." was what you said, along with the passive aggressive phrasing before. Just because I flat out stated something that was correct.

    Jfc whatever dude, I'm not going to argue with you. If you decide you want to talk about something I will, but if you are just going to berate and digress then there is no point.

    Especially when my overall ignored point will be made shortly; as the same cycle of BHVR treatment of issues goes about the same every time anyways. So good luck on that front.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Disagreeing with you isn't berating you. Even if I'm blunt about it. I'm not insulting you in the least bit.

    I even acknowledged that you responded to the video and not what I said, after you had explained it.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    The video does have afew good points, but many of the "band-aid fixes" that were brought up werent issues. Sabotaging for example wasn't "fixed" by hangman's trick. While hangman's trick does counter sabotaging, the devs already toned down sabotaging significantly by making the hooks respawn naturally.

    Coulrophobia countering "pallet healing" is another non-issue in that a survivor would have to stop running to heal at a pallet, something the killer chasing them is unlikely to let them do.The only pallets where this would be at all possible would be super safe pallets like shack pallet and only if the killer is too dead set on not breaking it once its been thrown. The devs have been slowly removing these super safe pallets from the game and replacing them with more pallets that can be played around, thus no time for survivors to sit and heal at them mid chase.

    I DID say the video offered some good points too though, so I dont wanna be overly harsh on it. The devs insistance that new ruin will be just as good because new survivors were unlikely to notice sparks coming off a gen is abit of a joke. If the perk is banking off survivors not being aware of whats right infront of them, thats not a good perk. Hoping the survivors I face get overly scared of my TR and let their gens regress to 0 and get puzzled as to what happened while hiding in a bush is generally not a good strategy going into a match. Experienced survivors will know whats going on IMMEDIATELY, and will likely cause them to be less altruistic and more inclined to finish the gen they're working on instead of going for an immediate hook save.

    Im not going to completely ######### on new ruin because honestly...I didnt bother too much with the PTB and will have to give it an actual shot once it hits live. My point is that telling us "testing shows this perk works great on new survivors" isn't helping your case because we could already stomp new survivors that are too afraid to touch a gen. We wanna know how it fairs against EXPERIENCED survivors. Tell us about the testing against THOSE survivors.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Eh, I can actually recount pretty accurately how often people in high ranks brought insta heals to heal at a pallet, or brought a fast heal loadout. People definitely healed mid chase after dropping safe or god pallets, meaning you HAD to break said pallet in question.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    As of lately, it's been more killer players from what I've seen.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360
    edited January 2020

    If your using an instaheal though...you dont even need the pallet and it wouldnt be affected at all by Coulrophobia which is what Coconut was claiming was being sold to us as a fix. As far as overly safe pallets goes, yes...you could infact heal at them. Its up to the killer to recognize those pallets for what they are and NOT try to loop around them after theyve been dropped. If I drop shack pallet, you should probably break it instead of vaulting the window back and forth and being surprised you cant touch me.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Yeah, but at the time you didn't need an insta heal to heal quickly, and since coul wasn't out quite yet, you could just speed heal during the break animation and continue onwards. Worked wonders on Crotus Penn loops

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360
    edited January 2020

    If you see someone breaking the rules, hit the flag icon next to the post. This doesnt have to be a killer versus survivor thing. You can find ######### people on both sides. If your saying the maker of the video doesnt have the right to speak his opinion, id disagree. Although I might not agree with every point, Coconut stayed civil for the entire video and backed up each point he was making.

    Claiming he cant say anything on one platform (youtube) because he was jailed on a separate platform (these forums) is silly. If he ever crossed the line to the degree that the devs wanted nothing to do with him, theyd have banned him from the game itself. Being jailed could very simply mean he got in an overly heated discussion on the forums and will have the icon removed at a later date, like is the case with many users here.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360
    edited January 2020

    If your healing during the animation, it means your not running away. Once the pallet is broken... now what? Your injured and still infront of the killer. This same predicament is why people tend to laugh at injured survivors who flashlight blind at pallets...because they dont get distance.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    On crotus penn it generally happened by the infinite windows, you start healing the second you get free, then shortly before the break finishes, start running from the safe door loop to the infinite window and GGEZ, either the killer commits to chasing you back to stair safe pallet, or he ######### off to the next person who runs the exact same loop.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    So your saying you get in roughly 1 second of healing in per pallet, and that was enough to require ppl to run a perk so your value during that 1 second was halved? Personally, Ive never bothered equiping the perk, not did I ever find myself in a situation where I go "gosh darnit, if only I had Coulrophobia right about now". The assumed problem was never big enough to deem a bandaid fix from me.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    No, I'm saying before the perk existed, and before they slapped in the infinite fix on one of the CP windows, people would straight up heal at the safe pallets then infinite you until they had the distance to heal at the next pallet, which they'd stun you with, rinse and repeat for 3 pallets and you have enough time to full heal.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    So during all this with an overly long chase and infinite windows, your saying the problem was healing at pallets? Thats the equivalent of a mechanic looking at a car crash scene and telling me the oil needs changed. Its also ironic that in this scenario centered around window looping, the Clown perk that was deemed as a bandaid fix was Coulrophobia.

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Take what you want out of it, but to use your analogy, a lot of small problems build up into a car crash, not just negligent driving

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    He got jailed for calling someone willfully ignorant. In a polite way. That's it.