Survivors shouldn't be able to find keys in chest
Keys are considered the same as moris from killers, right?
Then why can survivors find keys in chests? With plunder instinct, you have even higher chance of getting keys from the chest. This is not fair IMO, it's like getting moris in the match.
It's kinda frustrating to have 2 - 3 escape due to the random key, and you don't even have to bring them in the match, sometimes not even plunder
Killers shouldn't also be able to find Moris during a trial duh.
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Imagine if killers could keep mori offerings under specific circumstances to always have them.
Like how keys can be protected for multiple games with milky glass/weaved ring.
Mori add-ons pls :)
Or just nerf both to hell and back either way works for me.
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If you are running BBQ, and consistently winning games as killer, you will have almost unlimited BP. You can get 96,000 for a single match with a pudding, BBQ, and a perfect game.
More often than not it's closer to like 70-80,000. But still, that's enough to basically be running mori's all the time if you want.
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I think a key is ok for a solo survivor to escape after the killer has closed hatch as the endgame is heavily killer sided now but yeah it sucks when multiple people all get to jump out.
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Agree, was thinking about same often. Why are survivors allowed to find items on map and can keep it after succesful escape and killers not. Keys should be only avaiable throught bloodweb.
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Survivors would cry so hard they would make so when you use a Morri, you also #########.
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I don't think keys should be allowed to be used unless genes are done or just the one person left alive, it's kinda bullcrap that objectives can be skipped when there is more then one survivor alive, that being said, same goes for mori lol but it wouldn't be right to remove 1 and not the other. So we just have to suffer on both sides
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Who need key and mori just remove them then no more complaints
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It's just one of those things the devs won't address.
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True, but mori are fun to watch lol
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I'm in the opposite line of thinking. I think survivors should ONLY be able to find keys in chests, and not on the bloodweb. I also think a mori should be awarded for doing something spectacular as a killer for a match or two. Maybe three 4ks nets you one. Either way, I don't like how you can grind a dozen of them out on the bloodweb, if the rng is in your favor.
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Exactly my words. Keys should be super rare and only in chests. Same as toolboxes. Moris are also too common...but at least a lot of killers dont use them, because there is a downside (you can say goodbye to your pips and bloodpoints) unless like keys which have no downside at all. Free escape, no conditions (except for some luck), extra bonus bloodpoints - I wouldnt even compare keys and Moris but other people do :) I get it because its both badly implemented in a way. But Moris should definitely stay in the game just for those cool kill animations.
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Especially if your name is Monto....
Swear to god the guy is a key magnet!
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For killers not survivors so if keys are remove so mori need too it not fair like we don't like mori and y'all don't like keys.