Huntress Buff Idea

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
I love this killer, I have ever since her release. Getting good with her hatchets is one of the most satisfying feelings as killer. But her movement speed is painfully slow. It's bizzare to me, because she is as fast as The Nurse's base speed, yet she can blink to gain ground. Hillbilly is average speed, yet he can zoom around in a sprint to cross the map. And yeah I know utilizing her power is key, but most of the time you have to keep up with the survivor to get lines of sight (too many obstacles or trees on most maps). And chasing survivors is not a good idea because she can get looped 5 times around a pallet that would take any other killer 1-2 to catch up to a survivor. With a simple buff to her speed, to make her as fast as Pig or Hillbilly, would easily make her a top tier killer...easily. I would love this to happen soon haha


  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    I can only say: git gud
    99% of problems you described is between chair and monitor

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    Leave it out with that, mate
  • Eskay
    Eskay Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2018

    Firstly, her movement speed is nowhere near as the Nurse (4.4 vs 3.9). Secondly, she is slower because she can down survivors from far away. If you're getting looped around something you can't throw over, take corners tightly and don't be afraid of the stun, Huntress LOVES thrown down pallets. And thirdly, just practice your hatchet throws more and don't rely on your main weapon at all. So I agree with @Sarief just 'git gud' even though I HATE when people say that:D Opinion of a Nurse - Huntress main with over 900 hrs.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    you have to say it when you need to say it.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    edited August 2018
    It was more a comparison than a fact. πŸ˜‚ I am good with the huntress, which is why I say what I say. Playing as her is a painful experience in the game at this point in time. With a game that is punishing on killers for timing, having a killer who is slower on movement and can't always land those hatchets because of large obstacles, buildings, long loops. It is a cause for change in my eyes. You shouldn't have to resort to leaving a chase because you can't close the gap fast enough between pallets (regardless of distance weaponary, sometimes the hit isn't possible due to the angles of walls etc. Like I said, other killers have far more conveniant abilities yet are not hindered by slower movement. With all the killer buffs that have and will happen, this would be a welcome one
  • Eskay
    Eskay Member Posts: 30

    Nah dude Huntress is one of the most skillful killers and if you master her ability she can even be as good as Nurse. Increasing her movement speed will just make her overpowered and her skill cap will be a lot lower. I can suggest you to watch some rank 1 killers like Tru3ta1ent or ScottJund and try to play like them.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    You haven't got to tell me how great the Huntress is at master level. My idea is to give her a step towards top tier. With the buff to other killers recently and the planned ones to come, a little buff to the huntress to make her a tad more pressuring is not gonna make her op. The hag got a buff that made her terrifying with her pressure, and yet she isn't op, she's as strong as she should have been from the start. My only criticism of the Huntress is her speed, as killer you have moments that prove the argument and disprove an argument; for me, I feel there is more proof to say she could use a buff, more than a killer like the Wraith (whom I hear may be buffed again). But I do like the input and advice of someone who values the Huntress in the game. Like I said, I love this killerΒ 
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    There is no need to buff her. She is scary as is, unlike others you don't need to catch survivors two times, since you can hatchet-axe them, vaulting and palleting is obsolete on her and if survs know the loops where she can't do jackshit (fix the maps devs, #########) you don't commit to it and camp gens. Gens do not have those places, they might even be in a middle of nowhere and give you enough time to kill the victim.

    the other important reason to NOT buff her at the moment is that her addons are scary as #########. exhastion, blindness, hemorrage are not nicest things, but instakill hatchets are terrifying to play against. No genrush can save you against good huntress with top addons

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    You're making good points, but also backing me up at the same time with certain things you say: there are very harsh parts of the map that are brutal for the Huntress to get lead towards, even a seasoned Huntress can't out play someone who is desperate to hit a loop that is punishing. It's a lost cause in that chase, and oh what do you know, you wasted 20-30 seconds on them only to realise you haven't got the speed to get back to an area where survivors may be (even a close by area) and probably have few hatchets left. Every good killer has a set plan of how they want the gen shape to look like, but harsh loops and lack of speed punish her pressure on organised and intelligent survivors. Do you see my point?

    And i'm yet to meet a survivor who thinks 30 seconds of blindness and 60 seconds of hemmorage hurt them in any way against Huntress. Exhaustion and Instadown are fierce, yeah, but chances are they'll have used their exhaustion perk prior to being hit with a hatchet (if it's sprint burst or they have recently been injured body blocking or something like that). Survivors on outskirts of the map (the Huntress' danger zone) usually pop those gens first against her since they know her speed at map coverage is lacking. And a solo gen takes 1 minute 20 seconds to complete without a great boost. Again leading me to feel the need for the buff. I have a feeling we'll not agree on this πŸ˜‚ but man, if they did buff her, could you imagine how she would play like? Scary would be the word. Like the Hag is, like Nurse and Clown are etc
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Onyx_Blue said:
    You're making good points, but also backing me up at the same time with certain things you say: there are very harsh parts of the map that are brutal for the Huntress to get lead towards, even a seasoned Huntress can't out play someone who is desperate to hit a loop that is punishing. It's a lost cause in that chase, and oh what do you know, you wasted 20-30 seconds on them only to realise you haven't got the speed to get back to an area where survivors may be (even a close by area) and probably have few hatchets left. Every good killer has a set plan of how they want the gen shape to look like, but harsh loops and lack of speed punish her pressure on organised and intelligent survivors. Do you see my point?

    And i'm yet to meet a survivor who thinks 30 seconds of blindness and 60 seconds of hemmorage hurt them in any way against Huntress. Exhaustion and Instadown are fierce, yeah, but chances are they'll have used their exhaustion perk prior to being hit with a hatchet (if it's sprint burst or they have recently been injured body blocking or something like that). Survivors on outskirts of the map (the Huntress' danger zone) usually pop those gens first against her since they know her speed at map coverage is lacking. And a solo gen takes 1 minute 20 seconds to complete without a great boost. Again leading me to feel the need for the buff. I have a feeling we'll not agree on this πŸ˜‚ but man, if they did buff her, could you imagine how she would play like? Scary would be the word. Like the Hag is, like Nurse and Clown are etc
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Onyx_Blue said:
    You're making good points, but also backing me up at the same time with certain things you say: there are very harsh parts of the map that are brutal for the Huntress to get lead towards, even a seasoned Huntress can't out play someone who is desperate to hit a loop that is punishing. It's a lost cause in that chase, and oh what do you know, you wasted 20-30 seconds on them only to realise you haven't got the speed to get back to an area where survivors may be (even a close by area) and probably have few hatchets left. Every good killer has a set plan of how they want the gen shape to look like, but harsh loops and lack of speed punish her pressure on organised and intelligent survivors. Do you see my point?

    And i'm yet to meet a survivor who thinks 30 seconds of blindness and 60 seconds of hemmorage hurt them in any way against Huntress. Exhaustion and Instadown are fierce, yeah, but chances are they'll have used their exhaustion perk prior to being hit with a hatchet (if it's sprint burst or they have recently been injured body blocking or something like that). Survivors on outskirts of the map (the Huntress' danger zone) usually pop those gens first against her since they know her speed at map coverage is lacking. And a solo gen takes 1 minute 20 seconds to complete without a great boost. Again leading me to feel the need for the buff. I have a feeling we'll not agree on this πŸ˜‚ but man, if they did buff her, could you imagine how she would play like? Scary would be the word. Like the Hag is, like Nurse and Clown are etc
    Huntress is easier to loop due to lower speed, and how a good survivor can fake for pallets and windows and can play around them. Her humming is directional, so survivors can hide or go to a safe spot ahead of time and be on a good side of a loop that renders winding up hatchets a detriment to her due to position and distance. She can never be as good as nurse unless she has insta hatchets and doesn't have the humming anymore. Most survivors top tier use sprint burst, so they are encouraged to move last minute so they don't position themselves for the huntress. She gets a lot of kills in those ranks due to survivors relying on sprint burst, not her ability.
    WHATISM1 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018

    @Onyx_Blue said:
    It was more a comparison than a fact. πŸ˜‚ I am good with the huntress, which is why I say what I say. Playing as her is a painful experience in the game at this point in time. With a game that is punishing on killers for timing, having a killer who is slower on movement and can't always land those hatchets because of large obstacles, buildings, long loops. It is a cause for change in my eyes. You shouldn't have to resort to leaving a chase because you can't close the gap fast enough between pallets (regardless of distance weaponary, sometimes the hit isn't possible due to the angles of walls etc. Like I said, other killers have far more conveniant abilities yet are not hindered by slower movement. With all the killer buffs that have and will happen, this would be a welcome one

    I actaully have a blast playing huntress and never experienced any difficulties with her whatsoever :^) The slow ms is a pain in the ass but its not that big of a deal once you get used to it and there really are not that many loops you cant hit survivors on so yeah try to get better with hatchets and a quick tip stop respecting pallets on every killer enduring or not you can actually mind game survivors and use it to your advantage if you know how >:^)

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    The only change the Huntress needs is her hatchet hitbox to be consistent. Throwing hatchets the same way at different objects and getting different results is the most ridiculous thing about her. Sometimes, you can throw over objects, or in between gaps, and other times they'll just hit nothing and poof.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    You're giving me tips like i'm complaining about my struggles with her. Majority of games I play with her are the most fun I have as killer. She is my favourite for a reason πŸ˜‰ I'm saying how it would help her character. A lot of killers are being altered and buffed, The Huntress could use one in my eyes. Whether you disagree or agree, it's an open discussion. I'm not looking for advice on how to get better πŸ˜… otherwise the title would be that. The idea is for a possible buff they could do to her, it seems you guys disagree, but are you even considering how exactly they could buff the Huntress?? IF they do, what would you wanna see from a Huntress buff? I clearly would like a speed buff πŸ˜‚ the person above wants consistent hit boxes, which is more of a patch, if it's a recurring issue people experience?
    WHATISM1 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018

    If they buff her movement speed (which would be awesome but also broken) as she would become basically a trapper with throwable traps which is something people wanted including myself but there is no other way to buff her other than improve locker placement on some maps mainly swamp since there are spots where lockers are no where to be found. I dont think she needs a buff but a good quality of life update would be making her lullaby not directional like fredddys song but then again it has 46 meteres terror radious which is huge compared to freddy's what 20 ? Maybe make it directional at 30 meters like normal killer radious ?

    Post edited by WHATISM1 on
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Tbag = tunnel.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Either increase her base movement speed to 4.5 m/s, or increase her vaulting speed significantly. Her problem is with loops, she just can't catch at some or even get LoS. Barn and coal tower are just free escapes for her if you know what you are doing. She can't chase people there or get clean shots because she is slow. Yes she has a projectile but that means squat when you never get a clear shot. Hag and Nurse can both teleport, which makes up for their speed.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    IMO just fix the horrible hit boxes and add a crosshair. People that want crosshairs can easily get one and never be detected. I say just make it official and add them already so everyone can be legit and there's no more controversy over it.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Huntress doesn't need any buffs.

  • WeraRaptor
    WeraRaptor Member Posts: 18

    I wouldn't increase her regular speed, as she can down survivors from a distance really fast, sometimes able to get hits when there are obstacles in between the survivor & herself. Honestly, the increased vaulting speed would be a good idea, just a little bit. She's meant to be a hunter so she needs that stealth; so maybe increased vaulting speed + Meg quiet vaulting abilities, to an extent.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    dude... huntress walks at 110%, while nurse is stuck somewhere at 90% (forgot the exact number, sry)... Huntress is way faster than nurse.
    also, huntress shouldnt have to be at basic killer speed (115%), since she has a ranged weapon. in my eyes, she is pretty balanced at the moment...

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    Yeah locker placement definitely needs an improvement, be funny to see one just plopped somewhere not backed up against anything, be like a door out of Monster Inc. πŸ˜‚ (not serious of course)