anyone else just losing interest in playing killer? At this point I dread it

im just debating if I wanna just main survivor for now on


  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,075

    I mean, I still play Legion (in hopes that they will finally acknowledge suggestions) but recently have been swapping over to survivor every now and then. It feels good not having to worry about much.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    I haven't played DBD for like 2 weeks

    My recent exprience was horrible, playing as plague wasn't fun, the only fun I had was slugging survivors as spirit since it proven to be a fair challenge

    But overall the killer exprience has been horrible specially with matchmaking

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    Even if I wanted to play survivor, I can't, since queue times are 10+ minutes long and if I eventually join a lobby I'm paired up with low rank killers, I end up doing 2 or 3 generators by myself, getting chased one time if I'm lucky and that's it :\.

    Oh, and that's a Ghostface.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Still better than solo imo.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    I play Legion who actually has a bit of pressure so the gens don't go as fast as lets say i was playing wraith. Albeit i am getting beaten more often since i stopped using ruin its been almost just as fun.

    I would never play killer if i wanted to win though, the games still unbalanced AF (obv) and i do usually swap to survivor much more often now.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Losing interest in playing in general*

    Clocked less than 2 hours between the Tome 1 and Tome 2 dead zone.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Dude why do you feel the need to post this in every second thread about killer being unfun? It's a video game, grow up.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    They might find some fun in it, some killers I played enjoyed doing it even though it was at the expense of survivors.

  • Wooferson
    Wooferson Member Posts: 22

    Not every game is fun (green rank killer vs red rank survs for example) but I typically like playing killer. Sprinting around with legion or memeing with survs as ghostface is how I spend most of my games. Then again, I dont tend to play to win, I play to have fun, if I get some points and keep my pip or pip up? Great. If not, oh well I'll be playing again anyway.

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited January 2020

    initially I was against the hex ruin changes. However, after spending some time away from the game and doing some analysis, watching some streamers and using my brain, I have come to the realization that there may be other methods. There are at least 2 perks that could be viable replacements, as well as simply just learning to cope without a slow down perk and possibly focusing on a different stratgey. The devs explained quite clearly that the gatekeeper emblem was going to be different, so there definitely won't be as much pressure to stop the gen rush early game. One of the things I wondered was how people played this game before hex ruin even existed (it's not actually a free killer's only part of the dlc). So i watched some old videos and learned a few things.

    I'm just biding my time until patch day. taking a break from the game. Never been a fan of the beta's as the que times are just a bit too high for me.

    Overall, I guess I'm trying to say that I'm actually looking forward to these changes, not because I think they are great or anything, they are frustrating, but because it will be a refresh. It will be like an entirely new way of playing the game than the one we've been used to for so long. And for that reason, I think if anything Killer is going to be more interesting to play, even if it is frustrating at first or hard to understand why said changes were made. I still don't fully agree with these changes, but I can see the value in learning to cope with any changes made to the game. I think those who can't adapt just turn stagnant and stuck in a rut, never progressing personally in the game.

    Hope that makes sense and answers your question.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I jumped on last night as killer since I didn't want to start the frieza saga in dbz kakarot. I was pretty damn drunk, so I probably played like a huge dick 😂😂😂. I faintly recall having fun...

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    At least you get to play, I'm on PC with Spectrum internet that holds a pretty nice 100mbs download speed and damn near similar upload speed yet I can't play a game for more than 5 minutes without disconnecting from their games... It's so hard to tell because some days the game let's me play, other days it doesn't... You could ask if it's just my internet, but Overwatch, GTA, Counter Strike and Rainbow Six Siege could all beg to differ on that one.

    This game is slowly tunneling down a rabbit hole with each time changes are made, of course you can't make everyone happy. That's a given, but what needs to be done is more of a poll or survey to explain how you feel about the game; likes and dislikes so the devs can have more to work off of than oppose to everyone complaining about what they hate. I love to play Nurse, she's a fun character and is very interesting. However the way survivors play I can't really play her like I want IF I want to try to win.

    Now that's not necessarily a bad thing to force me onto another character, in fact I have found that I'm a pretty good Spirit player mainly because I know how to play into people's minds and guess their next move. But I still yearn for those moments where I can play my favorite characters with challenge but not have to race between generators or dance around a rock with a pallet nearby for a solid 35 seconds because everyone brought toolkits. The game is very survivor focused and I agree to an extent, survivors are meant to survive.

    However if any of you have seen a horror movie... Not everyone makes it, yes some killers can be op... That's when the devs step in with the help of the whole community working TOGETHER to make amends that work for both sides instead of only one side being heard. I am a very bad survivor and don't plan on playing them to better myself at it (And no, this doesn't mean I'm ignorant to the survivor play style, I have many friends who are too tier survivors across multiple platforms who we all share our real feelings on the matter.) But I thoroughly enjoy playing killer because well... My job is to scare the ba-jesus out of my enemies and maybe even take a little here and there myself lol. I don't want to have to stop playing this game but when you make it impossible for one side or both sides to play who they enjoy because of biased or unbiased opinions... It ruins the community and it ruins your game.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    A lot of people feel like that, i felt like that....but now its like the devs said if youre not good enough to be high rank maybe you shouldn't be. It can still suck every once and awhile but for the most part i just play really relaxed. Not a smurf just not trying very hard, and enjoying it way more than i did when i was red rank and would literally dread loading into a game

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Im still playing killer. People saying their gonna "Camp, "Tunnel", or "Use Moris Every Match" imo are just doing it for some attention. Theres not gonna be a survivor player base if thats going on every match.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    You just haven’t seen it because the Ruin nerf hasn’t dropped yet. I’m sure the forums will be full of survivor mains complaining next week.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    lol its funny cause ive been playing Killer MORE lately. Been tryna find some awesome builds that really don't give a ######### about Ruin at all.

    Been quite successful and had loads of fun. Currently enjoying Billy with Stridor and Thanataphobia with Begrimed Chains.

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    I feel ya. I used to go about 60/40 on survivor/killer but now it's closer to 85/15. I think that the pipping needs to be balanced. Idk if it's an aftereffect of the survivor BP buff from last year but it's insanely easy to pip as a survivor and you have to sweat so hard to pip as a killer.

    If a "balanced game" is still a 2k in the devs eyes then a 2k should guarantee a safety pip.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited January 2020

    Yeah because going against a Sweaty killer every match isn't gonna attract attention

  • DeathDealer91
    DeathDealer91 Member Posts: 3

    I stick to survivor now so I dont have to worry about hate messages from survivors. They complain about everything and thinking everything is camping. Like if you pull someone off a hook after I just turned my back!!! Yea I'm coming to get you

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Been playing majority as survivor for a while now for this reason, but lately I don't even play killer when I get bored of survivor and just choose to turn it off. I've even been deleting most killer dailies instead of going in and just hoping a survivor one pops up in its place.

    Since queue wait times on survivor have jumped up to triple or more of what they used to be, I have to assume I'm not the only one.

    Something's gotta' happen soon.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Its been rough the past couple days. Always tool boxes and they map offer to Red Forest/Ormond/Rotten Fields. It blows. If I want to win I have to play as sweaty as possible and can't make 1 mistake or I lose lol. Could just be the past 4 days or so but yeah really tough games every game. The roughest part is that there isn't really anything worth while for gen slowdown other than PGTW. Corrupt everyone just hides for 2 minutes. The other perks for slowdown dont do much and if they start to the game is over lol

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2020

    If it's just over this ruin change then I find it ridiculous to not want to play killer just because of that.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The Ruin change makes the game more stressful for the killer. If somebody doesn't want to play a role because it got even more stressful, then I find this understandable.

    Playing a video game should be fun and not feel like work. If somebody doesn't have fun, they should play something else.

  • BruhMoment
    BruhMoment Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2020

    Same honestly. I'd rather do that than play solo survivor. Playing survivor by yourself is probably the worst experience you could have in this game, other than playing mid to low tier killers of course. But at least with killers there's a bit of a challenge. Plus I don't have to wait ten minutes to find a match (even when I solo que). Either that or I just don't play the game, which seems to be the path I'm going down. The rare chance I do get on the game, I usually either play spirit, camp with leatherface, or tunnel with pig. The only way to get kills consistently at this point, which is the entire point of playing killer.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Oh I know lol I'm just saying if that's the only reason, I know there are many other reasons, but with such a big uproar with ruin changes, you never know lol

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Ooh I know, I get it, I play killer I know bullcrap it can be, I just said about the ruin change because I know some people will just bolt it because of the change lol you never know in these forums

  • DeathDealer91
    DeathDealer91 Member Posts: 3

    When I stop running over and over I usually dont play the game for 3 or 4 days. I hate that crap

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    my drunkeness is playing no ######### given wraith 🤣

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Nah. I experiment with builds and such so it's far from boring. I only play maybe once or twice a week to keep myself from getting burned out in general though. I've actually started playing killer more now as opposed to just when I have a daily.

  • Hail_to_the_King
    Hail_to_the_King Member Posts: 183

    I would gladly switch to survivor but the PS4 matchmaking takes 20 minutes to find a game. I used to main killer but I can't find enjoyment in it anymore. I hate that it has become that way.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    I can understand why kills alone arnt the only deciding factor on dicting if someone played well or not, but I DO feel like more should be taken into account as far as things like instadowns, locker grabs and the likes go for emblem points.

    Reason I say kills shouldnt be the deciding factor alone... is because its pretty easy to get 2 kills if you wanna just cheese it. I myself have played memetastic games where I'll do something dumb like wait by an exit gate all game, only to down whatever survivors show up with NOED and Rancor. Mori the obsession and facecamp the other... Voila, 2 kills and didnt even have to participate in the other 95% of the game.

  • LivUndead
    LivUndead Member Posts: 69

    Im still gona play killer cause im a bit of a masochistic