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General Discussions

How Do You Feel About The New Tome?

I, personally, am questioning many things about "RECKONING".

One of them is "Why 2 survivors and 2 killers at once?" The last one could afford to only do one survivor and killer at a time. So it must be some pretty short lore for each character.

Another one is "Why the selected characters?" I completely understand why The Doctor is next, since his rework is coming up and all. But Spirit, Jane, and David?! Why? Why them instead of veteran killers or survivors? (veteran= old ones, the ones who have been with the game for a while. The og's, essentially)

Now let's talk about the rift. Will you be buying the premium rift pass, or does it not look worth? Compared to the last one's AMAZING charms, I know why the new ones aren't impressing me. Perhaps it could be because I don't play ANY of the characters (Doctor, Spirit, Jane, or David) but I don't think so. They all seem so lack luster. Though, the camera for Jane is the only thing that catches my attention.


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  • Member Posts: 482

    I felt the same. Like, no one even plays Jane anymore and David's an overrated nobody in my books.

    I get that A LOT of people play Spirit, but she can wait her turn. She's still fairly recent.

  • Member Posts: 699

    At least this tome it has something to give to Ace. Which is a shirt I'm really looking forward to.

    I'm not sure if I'll still main Doctor after the reword, I'm a console pleb so I haven't played the ptb, but assuming he'll still be my killer main, I'm also really excited for his cosmetics.

    Finally, the charms are cool. Especially the Cand-Eye-Cane, that's my personal high light, it looks dope as HECK.

    Overall, way better than last time, and I'm really hyped.

  • Member Posts: 919

    The reason they are doing 2 survivors and 2 killers is because it would take too long otherwise. If they only did one survivor and one killer every 3 months then it would take literal YEARS before we got lore for some characters. Tbh I was a little shocked when they announced the first tome would only be Trapper and Claudette, so I’m glad they’re increasing the amount of lore per tome.

    Also I don’t mind the characters they chose being random. I think it makes it more exciting and less predictable if you don’t know who’s gonna be next.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Basically it forces people to buy the dlc or grind to hell. They love money :)

    I'll be okay if they make these characters more accessible for players without spending money

  • Member Posts: 78

    Making DLC characters part of Tome challenges is kinda of a dogdy move in my opinion. Unless they give all people access to these for the rift's duration.

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    If people don’t have those characters by now they either don’t play enough or have not got them yet you can get them with shards and they have been out for a long time

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I won't be dropping cash on this, no. The last Rift, I did, and it turned out to be far more tedious than I expected. Second, I don't agree with what the devs are doing to the game. Going to vote with my wallet, or lack thereof.

    Which is a shame, some of the skins look pretty nice. But I'll pass this time.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    On PC, just about everyone is DLC but since they can all be unlocked with shards, and you don't need to complete the DLC-related missions to reach the end of the tome I think it is fair.

  • Member Posts: 909

    I think Jane and David are some of the more popular non-original survivors - there's a lot of people very dedicated to the characters, and they're characters that have a lot to explore. They're probably my two favorite survivors, so I'm excited to see what further lore we get for them!

    Doctor makes sense because of the rework, as others have said, and I know Spirit is one of the more popular killers as well. I expect we'll be getting multiple characters for the next few Tomes until we can catch up on all the characters!

    As for if I'll be buying the Rift - I don't mind battle pass models, and the feeling of getting rewards for playing is one of the reasons I enjoyed DBD to begin with. I love grinding games, and getting cosmetic rewards as well as completing all the challenges keeps me going. The last tome release, I played til about 5am before I realized how late it was!

  • Member Posts: 77

    The new cosmetics in the new tome look amazing! The only bad part is that I don't play as those characters (Hag, Clown, Jake, Jane, etc).

  • Member Posts: 30

    Well keep in mind it wasn't JUST Claudette and The Trapper, it was also The Alchemist and a little about The Entity.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    No I won't be getting 'Premium'. The unlockables are subpar and I can't be bothered with the silly challenges.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Even if you don't end up buying it some awesome skins are on there for free. Elephant Clown especially has had a lot of community hype behind it and it's on the free rift track lol.

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    ######### Jane, the one character I don't have. The only perk of hers that I don't have is solidarity so I'm not that inclined to obtain her either

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    Ehh, I would say Kate, Feng, Nancy, and even Yui are more popular then Jane at this point. At least I see them in a lot more of my matches. I'm a Jane main so no hate towards her but she is definitely one of the least played female characters from my experience.

    In fact the only female character I probably see less then Jane is Laurie.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I actually think that the charms in this Rift are a huge step up from the previous ones, but maybe these ones are just more "my style". I'll definitely be buying the pass again, since I still have my cells saved from finishing the last one.

    As for the characters, I'm genuinely half-convinced that they just chucked all the names into a hat and pulled out four at random. Doctor is the only one that makes even remote sense to me, since he's getting reworked at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I don't really care actually tbh.

    The first rift and tome managed to burn me out of a game I used to be addicted to.

    Only a few of the new rewards kinda interesst me but this isn't enough to make me wanna play again.

    Unless they did something that makes you progress faster through the rift tiers.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    The only Charm i really like is the last one, the lantern.

    I only want Wraith cosmetics, and the only one here is the reskin of his candlehead, and it's only the body part.

    I could get the premium pass for free this time, but it looks like i'll be saving the free purchase for next rift at the least.

    As for the Tome, ehh, i don't care which characters those focus on.

    I just like Challenges.

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    edited January 2020

    David is a veteran. I'd say. But still I'm wondering what will happen about the lore. There might probably be more lore to the characters in exchange to the Entity and the Alchemist from tome 1 but I didn't check that while on PTB. But I also expected some more base characters instead of DLC characters. At least they are purchaseable with shards though.

    I don't like charms at all, especially for survivors. They are somehow clumsy attached to the belt :/ But I like several of the new cosmetics and I like that the elephant set (at least the clown, didn't check all sets) are completely unlockable on the free path. Last rift the sets were split between free and purchaseable path.

    When I can finish the rift, I will unlock it at the end (assuming you will get your auric cells back like last time). I will keep my balance always above 1000 to make sure I can unlock the next rift again, unlikely that I pay more money on auric cells. Last time I spent was to remove the stupid strings from Ghostface that wave to the survivor like "hello! over here!" while leaning around the corner so it really needs a reason I spend money on cosmetics. But being able to stall 1000 cells in the game to unlock a bunch of cosmetics every 3 months is kinda worth it.

    At first sight I would disagree, it is still just about cosmetics and no one is forced to anything. But I might actually think different when I see that you need the doctor to finish a level. Still about cosmetics, but also about challenges in general with BP rewards. If you cannot progress to the next level without a specific character, that would be pretty bad then.

    I like that idea. In Quake Champions there is always rotation on unlockable characters being available for a few days to test them. That would be a great feature to add to the tome to feed some curiosity. Btw, does anyone know why exactly splinters got deactivated? :(

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