This game isn’t fun anymore

i hate this game with a passion now ,I feel like this game is dead I can’t play survivor because the q times are so long and It takes me 30 minutes to get into a match at purple ranks so I try to play killer and I’m rank 13 and I’m getting match maked against rank 6s and 5s I’m legit done with this game it’s not fun gens go by way to fast and matchmaking is horrible honestly about to delete this game, thanks survivors for ruining it and driving away all the killers enjoy your 71717188281819 million year q times
If you arent enjoying it maybe you should take a break , you could always try other games in the mean time. best regards .
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Take a break and try out Destiny 2 it's free to play on console and PC, that's what I've been doing for a while
Trust me it's worth a free download
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I've noticed queue times have been getting longer, is it just me?
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According to steamcharts, January 2020 is 1k over last year for players Month To Date (with a peak of 44k within 30 days).
The game isn't going anywhere. Sorry your training wheel rework got you so upset. I suggest you play Destiny as well, its where the potato garden is after all.
A very small but obnoxiously vocal percentage of players actually care about the ruin rework. The bads will leave and come back. The rest of us?
We'll still be having fun.
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The survivor mains will but not the killers, maybe 3 of the killers
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At this time there are nearly 4,000 matches of DBD being played, which is a rotating number. That's 4,000 killers playing right now while you complain, during the non-peak hours.
That number (of killers) has also increased not only year over year but month over month even after the ruin rework was announced.
I have math proving that the obnoxious vocal minority doesn't matter and the majority of the base doesn't care about the ruin rework. High ranking killers like myself never used ruin anyway, its highly inefficient and depends on RNG.
You have what exactly, to prove that the ruin rework is a bad idea? Feelings? Opinions?
Git gud.
Post edited by Gcarrara on2 -
I got an notification for this post, but I litteraly never saw this, lol
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So you think somome who has just purchased this game and plays killer at rank 20 and gets matched with rank 5s and 6s is gonna have fun? No. They would probably quit killer and and play survivor only adding to the disgusting q times
Post edited by Gcarrara on5 -
Just I dunno...wait for Resident Evil: Resistance, maybe that will be a better 4v1 for your taste.
Otherwise, goodbye.
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Enjoy your epic queues broseph
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This game needs low skilled and "fun" killers not strong in any ways,but killers can enjoy gameplay with low rank survs it is fun.
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So, again; there are more killers now than ever before.
Your entire statement is not based in fact.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
How do you know there are more killers, just because there are a few more players? Queue times disagree with you completely. The ratio of killers to survivors is way off. Your entire statement not based in fact.
Post edited by Gcarrara on2 -
Bye, hope u find a game that is best suited for you.
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Because math is easy. Steamcharts are right there for you to see and it takes little to no effort to figure out how many players are playing and what roles they're playing in.
My queue times are fine on both Surv and Killer, both in red ranks.
I've shown my math and how I deduced the direction of the game.
Prove me wrong now.
Otherwise, thread is done and you lose.
Git gud.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
Is “ git gud “ all you can say ? It’s like you just regurgitate whatever the survivor mains on reddit say
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What magical fantasy of bullshit land do you play in that your survivor queues are acceptable? You're so full of crap I dont even know what to say
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Take your L.
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Yeah this Billdozer guy thinks because there are 1000 more players that 20% of them are playing killer. Clearly not the case.
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- Create a thread in the forum.
- Whine about the game.
- Pretend to quit the game.
- Repeat it.
DbD players and forums in a nutshell.
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This thread is not going anywhere constructive or positive.