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Why do people get so agitated when stunned with Head On?



  • Member Posts: 63

    Fun? Fun does not live in this house, lol!

  • Member Posts: 50

    Bruh. People are saying it's op. Just play as clown.

    -This post was made by clown gang

  • Member Posts: 52

    Never had a problem from a killer and I use head on all the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Nobody likes getting stunned, plus, its the favorite perk of some SWF bullies.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I don't mind head on. Since most of the times it's used for memes and just a wasted perk slot and exhausted status effect for survivors who don't use it properly

  • Member Posts: 968

    Don't know, people really need to fix their behavior because some way people act in game and out of game is terrible

  • Member Posts: 354

    Head on only annoys me as killer when survivor has no actual reason to use it, other then to be an annoying bum lol but I wouldn't dc over it.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Assuming some level of competence, and varying depending on the tiles, a head-on stun is never just 3 seconds wasted.

  • Member Posts: 321

    To avoid being trolled? You mean stunned? I use it effectively all the time. It's not just to troll. Sometimes I'll stun the killer as they are looping another surv. Iron maiden is pretty good and I expect to see it more often as killers are seeing head on and inner strength more and more. I use closets to stun, heal and quick n quiet juke. Iron maiden is my kryptonite now lol.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    I've never understood it either. It arguably does the least of any exhaustion perk (unless you manage to save someone with it). If they want to use that and stun me instead of using a perk like Dead Hard which could greatly extend a chase, I can't get mad about that. I just laugh it off and catch back up a few seconds later.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    It's such a fun perk. I still remember the ptb where it was nothing but Janes jumping into lockers. probably the best laugh I've had on DBD.

    I can understand why seeing an SWF trying to be toxic would be annoying though, or how multiple people all trying to Head On the killer at every opportunity could be perceived that way. Some groups are just out to wind up the killer. I think this has a lot of killers on guard, add to that the pressure of the game itself and it's likely easy for them to become tilted.

    I think Head On is in a good spot. 3 seconds isn't really all that great for getaway time, DS offers 5 seconds. However since it can be abused for the sake of toxicity then 3 seconds is probably the sweet spot in length. It's less powerful than say sprint burst.

  • Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2020

    Let's be honest, its annoying.

    I usually DS+Head On in a row just for the lulz, its funny for me and the boyz but I know that its pretty damn annoying to spend 10s stunned basically or be hit with it multiple times in a single match and also 4 DS.

  • Member Posts: 889

    Oml you stunned me so now I'm gonna tunnel tf outta you. I have a reason. I'm a killer main.

    That's why bud, some players are just downright ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Head on is fine lol, remember how bad it was? I don't understand why people get mad. I would if it wasn't an exhaustion perk, but being an exhaustion perk makes it OK.

  • Member Posts: 175

    This video is a great example of why they hate head on lol

  • Member Posts: 138

    Head On = annoying 4-SWF, generally.

    Some killers either don't have the patience to deal with them, or aren't masochistic enough to want to play against them.

    Plus, Head On is more of a threat than most people realise.

    -It makes basement hookings off-limits, since dedicated servers let survivors Head-On save at the bottom of the basement staircase, no matter how the killer hugs the staircase wall.

    -It makes the routes to hooks longer, as passing by any locker can result in a Head On save, forcing the killer to take a roundabout route with no lockers. This makes bodyblocks more effective, too.

    -Most main buildings become a danger zone... for killers... because the impending threat of Head On at every and any locker.

    Why did weaponised lockers have to be a thing...

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I dont get mad if a survivor gets a good head on stun, or god forbid, a save on me. hitbox is a little borked though

  • Member Posts: 899

    To me this video just shows why head on is a dumbass perk to use. Doesnt do them any good, at least as far as I watched.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    As a killer main when I get head on I say "wow,I felt for it. Now you are considered my obsession. Welcome in hell xd" I hunt them and hook them BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. But in the end game chat I just say good stun. It is amusing and makes you kill the survivor more :3

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    I think people hate it because of the stun, Stuns in general are annoying.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I love when survivors use Head-On because they're generally doing nothing but trying to intervene in loops or troll the killer. They might get away with it once but you can just sidestep a locker they'll likely be in and now they're just wasting time.

    Example is the locker in the killer shack closest to the door. That's the most common one that's used when a survivor is running shack. Usually a survivor with head-on waits for another survivor to take the vault. If you have an idea they're in the locker just sidestep it during the chase. Yeah you'll probably lose a little bit of time but usually the thirsty survivors just pop out of the locker in an attempt to stun you regardless. So that should be a free hit in that scenario.

    Unfortunate about DC's in your games likely just killers who don't like to adapt or feel the stun removes the power role from them.

  • Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2020

    They literally held the killers in the basement for 4-5 gens in all the footages just out of pure rage and stopped hooks by saving each other?

  • Member Posts: 899

    But that's because the killers were complete idiots. Try that ######### with me and everybody dies

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited January 2020

    The point was why its hated NOT why its good(Not saying its good).

    Edit: Something can be bad and still be hated Ex. Dan from street fighter.

  • Member Posts: 899

    Ya that's true I suppose, but with logic like that next thing you know theyll nerf ruin because noobs cant deal with it. :0

  • Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2020

    Killer players get mad for everything the Survivor does - whether it's:

    • 1.) Looping
    • 2.) Repairing generators.
    • 3.) Pallet stunning & pallet saving.
    • 4.) Flashlight blinding & flashlight saving.
    • 5.) Unhooking within terror radius to utilize Borrowed Time to keep the pressure on the Killer.
    • 6.) Decisive Strike.
    • 7.) Object of Obsession.
    • 8.) Keys.
    • 9.) Toolboxes.
    • 10.) Medkits and the newly reworked Styptic Agent and Syringe.
    • 11.) Survive With Friends (with or without comms, mind you).

    I mean, the list goes on and on. The only thing Survivors complain about are:

    • 1.) Tunneling.
    • 2.) Camping (proxy or face camping).
    • 3.) Moris.
    • 4.) Instadowns/Buggy powers.

    That pales in comparison to what Killers fret about daily. And when you look closer at each set of complaints, the Killer complaints come down to the fact that they are being outplayed. The Survivor complaints relate to an unfun time because they cannot play the game (on a hook, being Mori'd, or constantly being chased). There is no counter to tunneling, camping, (ebony) Moris, or buggy powers/Instadowns.

  • Member Posts: 715

    Wait, about the basement one, can you tell more about it?

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Humans are humans and react in different ways. It's just something that we have to deal with.

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