Favorite chapter?

I wanna get away from all the negativity in this community so I wanna know what your guy’s favorite chapters and why it’s your favorite!
My favorite chapter
For me it’s the Halloween chapter. I really like how pleasing their deigns look even if Laurie looks nothing like the actor. The map is really nice (bad for killers) I just like how everything looks. Now for the best thing of the chapter is Myers! He has his theme song and how he looks is eye pleasing too and seeing him in a dress is just 😩👌. I wish they have more outfits, but it’s better than having non. Rip Freddy and Quinton.
Stranger Things
Demogorgon was really amazing in the beginning and Nancy's perks are pretty fun to use. The map is great aesthetically but balance wise upstairs could be a little safer, especially considering the BL nerf. Steve is my favorite survivor to play as so I'm a little biased.
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Halloween: It is the reason i was interested in and bought the game.
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Split between A Nightmare On Elm Street and Ash vs Evil Dead (if we're counting paragraphs).
Because I love Quentin, Ash and Freddy
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Overall? SAW.
My favourite map, my second favourite killer with a great perk (Surveillance) and a goid survivor too.
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I like the Cursed Legacy chapter, both the Killer and the Survivor are really well done.
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Demise of the faithful
The aesthetic and concept were just done extremely well and it brought my favorite survivor and killer to the game. Even though the temple is in red forest it still looks amazing.
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Darkness Among us with the old Legion.
Still in love with Legion and Jeff is really cool. Mount Ormond is a beautiful map.
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both of my mains came from it.
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I don't really know. Of Flesh And Mud introduced me to my favorite survivor, Ace, with my most hated killer, Hag. Spark of Madness introduced me to my favorite killer, Doctor, and most hated survivor, Feng.
Because I can't weigh them, I'm just going with Stranger Things because idk, I just really like it.
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probably curtain call. i love kate but don't really like clown, but also shattered bloodline brought spirit (who i love) and i also don't really like adam.
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What's to dislike about Adam?
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his perks & overall aesthetic i guess. the only perk i actually like using from him is deliverance. also, that trench coat......👎
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Agreed, the trench coat is ew and his perks are underwhelming but he will always have my heart ❤
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lol you're the only person ik that likes him alot
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I have to agree with shattered bloodline Spirt is one of coolest looking killers and the map is just really cool. Adam isn’t the greatest survivor I don’t care for him and his outfits are meh. His perks are also meh
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I would have to go with either "The Last Breath", Halloween, Ash vs Evil Dead, or Darkness Among Us.
The Last Breath introduced arguably the most famous survivor as well as essentially creating No0b3 and giving us Nurse (even though every survivor main hates her)
Halloween was the first licensed chapter and provided us with the second most popular horror icon (below Jason), and gave us Horror's most popular "final girl" as well as giving all great perks other than "Sole Survivor."
Ash is just my favorite survivor. That's about all. Rip his perks though.
Darkness Among Us while having a bad killer and survivor, gave us great perks and the most aesthetically pleasing and interesting map to date imo. (Just fix the scratch mark problem.)
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He has a Carlton skin. You're argument is invalid 😏
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All of them. 😎
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Curtain Call.
It was the chapter out at the time I started playing so Clown’s menu theme is nostalgic for me. Also from what I’ve read the pallet vac got fixed in that update? I couldn’t imagine playing before that, must have been frustrating.
Clown was my first main because I was fed up of looping but was too lazy to learn Nurse. So I used him for a while. Kind of backfires though because I never learned to mindgame that well because you didn’t need to with Clown.
Kate is one of the best survivors too even if her perks aren’t that meta.
Looking at the history of the game it seems like it was definitely on a good path by that point considering what it had been previously.
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I wasn’t around until a month before Stranger Things. I’d say doctor and Feng because I main them both lol.
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Top 3
Spark of Madness, Curtain Call and Demise of the Faithful
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My favourite is the og content - my 3 favourite killers (billy, trapper and wraith) and 3 favourite maps (coldwind, mcmillians and autohaven). Spark of madness comes in second because of Min
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Halloween. It was the last good patch for the game. The maps still felt atmospheric, and people were less ######### back then. Myers also remains the golden standard for a killer as far as addons are concerned.
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Flesh and Mud
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Spark of Madness and Curtain Call