The difference between Ruin and no Ruin is night and day

Seriously, games without ruin are so much more stressful as a killer. I can't play fair anymore, i have to slug and tunnel or i lose the game. Every game i play without ruin 2-3 gens done before the first chase is over. Between the chase, pallet looping and finding the first survivor it easily takes 80 seconds. Something needs to be done before ruin is nerfed.
Basically if the first chase you get into happens to be a long one you are going to lose 2 or 3 gens and after that you are facing an uphill battle.
The change is horrible. On PS4 there is a shortage of killers. Why are they making the role even less appealing?
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Doesn't even require the chase to go on long. Even if the chase is 20 seconds, it still takes at least 15-20 seconds to find someone, then another 5-10 to hook then even if i beeline for the gen that the survivors are at it still is likely to take me 20-30 seconds to walk to it, even then thats one gen/survivor, so i might stop it but its nearly done then 2 more pop. Or worse yet, they all are on the gen together then it gets done before i get there.
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There does need to be more sone early game. I played it yesterday and got yamoaka. I started in one corner of the map, the survivors all spawned on the opposite side. Given how long it takes to cross the map they got so much genwork done for free. I didn’t have corrupt intervention unlocked so couldn’t use that.
This all goes back to the maps being too big. The game shouldn’t be spawning killers and survivors on opposite corners of the map.
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Seems pretty extreme....what killer are you playing?
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If ruin got cleansed immediately it would be the same. If the survivors couldn't find Ruin until late game, its almost a free win. Night and day.
Ruin was awful and I'm glad we are seeing the back of it. Imagine nobody playing a new killer because they haven't unlocked the ONE perk that would give them a chance of a win.
But we need something in the base game to help with with gen times. I'm confident the devs are working on something, but they need to tell us how long we will have to wait otherwise people are going to defect to Civilization V.
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Corrupt Intervention.
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The OP didn't have it.
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Yeah I'm telling him to invest in it
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I agree with this, i have no problem with them dealing with ruin, i agree that it is OP when not found and useless when it is. But something needs to be done about gens first. I played 6 games in a row against SWF red ranks that were able to get 3 gens popped during the first chase. It's ridiculous.
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I gotta be honest, I'm pessimistic that the devs will actually do anything. They either lack the competence or the foresight to think more than 2 steps ahead of any change they make, and then try to tell killers to adapt while gutting the current meta, and then the next one within a few months. I doubt we'll see any meaningful changes until they scrap their balance team and hire people, or at least listen to, people who play the game at high ranks consistently. Expect your opinion to go by the wayside if you aren't a new player, that's how little they care right now
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High risk, high reward. The only really bad side was when survivors spawned right next to it. If you have one or two survivors search for the totem and find it in the first minute and cleanse instead of working on gens, you already have a good amount of gen progression stopped.
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You cannot rely on just getting it. You have 17 killers that can have up to 74 perks. It takes like 5 million BP to get every perk and you cannot expect to get that one perk until level 50. And you need that for every killer (you want to play). How much time do you expect someone to invest until he finally can start playing?
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You rely on getting ruin on killers but your telling me that you can't do it for corrupt intervention, alrighty then someone needs to sort out their priorities.
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I never said someone relies on getting Hex: Ruin. Same here, if the majority of killers don't have it, they cannot apply pressure. But with the Ruin change there is one perk less in the mass (beneath Pop and Corrupt) that helps you out with it
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Um, didn’t you know New Ruin is an end game perk? Don’t worry about what it won’t do early game. It’s insidious, not to be confused with the actual perk Insidious. These survivors won’t even know what is going on when the instant they step off a gen it sparks and smokes and starts to regress.
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Damn, I'm just now catching that this was a spirit game, and you had really good perks on. I can't even say its because of the killer you're playing because spirit is a god damn map presence god. And you had 2 people injured for a thano stack....not only that but your immediate downs were godlike....I don't even know what to say....
I dunno...these devs remind me so much of what happened with Evolve before it got shut down making everything survivor sided. I don't wanna think about it....but yeah....this sucks....
People are gonna call you out for camping, but if you didn't make that play the game was over.....
######### I could only imagine how badly a trapper player would do in this situation wasting time placing their traps....
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K... So you show a video of what?... A spirit without ruin killing all 4 survivors with 3 gens still left.
So what are you trying to point out here? Cause whoever made the video had to play harder?... What was stressful?.. That 2 gens popped when there was 2 in the basement on the hooks? Did they get the feeling they lost the match when that was happening?
Am I supposed to listen to some garbage narrative of that video to understand something I'm missing here?
I love the evidence people keep putting up on these forums about the Ruin nerf, meanwhile they still kill over 3 or more survivors... LUL... Survivors were potatoes is always the reasoning for it too... HAHA.
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It will be quite common to tap the gen and check, ez reveal. And an even bigger problem with SWF again, as the Surveillance combo would reveal all the gens but only needs one person to do it to inform the comm mates
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Corrupt is a bandaid though. You shouldn't have to run that one thing to not get dominated.
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You can not get dominated while not running CI.
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well same for Ruin though, this is just a replacement for now.
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Ruin was a bandaid though. Everyone complains they don't have time at start of match, run the perk and you will have time it's simple.
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You need to stop focusing on the killer winning and focus on gen times. The reason people show these vids is because when they show you videos of survivors popping 3 gens before the first chase the finishing the game in less than 5 minutes you say "well just apply pressure better"
Then we respond and show you a video of a killer keeping every survivor injured, them acting like potatoes, and chases ending in 5 seconds. Yeah of course the killer wins in those games. But the point is that even when those things happen survivors STILL can pop 3 gens in the first 2 minutes before the killer can even find and down the first survivor.
Those games aren't the norm. Typically it takes 20-30 seconds to find then first survivor with a 20-30 second chase and the a 10-15 second hook and oh look 3 gens popped.
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Yeah but your saying that killers can't expect to girin for corrupt, when obviously this spirit player has grinded to get ruin so what's the difference
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Been playing a lot of Trapper recently, as I had a good amount of BP offerings. Removed Ruin from the build this week to try out new builds. It's rather depressing to have two gens pop when I only have half my traps down. I've gotten into the mindset to three gen them as much as possible.
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What you show makes your whole point irrelevant.
You said it yourself, those aren't the norm. If it isn't the norm, then start showing the other ones where you get trounced with all the gens popping in 4 to 5 minutes and they escape with the killer unable to do much while playing as hard as they can.
Cause that one... Shows a Spirit crushing those survivors very easily.
If anything what this proves is killers have been condition to believe, if 2 gens pop before you get your first survivor hooked, means you've lost. That didn't even happen in the video cause 2 were on the hook in the basement before the first 2 gens popped.
Killers are also been condition to believe they should kill all 4 or it isn't a win.
The mentality needs to change. This post just reinforces that conditioning that exists with many killer players.
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Then change the pip system, because right now 4k is about the only way to pip. Gatekeeper is entirely up to the survivors, so that's usually bronze.
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Spawning on opposite sides of the map isn’t the problem. Map size is the main issue. Spawning on the opposite side of a map like Coal Tower won’t be much of a walk for the killer, you can easily defend generators.
However if you get a map the size of Saturn like Red Forest then it becomes an issue.
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You’re talking about big brain survivor plays. DbD is being balanced around the new survivors and potatoes now.
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You are still missing my point. If I show you a video of a normal game you'll say it's because I didn't pressure well enough. That's why we show you ones where the game is extremely stacked in the killers favor and STILL 3 gens gone in 2-3 minutes. The point should be. If a game is that stacked for killer than gens shouldn't fly by that fast. If normally it isn't that stacked imagine how much faster it could go in a normal game.
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That wasn't just stressful or annoying for the killer, it was also unfun, annoying and stressful for the survivors; look at the postgame chat. While I understand why that Spirit camped the hooks, I can't dismiss the fact that having to resort to that strategy so early in game isn't fun for anyone. And in my opinion games like these, in which the killer has to resort to camp survivors till death so early in game in order to play a balanced game, are a symptom of the core issues this game has.
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Yeah im fine with Ruin changing but the core issue should be addressed in some way. Corrupt is just the new bandaid
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Obviously if you're facing bad survivors then nothing matters because they're trash. But if you're facing anyone who is at least decent you're gunna have a tough game. Also depending on the map too. If they dont hide and you can find people during CI then it does what old Ruin was set to accomplish but after CI is gone and you dont have PGTW its gunna be very tough against anyone worth salt.
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You’re still playing fair, I’m enjoying Wraith a lot without ruin. Only slowdown I’m using is PGTW.
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And the problem we have with the ruin change is the red ranks. Most noobies are scared and don't hop on the first gen.
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The OP also didn't say he grinded for Ruin, he just has it. And I'm still saying you had 3 worthy gen protection perks where they removed one of them. So up to level 50 you have less chances to get one of them. That's the difference. And ruin was the most common one. So whatever was on the bloodweb, be it a super OP addon or BBQ, I'm pretty sure on certain killers everyone would be going to secure the Ruin, because it was mandatory to have.
Another thing I had in mind when talking about already leveled killers, if you already pushed to level 50 and ignored Corrupt because it is simply not that strong (except maybe Hag, Demo, Trapper) or you already had Ruin, then pushing your level further is mostly just a BP waste. In addition, that Corrupt is pretty weak on Tier 1 and Ruin / Pop already work fine on Tier 1
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I personally think the new ruin shouldn't be a hex or a perk rather a standard. Gens that aren't worked on regress back to 0.
Easy, simple.
Few perks would have to be reworked like PGTW
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Everyone hates on the new ruin but I honestly like it. Think of it this way. One of the biggest problems with matchmaking right now is the killer queue times. This is due to the fact that there are more killers than survivors most of the time. Ruin gets changed = less new survivors quiting and playing killer/ more salty killers going to survivor . And that just means more games for all of us.
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Perks should only be a "nice-to-have". Corrupt Intervention and PGTW shouldn't be as necessary as they currently are.
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I expect tunneling, camping, and slugging to br the norm after this change along with a Billy nerf in a few months.
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Are you high red ranks? I get a feeling most of the people saying the Ruin nerf isn’t bad or that they’re happy about it, either don’t play Killer at all, or don’t play Killer at high Red Ranks.
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I play in red ranks, quote where my comment says the ruin change is good, there is a reason I’m not using it.
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Without ruin my games aren't ruined.
Besides I don't typically use it as a red ranks killer unless I'm on like someone I'm learning, where I usually just stack all slowdown perks so that I have time in a match (ie recently Oni).
If I can 4k as pig/trapper at red ranks no ruin, anyone can 4k and play the game as usual.
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RIP Ruin, a bandaid fix finally ripped off but not addressed why it was used, good luck to the people who played the slow or none movement speed ability killers on giant maps or dumb maps with too many safe tiles, slug and tunnel i guess. Survivors bring your Unbreakables and DS it's gonna be a rough ride.
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Anyone can 4k at any rank with any killer, primarily because the ranking requirements for survivors are easy as pie and red ranks are swarmed with low skill survivors. I've played against rank 1 survivors that have the skill of what should be a rank 10, since all you need to rank as surv is to put in time. The issue is a good killer vs a good survivor team will never win, and that trickles down at all skill levels.
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Uh.. no? a good killer can very much win against a good survivor swf team? Even with lower tier killers like doctor/trapper. though its remarkebly easy with billy, spirit or nurse. i've gone against all kinds of teams/solos since early 2018 when i first started playing. I'm no god tier player at this game but its not impossible to play against a coordinated swf rank 1 survivors? i've also played against rank 10s with the skill of rank 1 survivors? i never said anything about skill and rank being tied as well, i only stated that i can get consistent 4k's.
Hell back when people used to derank in big squads, i was versing rank 1 (10-15) survivors with 2000+ hrs, same on killer side, (Which was screwed if you ask me) but i dug through and now there no different from the rest. they can kill me or i'll survive/vice versa, its more even for me now.
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The entire balance team seriously needs to be fired, no way around it
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That's NOT the killer mentality, I'm so sick of that lie